Archived Reverting Enchanting Costs.

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Oct 10, 2013
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I highly dislike that the enchanting system has been changed back to taking all 30 levels per enchantment. This change is harmful to the average and poorer player who do not yet have full armor, weapons, and tools with the best enchantments. These players will not be able to acquire them on their own as quickly now. It will take them significantly longer to create these items. The only people who will benefit from this change is the rich who already have a wealth of these items. Since the items are harder to get now the cost of them will increase, allowing those who already have them, the rich, to sell them for a much higher price to who those who don't, the average and poorer player. Additionally this change will also increase the amount of players who have their enchanted tools, armor, and weapons repaired, since they're now harder to replace. Thus those who are high enough level to repair enchanted items will stand to make a ton of money, those people are generally the rich. Since it takes an enormous amount of time and resources to reach that level. It's also worth noting that it already takes a lot of enchantment levels per item to actually get the enchants on it you want, its not like you were guaranteed to get good enchants the first time. An already time consuming task has become MUCH harder now.

I assume the purpose of this change was to make enchanted items rarer and more expensive. Which it will definitely do. However when you consider that majority of those items reside in the hands of the rich all this change does is widen the gap between rich and average players. Depending on the cost changes this could prevent poorer players from acquiring good items at all. I don't participate in PVP or faction raids but I assume the impacts of this on poorer factions and even average factions will be immense. The item advantage will only increase the advantage rich players already had from skills. This enchantment change causes huge changes on a ton of different levels, and on every level I can find only benefits to the rich and harm to those who aren't.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
You've obviously not been paying attention for armor and weapon prices lately. Prices are still super low, and will be for awhile longer. We haven't burnt off enough surplus to get players back into the dark rooms grinding mobs for xp to make god armor and god weapons.

It's probably easier for new players to get the regals via voting and mobs to buy the armor/weapons from a market shop, rather than enchanting their own. And since prices are still so low, it's not hurting them.

As the players grind money from mobs, they'll also get xp. If their intention was to always buy the item, then the xp is just a nice side bonus for them.

It's funny you say this change only helps the rich, because it kinda effects everyone equally. Those that are well established on this server don't really see any inherit benefit from this change. After a long time of people's items breaking and more people choosing to buy the items from shops since it's harder to make them, we'll actually see a rise in prices because of an increase in demand, which will benefit everyone because more money will be flowing around and we'll have a healthier economy.
In my opinion, not everybody should be able to have the highest enchanted diamond armor. New players should not be able to easily obtain this stuff. There's a reason there is leather, iron, and gold.
it used to be that way for years on end. while this is probably the worst justification for any system change, I've always liked having that mysterious feel of getting that good enchant, only to get bane of arthropods yet again