Restless Nights


The crowded tavern full of people, a woman in red beckoning her over to a booth.
Walks in the park.
Fuzzy images flashing in her mind.
A stab, a bite, and broken fingers.
Blurs of flowers littering her vision.
A bang, screams, and a bright light blinding her sight.

Amelina woke with a jump, for the third night in a row she had the same dream. The same dream that caused her to sit in front of a window until dawn broke.
Her eyes bloodshot as she watched her reflection in the mirror, she moved to make her way out of her room. She creeped down the hallway to check on her sisters' then moved to her cousin's room to check if he was still there.
She watched him for a moment, watching his scarred cheek puff with each breath he took.
Amelina tore her gaze away as she meandered down to the first floor, making herself a cup of tea.
Amelina grabbed her cup of tea, reached for some book off of her many shelves, and settled into a seat looking out towards the small fountain outside, much like she had done the nights before.
She opened the book to some random page, scanning her eyes over it before moving to look out the window just in time to see a Lampar scurry off into the night.
Letting out a sigh she continued to read the page, something about the stars that she didn't fully understand.
Perhaps minutes or maybe even hours passed before she looked up again, the smallest crease of sunlight peeking over the horizon.
Amelina rose from her spot, leaving her tea and book as she made her way back to her room.
She crossed the room watching as the sun rose more, she reached for the drapes to shut them, hoping the terrors in her dreams would allow her to sleep before her day needed to begin.
