Preserved Sheet [retired] Cinna Eledhwen

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Aug 4, 2019
Reaction score
[Retired Character]


Basic Information
Full Name: Cinnaess Eledhwen
Alias: Cinna
Age: 74
Gender: Female
Race: Solvaan
Preferred Weapon: Mace

Skill Information
Strength - 5
  • Tactician Pack.
  • Unyielding Pack.
  • Heavy Pack.
  • Hunter Pack.
  • Comrade Pack.
Constitution - 3
  • Protectorate Pack.
  • Bastion Pack.
  • Block Pack.
Wisdom - 1
  • Deeplore Wisdom Pack.
Dexterity - 1
  • Blunt-Tip Pack.
Magic - 0
  • N/A.
Charisma - 4
  • West Linguist Pack.
  • State Leadership Pack.
  • State Dignitary Pack.
  • Distant Speech Pack.

Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
Weapon Summon
Allows the user to summon any weapon from Melee or Ranged point buy made out of magic. Functions as a normal weapon - same durability but does not use ammunition if applicable. This weapon can be given to someone else but another cannot be summoned. 12HR cooldown if the summoned weapon is destroyed.

Arcane Ranged
Can use Ranged Weapon point buy techniques with a melee weapon in hand. When used in this way the techniques are classified as magical in nature. Cannot be used during the middle of a melee attack or if knocked over. The projectile appears the same as the melee weapon being used, though seems to be made out of mist and leaves a trail of mist behind as it travels to the intended target.

Area Detection
Creates a detection field 10 blocks around the user that can sense the following - hidden-body passengers (possessed individuals, body-merged individuals, parasites, etc.) but cannot tell who it is, hidden traps, secret compartments/pocket dimensions, invisible or cloaked entities that use an ability to stay hidden. Hands and eyes glow while this ability is active. While active the area is filled with knee-high mist. Can be used during progressions/events.

The Altalar are Ageless, meaning they never show aging. When they become adults, Altalar simply appear as if they are young adults forever, unless they choose not to. Any Altalar can choose to change their aged appearance, meaning they can choose to appear however old they want to appear (so long as it is 18+). A 33 year old Altalar might for example choose to appear like a 70 year old Ailor with whitened hair and wrinkles, while a 300 year old Altalar might choose to appear like a 25 year old Ailor with smooth skin and youtful features.

Arcane Mastery
Even the simplest and untrained of Altalar have some innate Magical ability, and control over the Arcane. All Altalar can perform varying degrees of Telekinesis, being able to move objects around with their hands from a distance, while also automating household objects in their performed task such as for example causing a broom to sweep by itself, or a pen to write what is being dictated. This cannot be used in any Combat RP or competitive roleplay (such as stealing items from other Characters), but has no Cooldown and no limits imposed.

Magnificent Hands
The Altalar can, once a month, craft a wood carving, sculpture, woven fabric, or crafted metal out of so-called Elder Opal, depending on the Proficiency that they craft with. Elder Opals, when applied to wood carving causes lines to appear in white-colored wood that glow with shifting colors of the rainbow. When applied to sculptures, the whole sculpture has an opalescent color effect, and when reflecting light, glows with the colors of the rainbow. When applied to fabric, each weave contains a reflective opalescent sheen, giving the completed clothing piece of tapestry a rainbow glow on white fabric. When applied to metal, it creates a steel-strong variant of white opal, with a glowing opalescent effect of swirling color glows. Additionally, the Altalar can re-mould Silver, Gold with their hands like clay without heating it.

Magnificent Tools
The Altalar can summon any type of non-combat tool in their hand, like a hammer, pencil, chisel, etc. This tool will glow and appear in any chosen color, has the properties of a normal tool made of steel, and also produces magical essence sparkles or dust when used. This tool can be given to others and used by others, but only one tool can be summoned, and it cannot leave Emote Distance from the Altalar who created it.

