Archived Restricting Inexperienced Vampires

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I'm not narcissistic. I'm just better than you.
Oct 20, 2013
Reaction score
a crappy hole in the ground, Pennsylvania.
You know them. You hate them. That "I are gud vampr. I only eat animals!" We all know that person, with a hoodie skin with headphones. They are annoying, and can trick new players into thinking that vampires are all evil.

We have heard them. That new player in general chat who says " Someone turn me, please! Meat at spawn!" Sadly, people like this are all to common. That new players who want to live out their Vampire Diaries, or worse, Twilight, fantasies on our poor Massivecraft.

My idea is this. Simply put, you are immune to vampirism for a few weeks. Then, and only then, can you be infected. I find that after a few weeks, players get a general feel for Massivecraft's lore. Not a great feel, but a slight one.

The invincibility period would be only about two weeks. Within the first few days, many players who want to get into rp will have ditched their hoodies and headphones and donned their tights and elf ears (-Speaks very quickly- Note: Not all races have pointy ears or spandex. This is merely a joke. Should your non-elf character suddenly grow elf ears and wear skin tight suits, please consult you doctor, and stay away from public places, as these symptoms can lead to coma or death, especially in orcs, because no one likes an orc in tights).

This is merely a way to cut down a bit on the good vampire characters. Possibly, a note could pop up when you are infected, every ten or so minutes, before you fully transform, saying "Rember: There are no good vampires! Good vampires are rp illegal."

Thus will most likely not cut down on many players, and instead, might give some new players something to wait for, if it is something they really want.

Just a suggestion.
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I oppose this idea as somebody who was once a terrible vampire roleplayer. If they aren't going to learn about vampirism, they aren't. If they are, they are. A two week restriction will feel oppressive and it'll take away a hook our server has.

Instead we should continue as before, trying to educate and assist. People who cause problems will either learn from their mistakes or adamantly hold by them.
Your idea sounds good in theory, indy, but you're also walking a wire, because I imagine that it's actually the vampire plugin that gets a lot of people to join the server, and when they get here, they want to check it out straight away and have a go with it. If they find that they don't have access to it, they may not stick around, and leave for good, never really find out what the server is about.
I think there shouldn't be a restriction, but the notification would be nice
I remember dem' olden' days when I never saw dem' lore, never heard of dem' RP, had dem' good ol' hoodie skin, and my altar o' darkness, and my complaints about Vampire civil rights.
It was 8 months after I first joined though, so some people stay a noob for a really long time.
I remember dem' olden' days when I never saw dem' lore, never heard of dem' RP, had dem' good ol' hoodie skin, and my altar o' darkness, and my complaints about Vampire civil rights.
It was 8 months after I first joined though, so some people stay a noob for a really long time.
Yes, but at that time, the lore was very loose, and few people knew of it. It twas more of a suggestion to read the lore, as apposed to practically being a prerequisite. Nowadays, the lore is enforced, and people bat an eye at a good vampire. I remember early Massivecraft. The lore was nearly nonexistent. Only a paragraph or two on each race, as opposed to an entire page upon them. People seem to care far more about the lore these days.
As others have said, the vampire plugin is a hook. While sadly we will never be able to fully get rid of the noobs, it does give a broad distinction between who does and does not know the lore.
The stubborn, lore in compliant new players (Noobs, in harsher words) will always play in their own, little, lore in compliant communities, far away from the rest of us, and will continue to enjoy their superhuman, immortal,sparkling, interbreeding, godly, invincible, vampireness.
I am quite sure the large reason why people join MassiveCraft is due to their Twilight and Vampire Diaries fantasy. To be honest, the vampire plugin was the only reason I wanted to join. I was younger and wanted to live out my Twilight dream(which I soon ditched). I was one of the many that was attracted to the server due to wanting to be a vampire, if we were to add these restrictions a lot of good role-players that could have been would leave the server within a few days or less. Due to the fact they didn't want to wait that long just to infect themselves. To sum it up, I think it would be a bad idea just to restrict when a new player can become a vampire, honestly I wouldn't had stayed if I wasn't able to infect myself. And I am quite glad there weren't any restrictions or I wouldn't had stayed.
HAHA, i remember when i was a newb thinking i could handle being a maiar, and no offense to al you maiars, but **** that shiz
We had a chess competition once back in old Regalia when there was a board. One of my funniest memories of it was when @Beyar, a very good chess player! and dedicated RPer, decided the day before his match to try out the maiar race plugin-wise, even though he RPed as an elf. Serious chess player, in a serious competition, running back and forth to the fountain every few minutes, and having people throw fish at him for food. Was hilarious.
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You know them. You hate them. That "I are gud vampr. I only eat animals!" We all know that person, with a hoodie skin with headphones. They are annoying, and can trick new players into thinking that vampires are all evil.

We have heard them. That new player in general chat who says " Someone turn me, please! Meat at spawn!" Sadly, people like this are all to common. That new players who want to live out their Vampire Diaries, or worse, Twilight, fantasies on our poor Massivecraft.

My idea is this. Simply put, you are immune to vampirism for a few weeks. Then, and only then, can you be infected. I find that after a few weeks, players get a general feel for Massivecraft's lore. Not a great feel, but a slight one.

The invincibility period would be only about two weeks. Within the first few days, many players who want to get into rp will have ditched their hoodies and headphones and donned their tights and elf ears (-Speaks very quickly- Note: Not all races have pointy ears or spandex. This is merely a joke. Should your non-elf character suddenly grow elf ears and wear skin tight suits, please consult you doctor, and stay away from public places, as these symptoms can lead to coma or death, especially in orcs, because no one likes an orc in tights).

