Preserved Sheet Reselda De Gonzo

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Tomato Cat
Jan 6, 2021
Reaction score
The Garden
Character Information
  • Full Name: Reselda Lluïsa de Gonzo
  • Race: Ailor
  • Age: 26
  • Gender: Female
  • Eye Color: Brown
The name listed above is what Reselda would refer to as her government name, or the name she uses for official documents. According to Daendroque naming customs, Reselda's full name would be Reselda Lluïsa la Marinera de Sant Girobalda ara Regalia de Gonzo.
️Core Concept️
  • Reselda is a free-spirited acrobat-turned-healer whose history has dampened the sparkle in her eyes but who nevertheless offers aid to those in need. Though she largely distrusts authority figures, seeing them as encumbered by social custom, Reselda holds onto her personal moral code with white knuckles.
  • Personality Type: ESFP-A
  • Virtues:
    • Brave
    • Generous
    • Truthful
    • Witty
    • Friendly
    • Benevolent
    • Industrious
  • Vices:
    • Addictive
    • Quarrelsome
    • Depraved
    • Envious
    • Rash
    • Extravagant
    • Boastful
Based on Aristotle's 12 virtues.
  • Religion:
    • Emended Unionist of the Vultragon persuasion.
      • Believes that the gods can be fallible.
      • Favors unstructured and semi-hierarchical worship.
      • Sceptical of Celates and other religious authorities.
    • Tenets from Emended Unionism she particularly identifies with:
      • Careful
      • Descendancy
      • Diligence
      • Merciful
      • Charity
      • Honesty
      • Literalism
    • Deities from Emended Unionism she worships:
      • The Everwatcher
      • Eotranna, the Mother
      • Elia and Leona, the Lovers
  • Politics:
    • Distrusts the rich and powerful and thinks the government should do more to help the poor.
    • Thinks foreign policy should be a mix of aggressive military action and artful diplomacy.
    • Strongly opposes state intervention in people's personal lives and values her liberty above all else.
    • Socially progressive, questions the more conservative aspects of Daendroque culture.
Based on the 8 Values Political Test from IDRlabs.
  • Hobbies:
    • Reading
    • Guitar
    • Dancing
    • Fashion
    • Beauty
    • Cooking
  • Likes:
    • The color green
    • Loud music
    • The smell of wine
    • Leather shoes
    • Black kaffee
  • Dislikes:
    • All-black outfits
    • Love songs
    • Cheap perfume
    • Dusty books
    • Overly sweet things

Proficiency Information
  • Common (Free)
  • Girobaldan (Free)
  • Empire Linguist Pack (Linguistics)
  • Fordic
  • Thalic
  • Calem
  • Etos
  • Skodje
  • d'Ithanie
  • Lëtz
  • Dressalo
  • Daendroquin
  • Kriv
  • High-Anglian
  • Breizh
  • Altalar
Bold indicates fluency.

Appearance Information
  • Reselda does not have any mutations.
  • Reselda is a 5' 6'' woman with medium skin, an incisive gaze, and a mane of curly brown hair. She has a large scar on her leg from injuries sustained in her bandit days.