Elder Voice
The Altalar can invade the minds of others with telepathic communication that is a one-way form of vocalization of their thoughts. An Altalar can project a command or exclaimed statement into the mind of another person within Emote Distance, though the Target cannot talk back. While using the Elder Voice, the Altalar's eyes glow, and they must look at the Target they are speaking to in their mind. This form of communication is experienced as unpleasant, and causes headaches in the Target, but not so far that it inhibits their other actions. Elder Voice cannot be used in a chase, in Combat Roleplay, or while the Altalar is physically or Magically bound or constrained in any way.
  • Archon Eyes: All Archon always have purple eyes, though the shades may vary from violet to tyrian purple that they cannot hide. Eyes may also optionally have a black or gray sclera, and produce a ghostly purple trail as they move, but these are optional.
  • Archon Mount: All Archon by default have a Wyvern as a Mount in Progressions. These cannot be used in Regalia, and are not affected by Husbandry Packs. Additionally, all Archon may also use Draconic aesthetics for their ability styled after their dedicated Greater Dragon, like purple lighting for Regulus, or purple fire for Caius.
  • Archon Speech: All Archon gain Dragonspeech, the language of Dragons, that they can use in Roleplay, as well as understand Dragonspeech when sung into the wind by Dragons, and read Dragonscript when found on Dragon Temples. Archon are less likely to be shut out by Dragon Temples in Progressions, but are not guaranteed special interactions.
  • Archon Design: All Archon, when wearing Armor (or having Summoned Armor) can overlay ghostly colored aesthetics associated with their Patron. These aesthetics are fairly free-form, but if you need inspiration, make a Roleplay Community Discord Ticket to ask. This also applies to weapons, and any Spell Point Buy so long as the Spells are Primal.
  • Archon Wings: All Archon, when not actively in combat, can summon a set of Draconic Wings (Elytra) and use said Wings to travel across Regalia (including the use of rockets). This gives players permission to travel across Regalia using an Elytra in Roleplay. Engaging in Combat instantly disables Dragonflight, and attack emotes or Abilities cannot be used before landing.
  • Archon Afflicted: All Archon, unless rules stated otherwise, are immune to Afflictions, though Afflicted (or those who have Void/Exist powers) also cannot be made Archon. The only exception rests in Silven, who become cleansed of their Silven status when turning Archon. Archon can under no circumstance learn or use Ordial/Void/Exist Powers or Abilities.
  • Bronze Bulwark Drakkaris: Bronze Bulwarks are able to apply a Draconic Transformation to themselves called Drakkar Form. This transforms the user into a bipedal non-winged dragon-being styled after their dedicated Dragon. This transformation includes full skin change to dragon scales, dragon horns, a dragon tail, and dragon claws. Weapons can still be wielded, and armor can still be worn. While this Transformation is active, the user gains +1 Constitution +1 Charisma that can break cap, but cannot grant new Point Buy. This Transformation can also be upheld indefinitely, if desired.
  • Bronze Bulwark Urlanis: Bronze Bulwarks are able to apply a temporary Urlan Transformation to themselves called Urlan Formosis. While Urlan Formosis is applied, the Bronze Bulwark's Racial Abilities and Specials are removed, and replaced by Urlan Racial Abilities and Specials, except the Special Physical Prowess and Wild Training. This Transformation can also be upheld indefinitely, if desired.
  • Bronze Bulwark Earthsong: Bronze Bulwarks are able to shape metal with their hands and control rare earth metals as if they are liquids. While this does not allow fine control like a goldsmith would to create intricate detail, they are able to fix issues with their weapons, or reshape them to be sharper, pointier, or bigger. Additionally, if they are already wearing Armor, they can choose to cause it to melt off of them and pool into a flask (this cannot be used inversely as an Armor Summon).
Tactician Pack
  • Leader's Rally - Able to give up to 2 allies within emote range 2 HP counter. Once the extra HP is used the ability goes on a 2-hour cooldown. Someone may only be affected by the extra HP from this ability once per hour. Cannot be used in staff moderated raids.

Unyielding Pack

  • Steady Body - Resists or avoids a single root or displacement ability, countering it. Become immune to displacements and roots for 5 minutes. This has no effect on abilities from artifacts. Can only be used once per server restart.

Heavy Pack

  • Knockback Sweep - The user makes a swing at anyone in melee range to their sides or in front of them, causing them to be knocked back by 5 blocks. If there is a wall behind a target, or they are rooted, this is a guaranteed hit. This counts as displacement for immunities and counters. 30 minute cooldown.
Hunter Pack
  • Concussive Strike - The user attacks the target, confusing them for 15 minutes. While ocnfused, the target cannot use any Powers on the user. If the target is connected to a Link Power, this Technique counts as a guaranteed hit, and ends any links they are using/effected by. Has a 1-hour cooldown.
Comrade Pack
  • Ally Throw - The user can toss an ally within melee range to any location within 10 blocks, even to a higher ledge. They do not take damage, but are knocked over upon landing. 1 Hour cooldown/

Protectorate Pack
  • Interception - As a reaction to an attack or technique, you may dive in and protect someone within 5 blocks. You immediately move in front of the target, and then become the target of whatever attack or technique was being used. Cannot nullify or avoid the attack or technique. 1 hour cooldown.

