Remorse Fellow Folk... For Our City Guards...


I thought the carpet was naturally red.
Jun 12, 2014
Reaction score

That term is now long forgotten in the crime mangled streets of our once great city...


How can one simply feel safe and secure with non renown enforcers. What happened to the noble heroes in blue and purple? Recruit or not, each one had a duty to rid Aloria of unjust.

He was once a child, simple, born into a noble family of wealth. Now he is the filth of grease that roams the dark streets of our nowsick SMOG OF A CITY. Picking pockets causing havoc! No sense of law in his life. Where had it gone wrong? Guards? Where? No one had shown a sense of responsibility. A sense of Just! No! This is unjust!

Guard... What does the term "Guard" mean? If you do not already know then why make this unjust decision. Regalia had been fine until crime had been raised. Until orcs could roam the streets axes out covered in a princes blood line. Crimson dripping from the black nails of witches who brew they're spells in the deep dark feeling as if it is okay with out enforcers, protectors, heros, GUARDS.

We cannot ignore this fact... Because one day, when the issue is apparent. The heavens of all religions shall turn their back on all races. Have we not learned from the rubble of the destroyed cities in Aloria? Has Laura Redblock not warned us to keep evil away? Scholars make predictions, kings eat FOOD, Princes collect taxes! Guards guard! It is not a law made from the intellectual mind! It is a law crafted by nature! Even the ants of the dust and stone have it down better than our city! We need our Guards back! Sabre in one hand...

And Law book in the other...

Most gratitude-

Benjamin Journey,

Song writer,








I see tons of guards around. I still see the purple and BLUE around the city. I bet if anyone called loudly enough a guard would help them.
…Or you know, don't be a derp and have common courtesy when a damsel get's distressed when vampires are surrounding her, because the guards are obviously gonna be there. Just because she screamed off her face for a guard does NOT mean a guard will hear. So next time that happens, HELP A FELLOW MORTAL OUT.

(In other words, guards are and were NOT Omnipotent in any way, shape, or forum and will not be able to help everyone. However, everyone round each other CAN help each other out. So, cooperate when in danger, dam it.)
This is untrue, the guards were disbanded and replaces with pitiful NPC's.
Can an NPC roleplay by its lonesome?!
NO! This new edition of the server must be stopped! By name, if not me! THEN YOU!
YES! You must do something and put the city back to its original state! Change is not bad! But if operated in wrong, it can be a mess! A mess of Banshees and SMOG, Dragons and witches, Theifs and criminal acts!

It is up to you to change the motivation of the leaders! To change the way things are done!

My rp character got chased by guards the other day for urinating on one of the flowers outside of the tavern.....Trust me, their still around x). The NPC's are just there to further amplify the fact that the city is guarded by the Regalian guard. It would be extremely difficult to have guards constantly on due to the difference in time zones and such. Would you prefer we had no NPC guards to fill certain empty areas? Almost every crime I see happening in Regalia usually has a guard on the case within 5 minutes and if not the crime is brought to their attention almost right afterwards...Where have you been RP'ing lately ?
Melodramatic scenery will reflect poorly on your chances to be brought back to the guards.
This is untrue, the guards were disbanded and replaces with pitiful NPC's.
Can an NPC roleplay by its lonesome?!
NO! This new edition of the server must be stopped! By name, if not me! THEN YOU!
YES! You must do something and put the city back to its original state! Change is not bad! But if operated in wrong, it can be a mess! A mess of Banshees and SMOG, Dragons and witches, Theifs and criminal acts!

It is up to you to change the motivation of the leaders! To change the way things are done!
It is true, NPC guards have been added, however there are still many RP guards that are real players (They usually are not actual characters, their /nick is simply Regalian Guard.) I have seen them multiple times arresting and confronting people. Not me, mind you.
I have seen none and have yet to see this for my own eyes. Therefore I will and shall put this thread on hold until I have further proof and accusation for my own. In the meantime... Inform me.

Post your own events and stories of when you met a guard.

Was it just? Was it noble?
Is the guard corrupt?
Do you want to be a guard?
Your story, your mission!

Why would someone ask me to reread the thread if I invented the thread myself?