This is merely a way to cut down a bit on the good vampire characters. Possibly, a note could pop up when you are infected, every ten or so minutes, before you fully transform, saying "Rember: There are no good vampires! Good vampires are rp illegal."

Thus will most likely not cut down on many players, and instead, might give some new players something to wait for, if it is something they really want.

Just a suggestion.
i HIGHLY disagree, lots of people would leave if they heard about an awesome thing on a server and couldnt utilize it when they wanted to, like on some hexxit servers u cant use hookshoots, i never stay more than 3 minutes longer when i found out about them not working, enough time to give a middle finger to the staff
Well, I was once a Vampire God RPer once too, but I learned. It would be a horrible idea to make a restriction, because it would make GOOD Role-Players that HAVE read the lore very pissed because they want to make a Vampire character just out of curiosity. This also intends with the new Role-Players that want to test it out too.


I think it would be good to have a notification, or maybe a tutorial world for all the lore and how to Roleplay. Why I say this? Well I am sick of seeing this in the tavern.

i HIGHLY disagree, lots of people would leave if they heard about an awesome thing on a server and couldnt utilize it when they wanted to, like on some hexxit servers u cant use hookshoots, i never stay more than 3 minutes longer when i found out about them not working, enough time to give a middle finger to the staff
This wouldn't be like you could never use them. It would only be temporary. A short time frame. Either way, most people stop being a vampire after they die a few times from burning. This would merely be a short while of invincibility. Getting infected from the get go isn't a good idea anyways. You will have difficulty learning the layout of the streets as a vampire, due to limited day time movement. This will also give people time to understand the risks of being a vampire. Guards. The sun. Everyone hating you. Et cetera.
I have to agree with Ryci. The vampire plugin was the hook that got me to stick around on massive initially. Sure, having someone to help guide me through the basics helped-but the plugin gave me a set start. Heck, I even started as a 'good' vampire.

Denying something like this to beginning players only further isolates them from the community. No one wants to feel excluded.
The only way for you to learn is to make mistakes right?
So all them noobs becoming vampires makes them think their whoever those people are from twilight and they make more RP mistakes like god RP so they get corrected and learn more then they would if they just were normal races...
This wouldn't be like you could never use them. It would only be temporary. A short time frame. Either way, most people stop being a vampire after they die a few times from burning. This would merely be a short while of invincibility. Getting infected from the get go isn't a good idea anyways. You will have difficulty learning the layout of the streets as a vampire, due to limited day time movement. This will also give people time to understand the risks of being a vampire. Guards. The sun. Everyone hating you. Et cetera.
i stil dont agree, its pointless and we would lose a lot of the new croud
I have to agree with Ryci. The vampire plugin was the hook that got me to stick around on massive initially. Sure, having someone to help guide me through the basics helped-but the plugin gave me a set start. Heck, I even started as a 'good' vampire.

Denying something like this to beginning players only further isolates them from the community. No one wants to feel excluded.
It's what kept me on Massive, too. I stuck around because the vampire plugin was cool, and that's when I began to get into the roleplay. Too bad I was a terrible roleplayer back then ;~;
I'm not very fond of this idea.
I joined, and one of the first things I did was become a vampire. I had a creeper hoodie skin that I made myself, and roleplay was the least common thing. After LONG inactivity and coming back, the best thing I learned I could do is experience each race, because even if it looks good on paper, you never know until you actually try it.
I am still an undead with a mental instability (Silver eyes) as he wears a pale mask that can appear as a skull.
It's easy to assume I am a new sh!tty roleplayer, so I see lots of pre judgements and people just ignoring me, giving not a chance to spurt a single sentence. I'm not a bad roleplayer either though.
It's not quite the hoodies we need to get rid of, they can learn on their own with our help, it's our prejudice, and lack of desire to help such new/new appearing players.
(Yes people help them, but not as much as I like.)
@Toxiclord I usually try to help, but they always think I am criticizing them, and ignore me. I often merely try to help. Sadly, with text, it is hard to have a polite tone to your voice. Also, am I the only person who didn't join to become a vampire?! I merely joined because of the other game mechanics and for roleplay. I actually was worried about the vampire thing. Most of these comments are about people who join to become vampires. However, I find that not every player does this. I will often just ignore vampires in roleplay, anyways. Unless they have a medieval, non-assasian's creed hoodie skin, and they seem to have been on for quite a while, I just kind of let them live out their little world.
This might be a good idea if it wouldn't make so many people leave the server after finding out they can't be a vampire for 2 weeks. I can say for sure that when I first joined, I was intent on becoming a vampire, because that's why I joined the server in the first place, and if there was that restriction back then, I can guarantee I would have left and looked for another server with the vampire plugin. I can see where you're going with this though. I also find it annoying to see emo vampires roasting themselves outside spawn, but some of those vampires will learn not to. As you can see on this thread, a lot of talented roleplayers started out as a "good vampire".
The plan is for MassiveTraits to replace both Races and the Vampire plugin. This will greatly change the in game experience, though development is not far enough along for me to give any concrete examples. The idea is that a person will be able to chose, and change their traits based on a point system.
I oppose this idea as somebody who was once a terrible vampire roleplayer. If they aren't going to learn about vampirism, they aren't. If they are, they are. A two week restriction will feel oppressive and it'll take away a hook our server has.

Instead we should continue as before, trying to educate and assist. People who cause problems will either learn from their mistakes or adamantly hold by them.

My Alison...

She grew up too fast... -tear tear-.
indyfan98, I don't think this should happen, this is a non-whitelist server for a reason, everyone gets to be free, they start as a noob and they learn and get better
If we restrict the inexperienced, how are they ever going learn?
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