Bastion Pack

  • Shield Wall- The user points their shield in a direction and gains immunity to all attacks and abilities from this direction and may make basic melee attacks while this is active. They may have one person behind them that can also benefit from this effect, and they may use ranged abilities and techniques from behind this cover. The user can move at a walking pace and may redirect their shield to follow the movements of others, though is unable to reactively turn to block an attack from behind or to movement abilities. Effects that would destroy mundane cover interrupt this ability. Can only be activated as a reaction to a basic ranged shot. 2-hour cooldown once it goes inactive.
Block Pack
  • Shield Block - Can block 1 melee attack per hour as long as they are carrying an intact shield.

Deeplore Wisdom Pack
  • With Deeplore Wisdom, a Character can identify both in-game and in Progressions what Era something belongs to, and likely what (Mundane) use it had for those people.
  • With Deeplore Wisdom, if the Character encounters an in-game Knowledge Event where an Entity offers a number of Deep-lore questions, the user can double their questions.
  • With Deeplore Wisdom, a Character can exposit deep-lore information in Progressions they may not be privy to OOC or on the server, when they encounter something important.

Blunt-Tip Pack
  • Knocking Shot - Cannot be used in range under 5 blocks. Causes the opponent to stagger any ongoing attack and knocks them back 10 blocks. The attack doesn't deal damage. 20-minute cooldown.

State Leadership Pack
  • The State Leadership Pack allows a Character to partake in Progressions as a General or Admiral or Commander, without it, any position where the Character is made to lead will lead to slapstick failure.
  • The State Leadership Pack allows the user to request "Patriotic Reprieve" from the Regalian State Metropolitan if the (Low) Crime was committed for the honor, dignity, and patriotism to the Regalian State.
  • The State Leadership Pack allows the user to write their participation in historical wars as one of the Leaders who participated in the major battles and gained experience.
State Dignitary Pack

  • The State Dignitary Pack allows a Character to partake in Progressions as a Diplomat. This includes negotiations, compromises, proposals, any kind of diplomatic actions on a foreign state.
  • The State Dignitary Pack allows the user to be a State Judiciary if elected by the Judicial Minister, as without it, they don't have the diploma to act as a Regalian Justicar.
  • The State Dignitary Pack allows the user to claim having a job in the State Bureaucracy, Judiciary, or Diplomatic Corps, as well as having diplomas in these disciplines.

Distant Speech Pack

  • A Character can only ever have one Speech Pack. Choosing Distant Speech Pack prevents the Character from having any of the other Speech Packs. The Distant Speech Pack gives the Character the anthropological know-how to reverse engineer and translate distant languages not seen in the known world. Good examples of this are languages spoken by NPC people's and Races not seen on the main map, such as Sunnan tribals, but also languages spoken by near-sentient Races like Ogres and Thylans. These languages are rarely encountered in Regalia, and cannot be spoken in a conversational way, but may be encountered frequently in Progressions or Server Events.
The purpose of this section is to record specially obtained items that must be acquired through roleplay.

- Nightsilver Full-Plate (forged by Marianne Deredda)
- Nightsilver Scale-Mail (forged by Marianne Deredda)
- Dragathil [Longsword] - The Patara blade would be sharp and nigh unbreakable, in the sword was a golden scene from Estel's Pantheon, Altalar style. The face of Estel was also on either side of the handguard, grinning at whoever looked at her. The handguard was in steel covered in a thin line of Silver. The handguard was expensive wolf leather with a mahogany hilt. And, the pommel had the blacksteel face of a stag that oddly enough seemed to be growling, an odd last sight for poor souls.
- Sword-Breaker Dagger - The heavy Laqoria, hefty and durable would be reinforced with blacksteel designs along the blade, many slots open for sword breaking of any kind. The hilt had the angry face of Ulley on it, Enki certainly knew his gods from meeting Vhaal in the Temple, much to the poor elf's dismay. Wolf leather also wrapped the mahogany hilt, another growling deer on it. Enki was not good with animals.

Stolen/Gifted Items
  • d'Ithanie
  • Lëtz
  • Altalar
  • Allorn
  • Suvial
  • Sulvaley
  • Sinnayed
  • Saan
  • Katharic
  • Ibeth
  • Vasar


Visual Information
Eye Color: Purple.
Hair Color: Light brown.
Hair Style: Usually tied back in some fashion.
Skin Color: Pale.
Clothing: Varies from day to day, though usually goes for more comfortable and airy outfits.
Height: 6'0.