People are rating you this way because you are jumping to conclusions and making a scene. This change is not intended to be permanent. There are NPC guards, and there are RP guards who are currently only being played by lore staff for quality control. They are not gone. They are not being removed. Once the system has been reworked, players will be reintroduced as guards (however they will need to go through an application process again to be accepted).

As stated before, this is not permanent... and there are still guards. This afternoon I saw one guard get attacked by a mad woman who had assaulted a noble. Said woman was disarmed and arrested by a Regalian Guard.
I have seen none and have yet to see this for my own eyes. Therefore I will and shall put this thread on hold until I have further proof and accusation for my own. In the meantime... Inform me.

Post your own events and stories of when you met a guard.

Was it just? Was it noble?
Is the guard corrupt?
Do you want to be a guard?
Your story, your mission!

Why would someone ask me to reread the thread if I invented the thread myself?
1. You should get out more, then. I go into Regalia a couple times a day and see guard players more often than not.
2. I will not post my own events and stories, as they are too numerous (and I rarely pay attention much as they are typically arresting bad roleplayers). However I will answer your generalized questions.

I have never seen an 'unjust' action by a guard. Your general conduct seems to suggest that there is this horrid mass problem of evil guards running around, full of corruption, however this is not the case. I have yet to see anybody wrongly arrested, and I have seen a good amount of arrests.

No, I do not want to be a guard, simply because it would not be a practical job for any of my characters.

Finally, the 'please read the subject again' rating has likely been used on you since you seem to not hold other peoples posts to any gravity, however you expect others to do the same. When people provided facts to you, you simply disregarded them as lies, so you seem to be set in your misinformation.
๖ۣۜOf all things, I've been seeing Guards donning chain of purple and blue rushing around and intervening a lot more than before. Of course, I probably have just been in the wrong places, but I'm certainly liking to seeing them, whether there are less of them or more of them. Of all things, I am almost happier that the Guards are seeming to be administrators than normal players. Don't get me wrong, normal roleplayers can have fantastic roleplaying ability, but I could never really notice a Guard because of being only white-orange-yellow names. The blue stands out a lot.
Also, I don't believe in the 'evil Guards'. People OOC and IC I keep noting are calling out 'gurd r corupt' cause they believe human word over second-citizen, or non-citizen at all. I personally love it! It makes it immersive and follows the power and might said by the humans over the other races. This is medieval times; The word racist probably didn't even exist... And Guards attacking players are always for good reason, ex. assault, theft.
Bote! You are twisting my words, my sole purpose of this thread is to show how noble! How great! How destined the guards are and they're numerous good deeds. Please... For the sake of my headache, and others as well... Reread my thread and grasp a further understanding of it.
Dude, I think the only person I'm giving a headache is you, for some strange reason. Anybody questioning that? I was simply answering your questions. You literally asked me:

"Was it just? Was it noble? Is the guard corrupt?"

I didn't understand how these questions held relevance to ANYTHING you or anyone else was discussing, but I humored you and answered them anyways.

Thank you!


This post has been rated "please read the subject again."

I have obliged to this fair request, and here are my thoughts as follows:

-He edited his post after I viewed it, resulting in his checklist akin to the one I provided him. As I re-read this, I will provide responses to his new list.

1. I understand your post was about bringing the guards back, however in your post you asked me many questions about if my experience with the guards, such as "is it just" and "is the guard corrupt."
I assumed you were attempting to digress into a subtopic in which you claimed the current lore staff guards (pending the reformation of the actual regalian guard) did not perform their job correctly? Though I could have been wrong.

2. That is very kind of you. As this is a public forum, I felt an inclination to voice my opinion.

3. The thought never crossed my mind that you were a noob. To the contrary, the fact that you are familiar with previous RP guard systems suggest that you have been here for a bit longer. Longer than I have, perhaps. To be completely honest, I have been treating you this way because I assumed that you were either a younger child or a troll, and was treating you with the sort of 'digital' tone that I would with any other.

4. I never suggested you didn't understand your thread, simply that you were ignoring some of the claims that others had typed, saying they were "untrue". I concluded saying this is likely why you received multiple "please read again" ratings.

I thus conclude my secondary analysis of the thread.

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I just facepalmed my desk with Hulk-like strength. If you are a troll, congratulations, you have done your job well.

