Preserved Sheet Renée De Cardois

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Mar 7, 2017
Reaction score

  • Full Name: Renée de Cardois

  • Age: 26. 29th October 281

  • Gender: female.

  • Race: Ithanian Ailor

  • Sexuality: Bisexual

Skill Information.

  • Skill Information.

  • 26 from age
    • Combat.
      • +16 Blades Combat training (Invested)
    • Knowledge.
      • +10 bodycare (Cultural Prof)
    • Body Shape:
      • Physical Stat: 16 invested

      • Body Shape: athletic

      • Body Fat: low
    • Languages: Common,

Visual Information.

  • Eye Color: Blue eyes.

  • Hair Color: Black

  • Hair Style: long with a slight part in front of face with hair constantly falling in front of face. She has two strands of her hair going down the front of her body.

  • Skin Color: Tanned.

  • Clothing: A purple dress with bracelets around her arm

  • Height: 5,9

  • Body Build: Athletic

  • Weapon of Choice: A broad sword which she keeps on her back.

Personality and Abilities

How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?

She would try to face it head on, as she is a house guard and wishes to impress her commander with acts of bravery. When she is faced with fear she usually gets anxious but tries her best to push through and continue fighting. She finds it hard to stop and will most likely need someone to calm her down or order her to stop fighting.

How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?

She will use breathing techniques in an attempt to relieve the stress and if this fails, she will 'shut down' and seclude herself from the stress. She finds herself getting stressed very easily when around other races as she doesn't trust them. When she feels she's had enough, she will leave and try to calm herself down.

How would your character express feeling Happy?

When she is happy she is more relaxed and less uptight around people. She is more sarcastic and more joking when she is content with her life and she looks visibly relaxed.

How does your character view Law and Authorities?

She respects them as she is a guard herself. She salutes and greets every guard that passes her and she will always treat them as equals and they will be on her good side immediately- unless the guard is rude to her, though she will show them respect regardless.

How does your character feel about Races other than their own?

She doesn't trust other races as much as Ailors as she believes they are lesser than them. She gets extremely angry when the lesser races insult her Ailor bloodline, especially if they disrespect the house that she protects with her life.

How does your character feel about Religion for themselves and other faiths?

She is a believer of the spirit as her parents are as well. She doesn't care for other faiths as they aren't her faith. She will tolerate them at the most, though she tries to respect others viewpoints.

How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?

She doesn't really like magic as she sees it as cheating in fighting, but she will tolerate it if it's used to aid the city. If she sees magic in use she'd disapprove but other than that she'll leave it be.

How does your character feel towards their family?

She loves her family very much. She went into the de Letoirneau guard as a way to protect her family from threats. She will pound you into the ground if you insult her family as she grew up being taught that her that family matters above all.

What is your character's biggest insecurity?

She is most insecure of her intelligence towards decision making, as she has no idea whether or not she is making the right decision in the moment. She tries her best to make the right choice but in the back of her mind she always has the creeping feeling that she made the wrong choice.

What is your character the most proud of about themselves?

She is most proud of her combat skills as she has trained quite hard her whole life to become a skilled fighter. Lately she has tried extra hard to join the de Letoirneau Legionnaires and she is extremely proud of reaching her goal and joining the de Letoirneau's house guard.

What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?

She is motivated by her fellow men and women to better herself to protect them to the best of her ability. Her family also sends her letters of encouragement telling her how proud they are of her.

What is your character's biggest fear?

She is afraid of disappointing her family and commander with the decisions she makes. She is also afraid of being turned into a vampire as she believes it is a fate worse than death. She will try to kill any vampire she sees due to this fear.

Life Story.

  • Childhood

  • She was born in the De cardois household with her parents Rin De Cerdois and Louis De Cardios. It was a small household as it was a small family. When she was about five her parents got her a sword as a birthday present as she wanted to be like the guard that patrolled out of her house. When she was seven her parents took her to self defence to protect her from the other races as they were worried they will hurt her. She picked up the broadsword. When she was about ten as she was somewhat interested in it more than other weapons. She trained with the sword everyday until she became thirteen. She lived in the city most of her childhood and teenager years taining away for her dream to be in the guard protecting everyone she loves. She born in Ithania and wants to protect her home from everything that will harm it.

  • Teenager

  • When she was thirteen she joined a school to learn more of the art of the sword. Her teacher taught her the most about self defence and the ways of the sword.

  • When she wasn't training she watched the guards patrol and asked to join but she was rejected as she was fifteen at the time and was very scrawny as a teenager. They didn't want someone as small as her to join the guard incase she gets hurt. She decided to prove them wrong.

  • She chased a man when she was seventeen as the guards were chasing the man. She got caught by the man and was held hostage to the man for a week until the guards caught the man and rescued her. Which she was berated after she was returned to her family..

  • her family told her it was very stupid to try to catch the man as she could of been killed or worst. This caused her to self doubt her abilities to make rash decisions. She still wanted to be a guard as she kept training through her teenager years into her adult years.

Adult to present:

  • She trained for the longest time till her 20th birthday and after her 20 year birthay.. She did odd jobs which involved fighting to increase her capabilities as she doubted her fighting skills at the time. She occasionally watched the guards as a adult as well but didn't have enough time to with her training to be a guard someday. She looked at the front of the willow and saw a job involving in becoming a guard for the De Letoirneau. She sent letter after letter to join the guard. she was rejected every time she sent a application. she kept at it as she was very stubborn. She got extremely frustrated. Until she send a letter to one of the family. Who finally gave her a chance to prove herself. She then proceeded into the golden willow to drink to celebrate.
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Hello! Here's my review, I'll be breaking this down into sections to make it easier for you:
  • Basic and visual information:
    • Please work on the formatting to give people an easier time when reading.
    • Correct "29rd October" to the 29th of October.
    • I will be touching on this more below, but you have proficiency in blades combat when in the life story you state Renee was trained in pole-arms.
  • Personality:
    • All seems well here, however remove the old personality section as that is no longer relevant and has no purpose being on this sheet.
  • Life Story:
    • Please capitalise the names at the beginning of your story.
    • Perhaps mention her families place of origins at the start of the first paragraph, rather than the end.
    • During her teenage years you mention she was trained to use a pole-arm, but have placed points into blades combat. Please amend this by either changing the proficiency points to pole combat or replace any mention of poles with swords.
    • Other than that there are a few minor grammatical errors that aren't too much of a concern, but I do recommend you read through the story again and fix any you may come across.
For now the application is PENDING! Please make all changes in the colour RED.
