Preserved Sheet Renn Lleyrizar |\♢/| The Tides Call For Change ☾

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pfp by me
Feb 22, 2016
Reaction score
previously Atwerheq, currently none


|| Spotify Playlist ||




「Glistening water, the river flows.」


「Like leaves, we are taken by the stream.」



☾ Full Name: Luminarenn Lahari Lleyrizar.
♢ Nicknames: Luminar, Lumi, Renn, RenRen.
Race: Devata Slizzar.
Age: 38 (May 27th).
Sex: None.
Gender: Fluid, He/She/They.
Sexuality: Asexual, panromantic.
Eye Color: Gold with red limbus.
Abberancy: Silvenism (indirect conception).
Body Arken.


「I am no sheep.」


「There are no bounds that can restrain me.」




Luminar has no strong beliefs when it comes to other's religions, though they revere the sea, aswell as the Body Arken.

They are a sorcerer at heart, Luminar grew up admiring those who are magically gifted and all things arcane (including the "magic" of engineering), honing their craft to this day. Being a war veteran/medic, they became decently skilled at combat. Wanting to spread the gift of mutations they were driven to arcanology, believing that engineering and magic can enhance one's body, and that change is necessary.


「 Mind-focused and strong-willed, do not underestimate the force of the sea.」


「The sea serpent sends its regards to those who dare call me weak.」




Strength: 4
Unarmed Pack
Blades Pack
Large Blades Pack
Short Blades Pack

Constitution: 2
Thread Pack
Bruteforce Pack

Wisdom: 2 (Steamtech)
Engineered Biotics Pack
Engineered Machina Pack

Dexterity: 0

Magic: 5 (Void)
Water Magic Pack
Arcane Magic Pack
Space Magic Pack
Blood Magic Pack
Healing Magic Pack

Charisma: 1
Empire Linguist Pack


Ability Information
☾ Abilities:

Lord & Master
Lord Fleshed

Slizzar racials.


Common (Free)
Wai-lan (Shift language)
Altalar (Shift language)
Saan (Parent language)
Sulvaley (Shift language)


「What is hidden beneath the surface is better left unseen.」


「Scars I could hide, yet choose to display, am I really myself underneath the veil?」




Note: If you'd like to find things out IC skip the spoilers in this section (unless you're a reviewer). Here follows a description of their main form:

Dark blue hair with white streaks, golden eyes, silver horns forming a crown (sometimes), blue watery blood which tastes like blueberries.

Physical Description:
Standing at 6'7ft tall, he has lean masculine features and a soft voice. His muscle mass is athletic, and his weight is average. His eyes are golden, and his hair naturally would be black (though the mutations disguise it). He often wears formfitting bottoms with loose tops and boots, in muted colors, or white with some other accent color.


Isldar || Noll

Red scleras, wings (sometimes), feathers around ears to mimic wings (sometimes), a set of extra eyes above their natural ones, an eye on the back of their left hand (mimicking the rest of their eyes), bloody nose and bruises (sometimes) thanks to blood magic.

Description: Standing at 6'2, sometimes 5'5, they have sharp androgynous features, and a soft (sometimes monotone) voice. They are rather lanky, hair white, worn short and messy with the exception of a neck-length braid. Their eyes are naturally gold, with red scleras, and their clothing usually mostly white and formal with pops of color as decoration. Their ears, sometimes, are so enveloped by feathers they look like wings, and they are also able to spread wings from their back. They have four eyes, though keep two of them closed sometimes to give off an "illusion" of brows, when in reality the hair in the area is just lashes.

Cielothar || Luminar

Dark purple-tinted scleras, golden eyes; pale lavender hair, eyebrows, eyelashes, and tongue; golden horns wrapped around their head resembling a crown.

