Remembering Notepad95

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a muppet of a man
Aug 20, 2016
Reaction score
Some dark basement
So recently, one of my dear friends was kicked from the server for, "hacking."(according to rumors) I was in a chat with him at the time and wondered why he got disconnected. About a week later, I still had not seen of him and many of my friends had said he was kicked for "hacking". I was wondering what he was doing. He said he was flying around using his elytra and a bow with power 2 I believe. This is not hacking. He was using the boy to propel him through the air. I don't think this is hacking and I believe it is a great battle strategy. If anybody has an opinion or information about this I would love to hear because Note was not a hacker and I among my friends miss him.

Heres some proof
I know it's logdotzip don't complain
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This is a well documented strategy. If he wants to make a ban appeal, he should make one himself in the appropriate forum place. However, people don't get banned for this without prior investigation (@Stonejrod was jailed for this until @Gethelp realised he was watching in 1.8, so couldn't see the elytra). Just get your friend to apply, and if he really is innocent of hacking, he'll get unbanned
The facts here is that he did not fly like you do with an elytra he was going up and down on the y axis like a jojo nothing like you will see if you use a elytra. He can appeal his ban as everyone else and explain his stance but at this point we were several staff watching him go up and down in a pretty much straight line not gliding up and down like you do with an elytra. We would expect an elytra user to cover some distance X and Z wise and not just straight down then zoom right back up but move across the x and y axis as well.
But I can go straight up, and I made a video to prove it. It's a bit hard to pull off, but, y'know.

(Please excuse my "Hold on!" yell. I forgot to turn my mic off before the video, so.)
But I can go straight up, and I made a video to prove it. It's a bit hard to pull off, but, y'know.

(Please excuse my "Hold on!" yell. I forgot to turn my mic off before the video, so.)
I'm generally not one to support people trying to get unbanned, but if that is waht was happening, you clearly weren't hacking.
But I can go straight up, and I made a video to prove it. It's a bit hard to pull off, but, y'know.

(Please excuse my "Hold on!" yell. I forgot to turn my mic off before the video, so.)
Your mother told you to go do something, ya better do it.
My first impression is that he's stressing too much that he's a donator, and a first-offender. Whereas in these videos he's made, he's trying to tell us that he didn't offend at all with this proof of going straight up with the bow & arrow trick. @Notepad95 I'm not sure if you're trying to disprove these allegations or to convince the staff to unban you because you "love massive", as you said yourself in one of these videos. I'd like to know what message you'd rather send; that you hacked and you're sorry, or that you didn't hack and here's why. And please, don't use your donation as a reason for you to get unbanned. This is practically advocating a donation* as bribery.

* do·nate | ˈdōˌnāt/ | verb | give (money or goods) for a good cause, for example to a charity. | "the proceeds will be donated to an AIDS awareness charity" | synonyms: give, give/make a donation of, contribute, make a contribution of, gift, pledge, grant,bestow;

(and please @Cpt_Manturay change the title, "un-kicked" is a fucking atrocity)
Interesting technique. I love to use the Elytra in general but never thought to combine it with a bow. Is this frowned upon? Would I get banned for using this form? I am very tempted to do it but I dunno...
But I can go straight up, and I made a video to prove it. It's a bit hard to pull off, but, y'know.

(Please excuse my "Hold on!" yell. I forgot to turn my mic off before the video, so.)

So.... in your very own video at time 2:46-2:50 where you say this is the time where you go straight up, your X Axis changes from around 430 to 500. You actually moved rapidly across the X-Asis even when you say you were going straight up. The hole in this entire thing is that you were not going straight up in this video just because you were traveling toward the sun. You even show that you set time to 1000 at that start of the video which puts sun in the eastern sky. 6000 is noon.

I won't go so far as to suggest I know you were hacking because I didn't see anything and I don't know, but my point is that if you were then admitting you were wrong and won't offend again in a private ban appeal to the stuff is far more likely to get you unbanned than tricky videos and abusive language.
So.... in your very own video at time 2:46-2:50 where you say this is the time where you go straight up, your X Axis changes from around 430 to 500. You actually moved rapidly across the X-Asis even when you say you were going straight up. The hole in this entire thing is that you were not going straight up in this video just because you were traveling toward the sun. You even show that you set time to 1000 at that start of the video which puts sun in the eastern sky. 6000 is noon.

I won't go so far as to suggest I know you were hacking because I didn't see anything and I don't know, but my point is that if you were then admitting you were wrong and won't offend again in a private ban appeal to the stuff is far more likely to get you unbanned than tricky videos and abusive language.
But do remember that he could show his video do whatever he wants. That doesnt mean the exact same thing happened on Massive when he got banned. I mean @Gethelp does know what he's talking about remember.
"A+" for effort. Just know that Staff has the final call and has data that is not available to us that may prove otherwise. Your heart is in the right place buddy but its up to them.
Notepad was a great friend of mine. (I'm crying while making this)
He will be missed by me and our community.
He was a great friend. He always gave me presents. He listened to me when nobody else would. He partied with me every friday.
I would have the hardest weeks and friday evening, me, @SubscriptShark @pandapride @Notepad95 @YouDontKnowJack and all the friends would greet me with happiness and friendship. Note got me through hard times. He got me started on massive and showed me how to play. Why, we met in tyberia. We ran into each other making banners. I was selling him a tyberia banner and he showed me around the faction. He was a great help to me.
He showed me where he fought mobs and did his basic necessities and he always had horrible, horrible connection and reloged like 90 times a second.
One time, we threw this huge party at my boat in tyberia. Man I miss those days.
It is always sad when someone gets banned for defending his faction. We were in a raid and he was using hi elytra trick to get an advantage on the raiders. He just then mysteriously disconnected. Lore came around that he got banned for flyhacking.
I hope we can all get passed this loss and I don't believe he was fly hacking.
He fought bravely for tyberia and he will always be missed, but never forgotten.

You will be missed(but what server u on now? I can change? @Notepad95 )
I'm going to go ahead and close this thread down at this point.

Notepad can discuss his ban with staff and appeal through the forum appeals system like anyone else, dragging it out all over the forums like this is unnecessary.
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