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Played Character Relevaan Saleyaal - Orion

This character is actively played.


That insufferable Kathar.
Apr 16, 2021
Reaction score
The Sea
Roleplay Guilds
Serpents Hollow

Character Information

Full Name| Relevaan Saleyaal.
Star-Child of the hopeful maiden.
Loved in the warm embrace of bright flames.
  • Heritage|Orion
  • Age | 32
  • Gender |Male
  • Religion | Draconism
  • Occult | Starlight Mage
  • Character Occupation|Aelriggan Knight - Llynburh Chapter
    Character companion| Wyvern
Appearance Information:

Due to the nature of Orion, the appearance can't be described in great detail, he is made of blue light, dark blue in his nova form with constellations decorating his being.
He is 193 cm ( 6'4ft) tall, wearing a star-crown with some resemblance to chains. This theme seems to follow to his bracelets.

Art To Be Added.

Skill Information:
  • Hobbies and Talents: Medical Talent. (TBD)
  • Mechanics: All Orion mechanics. Archon 5 mechanic (knight order)
  • Languages ( that he can read in): Common, Altalar, Nãtl, Sing-Language.
    - All languages commonly spoken by the heritages as per Orion mechanic ( Spoken, not written).

    • 130px-Healingchapter.png
      Llynburh Chapter

      The Llynburh Chapter is situated in Ashaven at the foot of a set of volcanoes that the Mages in the chapter keep docile enough not to erupt, but active enough to help the soil with its nutrients. The Llynburh Chapter is primarily focused on the cleansing and healing properties of both Magic and Alchemy, particularly the latter being popular as the Chapterhouse has a massive Alchemical repository and herb and ingredient garden. The Chapterhouse also acts as a convalescing home for wounded Knights and locals, as Llynburh is known as the hospital Chapter. Llynburh members are taught healing Magic if they are Mages, and Alchemical and surgical practices if they are Mundane. Many of the Aelrrigan Mage-Knights operate from this Chapterhouse, meaning it is a popular Chapterhouse to go for lessons and training with the best. The Llynburh Chapter is also known for having many Warden Archon joining up, and even has a decently sized Draconism Temple nearby.

      Llynburh Mechanic: Llynburh Knights because of their proximity to Draconism and Archon among them, gain access to common Archon Mechanic 5.

    • Common - <Com>
      Zahram - <Zah>
      Sofaal - <Sof>
      Wai-lan - <W>
      Barrudh - <Dw>
      Altalar (Sulvaley Dialect) - <Alt>
      Agasi - <Aga>
      Pannarokh - <Pan>
      Nãtl - <Nãtl>
      Ibeth - <Ib>
      Vasar - <Vas>
      Oortaan - <Oor>
      Pidato - <P>
      Zoram - <Zor>
      Shalota - <Sha>
      Brix - <Bx> / <Brix>

    • ★ Orion can speak all languages spoken in the modern age by a large enough population. That is to say, all languages recorded on the Heritages Pages can be spoken by the Orion. They are not even aware that they can speak these languages. Whenever they speak them, they feel like they are speaking their native language, implying some form of Dragon-Magic translation at work.

      ☆ Orion lack many standard biological processes. They do not need to eat or drink but they can if they want to, and they can also become intoxicated. Orion do not need to sleep, though they will occasionally need to meditate to process their thoughts. Otherwise, they develop a progressive form of attention deficit that causes thoughts to overlap with one another which becomes worse the longer they go without meditation. Lastly, Orion do not need to breathe but occasionally need to be exposed to the starry night sky to recharge their light.

      ★Orion are immune to a specific Status Effect. In Combat Roleplay, the Orion cannot be Blinded (When Blinded, you cannot target anyone. You can spend a turn to end the Effect). Because they are made out of pure starlight and do not have conventional eyes with optic capabilities, anything that would conventionally blind another person cannot blind an Orion.

      ☆ Orion can expel parts of the stardust that their body is made of to produce portable light. They can remotely control this stardust in the air or attach it to objects to create light fixtures that remain lit for several hours. Orion bodies also emit a warm gentle light that lights up any dark areas they travel in, though it is never so bright as to blind someone. They can also see at night with night vision.

      ★When Orion are trapped, imprisoned, or black-bagged and dropped into an area they are not familiar with, a star-path of starlight that only they can see will always light the way out for them. Orion, in essence, never get lost and will always find the fastest way out of any non-Magical location that would otherwise confuse or trap other people.

      ☆ Orion Star Crowns can be worn by other Characters which allows an Orion to be present inside the person's body. This causes the eyes of the host to glow like the color of the Orion, and star-light constellations appear on their skin similar to Orion Nova. The Orion can still speak with their voice while inside their host and use their Mechanics from inside the host, but they cannot use any Combat Abilities or engage in Combat.

      ★ Orion do not bleed, cannot be dismembered, break bones, or have any other form of conventional harm occur to them. They are immune to falling damage, do not drown, and cannot be infected with diseases magical or conventional. If they reach 0 HP in combat, their bodily cohesion fails and their Star Crown will fall to the floor. After some time (usually less than an hour), their body re-forms and the starlight re-ignites, re-forming their physical body. If instead their Star Crown was used by someone, they are immediately re-formed inside that person, but trapped until the hour is complete. Destroying the Star Crown is covered by Kill Permissions, as destroying the Crown would kill the Orion which only the Player can give consent to.