Description: Standing at 5'4ft tall, they have androgynous features paired with an equally androgynous voice. Their muscle mass is average aswell as their weight. Their hair is naturally black, though through mutations it becomes a pale lavender. Their eyes are naturally gold, with dark scleras. In this form they often wear shiny clothing with some type of layering and fancy embroidery trimming, they wear their neck-length hair loose without many hair accessories save from a hat here or there. They wear minimal ear jewelry out and about but reserve extreme ear jewelry and hair accessories for special occasions. Lumi's ears are smaller than most elve's, but certainly longer than a half-elf's, this is mostly due to genes, which also caused their diminished height.

Ailor || Arlo Marshall

White feathers behind his ears.

5'6ft tall, with pale skin and brown hair worn long and swept to the side. Clothes are usually in a shade of dark brown, red, or white, with gold as accents, styled for comfort and warmth. His face is lean and chiseled, with bags under his eyes. The only jewelry worn is a single gold earring, the other being worn by his wife. He often wears long gloves, having a tattoo on the back of his left hand of a magic rune circle in red. Behind each of his round ears lays three white feathers in a row, having the ability to move according to his emotions. There's not much to note, on the surface he just looks like an average kind of guy, with plain clothes and an almost always uninterested expression. Heeled boots are an often worn item, giving him an extra two inches to stand at 5'7ft.


「The calm before the storm, raging thunder meets the sea.」


「Waves crash against the shore, turbulent as my memories.」




Luminar was born in Daen to Fin'ullen parents, albeit due to them supposedly dying in the war they were put up for adoption. At age 5, they were adopted by a loving Cielothar and Sihai couple, along with their twin.

In their early teen years, they saw a magic show displaying feats of sorcery and clever engineering, since then they became fascinated with the subjects. One of the participants of the magic show was an Isldar, that along with their altalar heritage made them turn to books and begin learning both languages, aswell as the crafts displayed.

Come their late teens they would finally begin studying engineering at a proper school, along with sorcery, and recent gender exploration drove them to learn about alchemy to find a solution to their dysphoria. At the age of 18, they woke up in their natural form. Terrified, they locked themselves in their room, for two weeks they tried to figure out how to turn back, mostly through meditation. Thankfully their roommate delivered food at his door, leaving it there so Renn could pick it up after he left. The excuse used was that they were sick, it was convincing enough as to not draw suspicion, though because of it they barely passed their classes. In the coming years, they saw their true identity as a curse, but the reveal of one of their best friends also being a Slizzar challenged that notion.

As an adult, they enlisted to aid in a war as a medic, meeting a few more Slizzar through tending to their wounds, and later sought to become a soldier. It was then that they fully embraced their identity, but it was also when they lost one of their lovers. They went through all stages of grief, burying themselves into their work after they came back from the war, it wouldn't be until recently that they opened their heart to love again. During their workaholic period, they provided many war veterans, some being their comrades, with prosthetics.

☾♢ They set sail to Regalia, looking for customers, and generally friends and more interesting events, and perhaps other engineers to swap ideas with. Recently though, a certain someone has made them question what it means to be a Slizzar, and they've started to grow ashamed yet again, struggling with the notion. One thing led to another, bad influence after bad influence, so much so that they have begun turning back to how they were in their youth.


「The end will come.」

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「 A heart's a heavy burden. 」

This character has since moved out of Regalia, to make new friends elsewhere.

「 Trinkets, bits and bobs, things that spark joy. 」

Steamtech Puzzle Cube | Gifted by Dana.
A puzzle cube, with a button. Upon pressing said button, the puzzle opens, and it can be solved. There are 32 puzzles, of varying difficulty, each more difficult than the previous. You can go back and solve previous puzzles with a different solution.

Steamtech Encoder and Decoder | Gifted by Dana.
Two wheels stuck together, they spin to decode and encode messages.

Crystal Pendant Necklace Conduit | Gifted by Tamsin.
Polished crystal shard (maybe it's glass?) with the words "Full sails, safe waters" engraved into it, with a chain, making it a necklace.

