Preserved Sheet Renaire-lyondie Of Brilonde

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capturing hearts with a butterfly net.
Sep 23, 2016
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'.. she is passion embodied - a flower of melodrama in eternal bloom.'
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✧Full Name: Renaire-Lyondie of Brilonde, with no known nicknames.
✧Age: 21 years old.

- born on the 19th of April 285 AC.
- aries.
✧Gender: Female.
✧Race: Breizh Ailor.
✧Sexuality: Bisexual.



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'.. yet you are still made from daring dreams.'
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✧Total Points: 21 proficiency points in total.
+10 Blades Combat. (+10 from the Breizh Culture Boost.)
+12 Threads Arts. (+10 from Proficiency Points.)
+6 Literary Arts (+6 from Proficiency Points)
+3 Bodycare Training (+3 from Proficiency Points)
✧Body Shape:
3 (+6 Literary) x 1.5 (+3 Bodycare) = 4.5
- Average Body Shape.
- Average Body Fat.
- Picaron. (Mothertongue)
- Common. (Free language)




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'.. the colours of winter are what paint her visage.'
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✧Eye Color: A steely, piercing blue.
✧Hair Color: A sable black.
✧Hair Style: Renaire oftentimes wears her hair in an updo secured by various clips and accessories.
✧Skin Color: A fair porcelain pink.
✧Clothing: Renaire makes an effort to innovate upon her own wardrobe consistently, and wears only the newest and finest noble styles.
✧Height: 5'8 feet tall.




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'.. though her sword was sharp, her tongue was sharper.'
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Fear, for Renaire, is crippling. In a situation where it would strike her, the woman is immediately immobilized and magnified in her focus. Tears will flow freely, though nothing but sobs would escape her throat because of a metaphorical boulder which would set at the base. She recognizes her inability and subsequent trauma with processing such terrors, therefore seeking to flee at even the slightest prickle of fear. -- And if she can't? Spirit give mercy.
What to some may be a hair-pulling prospect, Renaire deals with it well-- but not through the most orthodox mechanisms. A light of her cigar can curb the itch to combust, and so she seeks to consume in trying times instead of blowing up. But when such luxuries are not available, the gnawing on her manicured nails has half a chance in succeeding at helping her manage that stress into productivity.
This is, by far, the hardest emotion to encounter for Renaire. As a particularly blasé individual, she would be assumed to not feel any authentic happiness at all-- but that is certainly not the case. And though it comes in different colours, the brightest joys will always be shown in wordless marvel. On a particularly gleeful day, she would express her happiness with nods and embellished vocabulary; her tone of voice serving as a smile.
Renaire had always been taught to respect authority, but not fall under blind compliance. She treads the line carefully, sure to adhere and follow rules, but she simply cannot refuse to question. In most recent times, she has grown bitter towards the guard, though seeks to cure her unstable feelings.
Contrary to popular belief, Renaire sees the value in non-Ailor and the treasures that are often so overlooked by others. That is, barring all things seen as unholy or unnatural such as Kathar and the more sinister of Maraya. Otherwise, she is content with their presence and tries her best to keep her nose from wrinkling at the more... Gaudy-looking species.
Renaire is a woman of the Spirit. She has been raised as one and holds no need to stray from her faith, even keeping most of her childhood preachings in mind. Out of pure spite, however, she feels as magnetized by all the other options and finds it easy to swallow the usual reluctance that comes with accepting someone of said other religion. With a family so previously interlaced with the Synod, rebellion on her end seems to be inevitable.
She is fearful, in the least. Careful to tread away from the arcane and keep to natural wonders had always been her way of getting around to do things. But the longer Renaire has lived, the more she has come to terms with the more harmless and wondrous magicks which live in the world. Aberrations are things she is not necessarily hateful of, but her judgement will most certainly be tart.
That, for Renaire, is a bittersweet thing. She has never felt fully at peace with her kin and has always acted in their annoyance. This comes from good reason, having always received condescending glances or undeserved truths turned Renaire into a woman which keeps her emotions guarded and visage ever-neutral. The mogul, at best, has learned that sentiment is a liability.
Out of all which troubles her, the past is most prevalent. Others commenting or asking of any activity from her past which isn't mundane will cause her to fill with irrational anxiety and defensiveness. She is insecure of the scars which Kintyr had left on her, and the emotional ones Montania did; which serves much explanation for the disconnected and arrogant woman which she hides behind today. In connection, making jabs at her brand will also cause her to bite back with the utmost extremes.
She is most proud of her progress as a woman. At only twenty-one, she has grown to rule over a successful brand and family. -- To much contrast concerning the lanky, vengeful little girl she once was. Renaire is a beacon which crawls with thorny wallflowers, but she cherishes her worth and progress.
Spite, and nothing but. So much of her childhood was filled with proving to people that she indeed was equal to them that the feeling still remains as her prime motivator. If there is nothing to outclass or overcome, she feels strangely lustful for the feeling to begin again.
It is not so much a singular thing, but a concept. Renaire simply cannot fathom the fact that she is irreplaceable, and so, her biggest fear is to be chosen over somebody else. A simple but heartbreaking occurrence in the least, but it delivers the most anguishing of terrors - and jealousy goes hand-in-hand.