Personality and Abilities
Alignment: Chaotic Good.
Personality Type: Protagonist (ENFJ-A)
Religion: Dregodar.



Life Story

Born to a Pelt-Knight of the Viridian Order, and a once travelling scholar that had now settled to raise her family. Cinna was brought up in the lands of Osteirmark and immersed in the Leutz-Vixe culture, her Nelfin roots being largely ignored despite both parents being Solvaan.

The young Solvaan was raised in a rather strict and activity filled environment -- combat training from her father, and various studies with her mother -- resulting in most of her time being spent at home. Because of this she became a rather self-centered and anti-social child that naturally did not make many, if any, true friends at this stage of her life.

Teenage Years/Early Adulthood
Much of Cinna's years as a teenager were also dedicated to the intense training placed upon her by her parents, each year growing more difficult than the last as they trained her to become the very best that she could be in hopes that she would follow in her father's footsteps. By the time she was nearing adulthood it became clear that this training had paid off, her academic and combat skills both far exceeding what was normal for someone of her age -- this however came with the major downside the Solvaan having a bit of a superiority complex.

After some further years of training, and by her father's recommendation, Cinna eventually becomes a member of the Viridian Knights Like her father, she aimed to specialize as a Pelt-Knight, though started out as a Sergeant like anyone else would. And so, for many years she continued this life as a knight -- dealing with those who spoke out against or were disloyal to the Empire, amongst other duties, though mostly focusing on protecting the Nobility and Aristocracy as she was trained to do in her youth. While on the job she was often stoic and untalkative, merely acting as a presence to dissuade any would-be attackers from interfering with her ward.

Her many years in the order ended up changing the Solvaan for the better, breaking her out of her shell and casting aside the self-centered mentality that she had throughout her earlier years. She even managed to make friends with several of the other Viridians. Though a major turning point in Cinna's life would soon occur during the Lo Occupation, where some of the few friends she had made during her time in the order perished. Luckily for her, she was away on a mission to guard a noble at the time and managed to escape this horrible event herself, though this loss shocked her to the core and majorly altered her course in life.

After returning to the capital once more Cinna would end up working alongside several other Viridians, even server as a House Guard to the Noble House Reinard for some time. Eventually she would join the Marshal Cabinet to serve as a General in the Hadar war, and soon after also became nobility -- though as quickly as she rose, she also fell. Whether it was a lackluster performance on the warfront, or some other reason was not clear, though Cinna soon found her nobility stripped away from her, leading to her hasty retreat out of the public eye for some time.

Disgraced and seemingly unfit to serve her Empire, Cinna chose to abandon her knightly duties during this time, though also found a new home and purpose amongst a group of Archon. For a time she travelled with them, hunting down the afflicted and doing what they could to help the common people along the way. All her life she had been protecting those in power, but in her mind, she knew this new mission was more just than anything she had done as a knight. Not long after she also become an Archon, and in the process swore a vow to protect anyone in need.