I am unsure of how to continue arguing with you because you are simply nonsensical.
Bote! You are twisting my words, my sole purpose of this thread is to show how noble! How great! How destined the guards are and they're numerous good deeds. Please... For the sake of my headache, and others as well... Reread my thread and grasp a further understanding of it.

1. You seemed to not understand the simple admiration I had for our old guards.
2. this is not a required post, I did not ask for your insight but I will not disregard it.
3. You seem to be treating me like I am a what you would call "NEWB" at the forums, which is not so, do not underestimate a single soul, not me, not them, not you, if you do so you are showing that you think you are smarter than I when intellect is not a number but a realization.
4. before you state that I do not have a understanding my thread, you need to read faster than your fingers and mouth are because you have spoiled the fine taste in my mouth with your outrageous insulting comment.
Where is the melodramatic rating...?
"Your outrageous insulting comment"

1. You should get out more, then. I go into Regalia a couple times a day and see guard players more often than not.
2. I will not post my own events and stories, as they are too numerous (and I rarely pay attention much as they are typically arresting bad roleplayers). However I will answer your generalized questions.

I have never seen an 'unjust' action by a guard. Your general conduct seems to suggest that there is this horrid mass problem of evil guards running around, full of corruption, however this is not the case. I have yet to see anybody wrongly arrested, and I have seen a good amount of arrests.

No, I do not want to be a guard, simply because it would not be a practical job for any of my characters.

Finally, the 'please read the subject again' rating has likely been used on you since you seem to not hold other peoples posts to any gravity, however you expect others to do the same. When people provided facts to you, you simply disregarded them as lies, so you seem to be set in your misinformation.
Hearken oh doomsayer. I mean not to insult but to bring light to your shadowed eyes. A mockery, you are making a mockery in the name of honour and remembrance. Actions you are taking and praise sung in words do little but bring ill begotten attention upon yourself. If you wish to see the guards as something noble, something grand, then let them lie in peace. Remember those that came before and wait in anticipation for those to come.
Hearken oh doomsayer. I mean not to insult but to bring light to your shadowed eyes. A mockery, you are making a mockery in the name of honour and remembrance. Actions you are taking and praise sung in words do little but bring ill begotten attention upon yourself. If you wish to see the guards as something noble, something grand, then let them lie in peace. Remember those that came before and wait in anticipation for those to come.
Oh, not you too...
I think I'm just going to leave now. :I
People are rating you this way because you are jumping to conclusions and making a scene. This change is not intended to be permanent. There are NPC guards, and there are RP guards who are currently only being played by lore staff for quality control. They are not gone. They are not being removed. Once the system has been reworked, players will be reintroduced as guards (however they will need to go through an application process again to be accepted).

As stated before, this is not permanent... and there are still guards. This afternoon I saw one guard get attacked by a mad woman who had assaulted a noble. Said woman was disarmed and arrested by a Regalian Guard.
Oh. I though normal (Non lore staff and the like) players were forever banned from being guards in the future. Thanks for clearing that up Nommy.
Obviously this is a troll, to be cool about it don't take the complete thread seriously. It's main purpose was to show how bummed out I was when I get back and my job is removed as well as my counter partners. I'm happy that massivecraft is starting the guard fresh with administrators and NPCs for the time being until they can get it back to the way it was (if it is). I really don't care too much for my guard job truthfully, I'm more of a scholar and it really didn't fit my char to much having to execute (which thank goodness I didn't)
I did arrest for the tiniest things in my job but only because it was appointed to me by my superiors. to put it out dully I just needed a reaction to the thread. Makes it gain popularity when its this ridiculous :P
thank god.jpg
I submit xD but uhh... I don't think I ever actually edited any posts, and sorry for being an ass xD
Perhaps there was a strange glitch, as you can see in my quote it only shows half of your post. However I never edit quotes, I simply hit the reply button. I may have accidentally deleted it.

It's no problem, I was a fool for taking the bait, but I do love a decent argument. If you want my advice, though... This thread has/will likely gain a lot of negative energy for you, especially since you admit to trolling, and not just being misguided. In the future this likely isn't the best way to go about accomplishing something.
Waht... Is dis?... I am so confused even though people attempted to answer all the many posed questions here... I'll just go now...
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