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'.. the battle over flesh and blood cannot compare to the battle for the heart.'
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CHILDHOOD 285 A.C. - 297 A.C.
✧The nineteenth evening of April, 285 A.C. had developed clouds on an otherwise starry night. And that sudden gloom, amidst all of the screams of her mother, would be named Renaire-Lyondie of Brilonde.
She would be watched under great scrutiny as the youngest and last child of five, especially considering the fact her agonizing arrival was unwelcome.
✧She was a quiet child; never so much as wailing after her first night in Aloria. - But it was her eyes and doll-like features which encapsulated the attention of others regardless, and so dolls would be what she was fond of most.
✧The girl grew up with stiff ideas of creative expression whilst her siblings were pampered; pushed to train in swordsmanship for a chance at redeeming herself and all of the odd 'Southern' behaviours she displayed.
Renaire, in that aspect, did not disappoint.
✧She was a feeble child, in the simplest terms. Constantly being surrounded by individuals who were much older than her placed her at one end of a double-edged sword. They provided sound support when it was required of them, but were also quick to abandon and shun when mistakes were made.
✧So desperate to fit in with the rest of her kin drove the young girl to push herself immeasurably. Proposing duels at every hint, she grew brash and reckless instead of reserved and studious.
ADOLESCENCE 298 A.C. - 302 A.C.
✧Nothing could compare to the event on the cusp of her thirteenth birthday, however. The adolescent had been caught in rockier streets of Brilonde that night, and her training garb could've fooled anyone in presenting her as a simple peasant. Ambushed by petty street urchins, she had only managed to deter two out of five before she ultimately was rid of her silver and pristine skin. It was grisly, in the least, that a child barely nearing her teens was now scarred and fuming with absolute revenge.
✧Using her blue blood as an advantage, she began collecting hands in search of the one which had inflicted her with much-unwarranted trauma. It was absolute, but she had been taught to deal in nothing but. Every thief which was caught and peasant which slighted her was rid of their limb. How rotten could a previously-precious heart become was frightening, though her tyranny was quickly put to a stop the moment her father had heard of it. The Brilondes, as a collective, had ruled it better for her to be raised in the southern fashion than with violence and impulse.
✧Shortly after the decision, she was set on a boat to Montania to act as a lady-in-waiting for a local county. Her spirits were bitter, though she couldn't help but fall into the wonders of the sunkissed region.
✧Renaire served honestly for quite some time, even if she did purposefully trick and malign on occasion. -- But it didn't last long, not until she met Giulietta Calligaris. A stunning portrait of humble beauty was she, and her studies only reinforced the fact.
✧To chase a tale which Renaire couldn't register as admiration, she immediately became interested in apprenticeship under Giulietta's family as an outfitter. Her distorted ambition and childhood interest made that easy to do, so she steadily pushed aside the troubles which haunted her from Kintyr and began focusing towards finer fashions and her beloved.
✧It's easy to say that whilst she had won the hearts of her mentors, she simply couldn't capture the attention of Giulietta. Such was unsurprising, as barely anyone would welcome a slender little imp into their arms. Renaire refused this abrupt fate and persisted against the odds meanwhile her fancy was fond of another.
✧When it just seemed as though she was this close to succeeding in her quest for adoration, a courier had introduced his presence from Kintyr. He carried nothing but gloom with his message, announcing to the teenager of her mother's passing. The tears she shed were void, though there was awful suffocation inside her chest.
✧Returning to her homeland, she saw through the funeral processions with absolute misery. However, not all of it was wholly for her late mother. Renaire mostly ached with the prospect of losing Giulietta.
✧The nights onward were plagued with wretchedness and grief, skies sagging similarly to the circles she gained from losing slumber. The only comfort for Renaire, at the time, was continually improving her skill as a cordwainer. Her anguish was spun into shoes and belts of immaculate taste.
✧They were her lifeblood; the pieces she created. And to cope with a storm which only seemed to be getting worse, she established a brand for her craftsmanship. Henceforth, 'Gucciano' had been born - a masculine mix of Calligaris' full name as one final gesture in her honour.
✧She was content, for a while - Her business boomed and she swam in the smiles of her family instead of their cold shoulders. And as soon as no further expansion could be brought upon her isles, the girl decided to travel to Regalia to join her brother.
✧That soon proved to be a mistake, for the Holy City had brought her turmoil instead of blossom. But if there was one thing to be gained from her decision-- it was a title.
✧Now the Countess of Brilonde, she is unsure of what path her house will walk, but she swears by all the Herons it will be one of intrigue.
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Claimed for Review.
Everything looks good except an age/year issue:
At the beginning of the application, you stated that Renaire is 21 and was born in 282 AC. Yet later under Life Story, you state 285 AC.
Please correct this and mark your changes in Lavender.