Remus Open Pvp Tournament (january 28th)

Discussion in 'Faction Announcements' started by Slayer1618x, Jan 21, 2024.

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  1. Slayer1618x

    Slayer1618x Magnanimus Staff Member Game2

    May 26, 2013
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    MassiveCraft’s PvP Tournaments makes its return with the Remus Open 2024. This PvP tournament will crown the true Champion of Remus.

    Join us January 28th at 1pm EST for loads of fun and good prizes. Apply here!


    Tournament Rules:

    All Races and Vampires are allowed.

    Debuff potions and arrows are prohibited.

    The use of Holy Water is allowed.

    Knockback swords are prohibited.

    Player item drops are disabled.

    Players must fight on their main account.

    Players must not switch accounts mid-tournament.

    Special potions are prohibited (orc potions, siege potions, etc)

    Special weapons that grant a large advantage over opponents. (Str 3, Permanent Str 2, etc)

    Inventories will be checked pre fight to determine an eligible inventory.


    Tournament Prizes:

    There will be exclusive, unique lore for the top three placements in each tournament. Each of the top three placement players will also be shown at /tp pvp in the Hall of Fame with their own NPC as well as at /tp Remus. Participation prizes will also be given out to each fighter, no matter where they place.


    Tournament Location:

    The Tournament will be held at Remus Arena.


    Tournament Signup:

    For the 1v1 Tournament, please use the Google Form attached to the link below.

    Signup Form Link


    Good luck to all those entering, remember to have fun! See you January 28th at 1 pm EST.

    Have a Massive Day!


    • Winner Winner x 1
    #1 Slayer1618x, Jan 21, 2024
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2024
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