Handkerchief | Made by self - Gifted to Émile.
A white handkerchief with purple embroidery along the edges, with a moon and the letter 'R' embroidered in the corner, both in silver.


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Hi! Just a heads up, the character was learning ic through another engineer how to make environment stuff, so I removed a point from strength training and added another engineering pack! also changed light mend 3 to light mend 2 as it makes more sense for the character, also changed the character height from 6'3ft to 6'7ft, capitalized one letter, and added a comma that was missing @Yurs

edit: I'll be adding silvenism to this character after much consideration, as soon as I figure out how to put that in an app
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Changed character to Silven! changes are in blue, tagged as needing re-review
Howdy! Few small things before I'm able to approve:
  • You currently have 53 points of 50 spent, putting you over the limit. Please go ahead and shuffle points around to accommodate for this.
  • With your character investing more into Engineering, I am less comfortable now approving this application with such a variety of high-level professions. Before, with low investments into each, being a sort of 'jack of all trades master of none' type artisan felt acceptable. Now, your character is an adept Sorcerer, Engineer, Alchemist and Scholar (Arcanology). I would highly recommend removing one of these categories (likely Alchemy since it's the lowest investment) to avoid spreading the character too thin.
If you'd like any help conceptualizing or sorting out the changes listed above, please feel free to reach out to staff either via forum conversations or RP Comm discord! Go ahead and tag me once you've mad the necessary edits and I'll get this approved ASAP -- thank you!
Sorry, my bad! I miscalculated the points
I've removed three points from engineering, removing the golem pack entirely (so they're less of a master of that trade? i wasn't sure if that's what you meant), also removed alchemy- that was a good suggestion, I just altered a line in the core part of the app to reflect the change (it mentioned them learning alchemy, that's the part I altered to fit them no longer having that prof) and also a small change to the backstory (changed "learned alchemy" to "learned about alchemy" so it doesn't sound like they know alchemy)

Lmk if any further changes should be made, ty for your patience! @Yurs
Nope, that's literally perfect! If you want to make any changes down the line feel free to tag me and I'll make sure this gets reviewed and approved, thank you! ^^

Swapped Sword Combat, changing it to Greatsword Combat, and added another sorcery spell (Darkness 3)
App fully updated!
Changed race to Slizzar, made them older, and added a bit to the backstory to reflect those changes
Also updated the profs in line with the new system
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Howdy! Looks good, only one change really needed. Physical stat is no longer a thing, and there's no specific metric for determining that in RP. You can go ahead and remove that from the proficiency section.

Removed physical stat
I also removed 1 Charisma point as I took it for Slizzar shifts without realizing they had the translation mechanic
Put that extra point into magic and purchased the time magic pack
I made some slight changes to this app!
  • Changed religion
  • Edited core concept
  • Edited the last bullet point in life story just a smidge
  • Reshuffled their proficiency points!
  • Added another form to the appearance information spoiler and renamed it "shifts"
So this needs a slight look-over to make sure everything is still okay! @Yurs
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This character has been afflicted with vampirism through ic means! I had to edit, so I lost my tag, basically just added the 4 points vampirism gives you, edited the aberrancy to include vampirism, and added an unrelated new form to the shifts section
Magic: 11 (Void, 4 Vampirism)
Approved albeit on minor caveat that this is put to 7. You cannot exceed 7. The packs from your commutable vampirism points are just there but don't factor in to the actual stat. I will check back in a week to make sure you correct this, but I'm not going to leave you hanging in the moment over minor issue.
Thank you! I swapped fire and earth magic around, just in case the character gets cured and I have to remove vampirism, also made the change you asked for (11 to 7)
I don't think this needs a tag as you'll be checking back, but just thought I'd mention
Small update!
  • Re-shuffled the points
  • Aged down*
  • Adjusted backstory
  • Added quotes and custom bullet points
*the reason I aged him up to begin with was simply because I liked the numbers, which was a poor choice and had no rp impact, so I changed him back to his original age, as it also makes more sense overall