[02/09/2020] - Added Changelog, removed colors notifying changes in last revision.
[07/09/2020] - Changed sub-race to Solvaan from Teledden and added racial abilities. Minor edits to proficiency points (-3 from Diplomatic case skill, +3 to Linguistic Knowledge).
[12/09/2020] - Changed body shape from Toned to Athletic, added body fat as it was not there for some reason.
[17/09/2020] - Updated for the proficiency rework.
[18/11/2020] - History has again been significantly modified to keep the character lore compliant. In addition to this, Beorl axe and Dagger Proficiencies have been removed in favour of conning rogue skill, explained by her writing skill and knowledge of Statecraft, and occurrences during the less moral years of her lifetime.
[21/12/2020] - Shifted 1 proficiency point from Sword Combat to Heavy Bow Combat as the character has begun to learn to use the bow.
[20/01/2021] - Reworked the format of Proficiencies, removed bow training as a tutor could not be found.
[22/01/2021] - Misc. Updates.
[18/06/2022] Since almost all the systems have changed since I've last played I just went ahead and did a full rework to suit the new point buy system while still trying to remain true to the original point spread of the character.
[31/07/2022] - Removed Engineered Medica Pack and Engineered Automata Pack and replaced them with Brittle Pack and Knocking Pack from the ranged section. Ultimately I decided that any sort of advanced mechanical/scientific knowledge did not suit the character. Also added on the new Archon Dragon Pack abilities as those just became a thing.
[27/08/2022] - Changed General Point Buy to State Leadership Pack due to the system update.
[12/10/2022] - Updated proficiencies to reflect the recent change in the system.
[17/10/2022] - Updated everything to match Archon updates.
[27/11/2022] - Just working on updating history a bit now that some of the lore mentioned in it is outdated. Some proficiencies may also be changed as a result.
[30/11/2022] - I've come to realize that this character was in her prime a long time ago and that I'm simply getting no joy out of playing her any longer. This may change in the future, though for now I'm going to try out some new ideas.
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Here is my review:
  • Your character has no investment in Linguistic Knowledge, so the character cannot know Sulvaley Elven.
  • Your character does not believe in any of the Pagan faiths nor do they have Proficiencies invested in Pagan Ritualism, so they cannot have the Pagan mutation.
  • The life story needs one or two life-altering events that would shape Cinna for the long-term.
Make your edits in a different color and tag me in a reply when you're done. @Souled
Please list what sub-race of Altalar Cinna is. I also don't believe the character should have access to Middle Altalar without Linguistic points. Make these edits in a different color and I'll look them over when they're done. @Souled
@MantaRey I've done a much needed overhaul of this character sheet. A good deal of her backstory has been reworked and expanded upon to provide a much more fleshed out character history which I only hope to further improve moving forwards.
Looking to have the sheet reapproved with vampirism active (will become so as of 4:30EST tomorrow).
Cured of vampirism and major rework to proficiencies. Planning to put the character on hold for the foreseeable future, so prof changes will come about from her travels and studies.
Given I am taking a break from the server she is to be shelved until I decide to pick her up again, yep. Just figured it would be simpler to get the prof changes that I'll want should I return to playing her approved ahead of time, would make the return more fluid rather than needing to wait to properly play her again.
This will be labeled Rejected given the character is shelved. When you choose to come back and actively play her again, I will re-review it immediately. @Souled
@MantaRey Finished with my break. I added a quick synopsis to explain proficiency changes under 'Summarized History.' Its the last bullet point.
After some consideration and conferring with some people I'm going to wait until the full rework is released before making any drastic changes to the character. Proficiencies have been updated for the recent prof changes none the less.
- Shifted 1 point from Societal Knowledge to Diplomatic Case Skill to comply with the new investment requirements.
- Changed the 5 hobby points in Architecture to Literary Arts. Given the character's enjoyment in reading I figured this made more sense. Unsure if such a minor change requires a re-review, @MantaRey
- Have reworked the character backstory to better align with what my image for the character is and to (hopefully) make it compliant with the World System. Her origins remain much the same so as to remain true to what the character should be, though some unspecified details of the later parts of her life have been modified. @MantaRey
This looks fine. Keep in mind that even with this reapproved that it might be reviewed differently for progression-related matters. @Souled
Changes made due to the Altalar rework and some previous oversights on my part.
- Sub-race changed from Teledden to Solvaan as it is a better fit for the character.
- Racial abilities added.
- 3 points shifted from diplomatic case skill to linguistic knowledge as the character should know the Leutz-Vixe dialect.
Just something I noticed and I could be misinterpreting, but from what it looks like:
  • You've used all Core Points. When I got to the Talent section, however, you list that you indeed have 10 Talent points, but 25 Core? points are invested here. Are there any Talent points actually being used, or are you leaving those empty?
Let me know and I'll resume re-review afterward. @Souled
I've used up all of my points, yep. Edited it to make it more clear what I had used my talent points on. @MantaRey
The points all add up. A small note: Under the Talent category, it says '25 invested' when only 15 points are invested in here. To avoid further confusion, I'd just tweak this. But given the points are used accordingly, I'll go ahead and call this reapproved. Just make your tweak when you can! @Souled
@MantaRey Hopefully the last major update for awhile. Tweaked the backstory to make the character compliant with the new Knight lore and swapped a few Proficiencies around to reflect the changes that occurred because of this.
Added the new racial abilities from the Altalar update and reworked proficiencies a little bit due to being removed from the world system. There was previously a heavy reliance on talent proficiencies which I've knocked down a few points each while still keeping them around to respect the fact the character is meant to have those skills.
Decided that mechanical knowledge did not suit the character so moved proficiency points around a bit

Edit: Also swapped some things around to allow for the new Archon abilities.
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