      ☆ Orion cannot be Afflicted, cannot have Affinities, cannot be possessed by Spirits, and cannot Disguise themselves. That said, nobody can Shapeshift into an Orion, Disguise as an Orion, or change their appearance to approximate what an Orion looks like. To be Orion is to be visually unique, as ordained by the Dragon Orion. Orion can become Aligned - see the information below in the Expanded Lore section.


January 15, 282AC Gift from the stars - While the aurora probably were a common occurence in Solleria tundras despite the mist, something about this was different.. Journals describe that the night sky was lit up blue, with pale blue rivers of light decorating it, as if the atmosphere opened up to reveal the universe beyond. Those nearby would wake up to witness the stars seeing off a meteorite nearing the ground, followed by a blue streak. Some of those who were woken by the bright lights and loud roars, were members of the Saleyaal family. Upon searching, there was a bright blue babe in the rubble, surrounded by what appeared to be a piece of the stars above, The Orionite. This babe would be given the name Relevaan.

During the orion's growth, he was raised alongside the noble family's young. Despite the lack of resemblance, he was treated similar to the other children, even gifted a wyvern egg which rested by his crib. This later becoming a life-long companion for the young orion.
He was taught basic knowledge of the life and world around him, as well as some base knowledge of medicinal practices.. and how to care for others.

However, with time, Relevaan found himself craving for something more. The orion needed experience. At the age of 13, he would be sent to train in the Aelriggan order of Knights. Where he would spend most of his adolescence, learning to control his magic and how it should be used, before he focused on the medical side of the order. Growing to be relied in battle in the form of injury management, to the present day, he is focused on working to restore injured knights, and pay respects to the fallen, as a member of the Llynburh Chapter.

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities

Attack Stat: Magic
Defense Stat: Wisdom

Proficiency Points:

Training|Iron will (Free)
Tech| tech charge

Medical|medical buff
Medical|medical rescue
Medical|medical bolster
Medical|chem Hyperfocus
Medical|technique parry (Chem)

Roguery|Fate's Wheel
Faith 0
magic cleanse
Magic|magic disengage
Magic|magic barrier
Magic|magic warp
Magic|magic revive
Magic|magic snare
Magic|magic isolate

Iron Will - When 6HP or less. When you skill issue a defense roll. Reroll that shit. If you suck, you can use it again next turn. Until you succeed (1HR) (Self) (Aquired from Orion point)

tech charge - Give someone +2 to attack or defense for 30 mins. And you roll -2 ATK or DEF (1HR) (Emote)

medical buff - if someone gets +2 atk/def. Boost it +2 (whatever was chosen) for 4 turns. Out of turn. (1HR) (emote)
medical rescue - Pull someone within range to any block next to you and give 1 BT No reaction. (2HR (10 blocks)
medical bolster - Give someone 1 BT, and while they have 1 BT, they have +2 Def. (2HR) (10b)
Chem Hyperfocus - Raise your stat by +2 lower one with -3. Active until end of combat, does not use action. Can't be re-used until ended.

Fate's Wheel - Make a roll in combat rp that isnt atk or def. Use this to reroll and choose. Doesnt use action. (30min)

magic cleanse - Magic cleanse - Cleanse one effect from you or friend. (2HR) (Self)
↠ SINISTRAL - Move the effect to your enemy within emote range.

magic disengage - Use on ally or yourself, use it as reaction to taking move action. Can move through people but apply fleeting status to the target for 10 mins. Don't use action. (Once per combat) (10b)
SINISTRAL - Cannot be used on ally, no longer applies feeting. Parry people you walk through, max 5 people

magic barrier - Protect ally from ranged. Never self. Ally rolls min 9 for ranger, 6 for Deadeye. Link power. If broken, give block token to target (2HR) (emote)
SINISTRAL - If user takes damage, make the target ally take all of it.

magic warp - Magic warp - In a straight line, move you or someone 10 blocks, even up. No opportunity attacks and can move through doors and gates. (1HR) (10 blocks)
SINISTRAL - If used on Self, instantly attack an enemy in range on same turn w +2 attack.

magic revive - Bring ally back from 0 to 4 hp, with half attack or defense. ( Only if they have not been revived otherwise) (2HR) (Emote)
SINISTRAL - Ignore the revive limit. Revive an enemy and force them to fight for you. They can only fight with basic attacks and half stats. ( They take 2 hp from other revives)

magic snare - Trap an enemy for 3 turns, 3rd turn and they're trapped, they take 1 dmg (2HR) (Emote)
SINISTRAL - The trap lasts 4 turns, turn 2 they take 1dmg, 4th turn 1dmg.

magic isolate- Break someone's recent link power. If a block token from abilities, remove 1. (2HR) (emote)
SINISTRAL - Break 2 link powers, if no link or block tokens. Apply marked.
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The barebones should be done now so the char can be played