Life Story
  • Childhood: Reselda de Gonzo began life as Reselda Playero in Girobalda. Born to a struggling household, Reselda assisted her siblings in committing petty theft, wielding a slingshot fit for her tiny hands and an even smaller dagger.
  • Adolescence: After butting heads with her parents, Reselda ran away from her home by the sea, joining a traveling circus. She spent several years performing as an acrobat, reveling in the glittery costume-filled world of the circus and picking up new languages during her travels. As is common for gymnasts, she retired at the ripe old age of 20, and returned home to pursue a less physically demanding career. She trained under a doctor for several years, learning mundane alchemy and medicine.
  • Early adulthood: Reselda then united with members of her family in Regalia, aiding them in their criminal operations while working full-time at one of the city's clinics. After a series of deaths in the family, Reselda went back to the healer in Girobalda, who passed on their knowledge of the arcane, teaching her how to cure afflictions and perform exorcisms.
  • Why she came to Regalia: Reselda returned to Regalia because she thought there was more work she could do to help the underprivileged in the city.
  • Mariona Playero: "I loved you the most. Goodbye."
  • Eloi Playero: "You were an enigma, but I will dearly miss you."
  • Lieven Thorner: "You're a funny guy, you know that?"
  • Ana Cervantez: "A true friend and ally. Makes great Kaffee, too."
  • Divy Rousseau: "My Madeline. Let's grab a drink some time."
  • Reynard Benac: "Always the man to go to."
  • Heinrich Benac: "You adorable feathery thing."
  • Rico Clemente: "My favorite blond. Hope my sister didn't break your heart."
  • Lucian Clemente: "Impish tree rat... How about another dance?"
  • Marco Bottinatrici: "Visca la resistència!"
  • Miro Straniero: "Real smart cookie."
  • Taeron Kassambara: "We may never be friends, but I'm grateful for what you did for Maevia."
  • Erwin Braunschweiger: "I've done some bad things in my life, but I've never killed."
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-Your life story is a smidge short, lengthen it by a bit and it should be good. Maybe some points about their time in the school of Battlemed or time in the circus? Overall it seems like a good start tho!
Ping me when you're all set and make your changes in green! @Berternie
@Ded Jok Hi! I think I need another review. I made some substantial edits to Zelda's skills and life story and I also changed some aesthetic and personality-related things after approval. Instead of her going to Battlemed school, I had her train under a local healer who taught her sorcery. I also changed her lineage. All edits are in green. Thank you!
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@Ded Jok Hi again. I think I need a re-review. I moved around some points and added new abilities to adapt to the new Sorcery system. I also added some minor details to my life story to tie everything together. All edits are in green. Let me know what you think. Thanks!
@Ded Jok Hi! I think I need a re-review. I moved around some points to adjust to the new Proficiency system. I also added new abilities and edited Reselda's backstory to account for changes in schooling and IC developments. Let me know what you think! Thanks again.
Hi @Ded Jok ! I need a re-review (again). I aged my character down, added an inventory section, moved around some Proficiency points and added Horticulture Art. I also changed some visual information and altered her personality and life story. Let me know what you think. Thanks!
@DedJok Hi! I updated the sheet based on IC developments and OOC changes to abilities.
  • Changed the name of the thread (Zelda isn't really a nickname that's used often enough)
  • Changed proficiency points due to Medical Science/Training update
  • Got rid of Horticulture Art
  • Edited Physical Stat to reflect proficiency points
  • Updated Racial Abilities to reflect recent changes
  • Altered Character Alignment due to IC developments
  • Edited Life Story to match the rest of the application
Let me know what you think. Thank you!
@DedJok Hi again! I updated my character app following a couple of IC developments including a name change.
  • Changed her last name from Playero to de Gonzo
  • Updated sexuality, self-explanatory
  • Added a couple of blurbs in the life story to address name change
Thanks! Let me know what you think.
@Antimreoir Hi! Just finished altering the app to fit the new format:
  • Moved around some Proficiency points in response to the Progression Talent update
  • Added Alchemy and Linguistics
  • Changed my Racial and Sorcery abilities
  • Added Languages
  • Simplified my Life Story and added in details to account for new skills
  • Added Progression Information
Let me know what you think whenever you have the time! Thanks in advance.
@Antimreoir Hi! Just finished altering the app to fit the new format:
  • Moved around some Proficiency points in response to the Progression Talent update
  • Added Alchemy and Linguistics
  • Changed my Racial and Sorcery abilities
  • Added Languages
  • Simplified my Life Story and added in details to account for new skills
  • Added Progression Information
Let me know what you think whenever you have the time! Thanks in advance.
YOINK. I'll handle this one in a little bit!
@Magivore Hi! Made a couple of changes (in red) following the Ailor Racial update:
  • Aged my character up to settle some IC inconsistencies
  • Got rid of Sorcery, making my character 100% Mundane
  • Got rid of Linguistics
  • Moved Proficiency points around
  • Deleted and added details to Life Story to account for changes in points
Let me know what you think! <3

Hello! Tweaked my character app a little as I was unsatisfied with my previous changes following the Ailor update. Changes are in green this time:
  • Added Light Ranged Combat
  • Got rid of Dancing Art
  • Added Sorcery back
  • Moved Proficiency points around
  • Tweaked Roguery abilities
  • Deleted and added details to Life Story to account for changes in points
  • Added details about Reselda's animal companion
Let me know what you think!

Hi! I've decided to bring my character back from the dead. Sorry in advance for the many changes (in bright red).
  • Changed Proficiencies to reflect new system
  • Altered Life Story
    • Ditched circus arc
    • Replaced with highway bandit arc
    • Incorporated IRP plot points
    • Added explanation for long hiatus
  • Altered Appearance to reflect events in Life Story
  • Redid Core Concept to reflect overall changes

Made some changes to my character app (in bright red)!
  • Edited Life Story, replacing bandit backstory with original circus theme
  • Edited Core Concept to reflect this
  • Replaced Flexible Weapon Pack with Unarmed Pack
  • Added Backup Pack, Knocking Pack, Brittle Pack, and Parkour Pack
  • Removed Disguise Pack
  • Removed Magic altogether
  • Edited Life Story to reflect changes in Proficiencies
Let me know what you think!
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