Archived Relations Added To /perm List

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Dwarf Elder Dworvin of Ulldin
Jan 27, 2013
Reaction score
London Ont Canada
Iron Accord
Roleplay Guilds
Dwarven Council
I was working on things and I have my members have to tell an officer to /enemy or /ally this or that person and I would like my members to do that them selves.

Can managing faction relations be added to the /perm list so I can give faction members the ability to manage faction relationships?

If not can you make it so my faction members be able to do that personaly XD

I know your buisy with allot of stuff though I wonder why this escaped being something you could edit.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Would be interesting if the /perm worked for each player, if it doesn't already. Did I miss it?
I was working on things and I have my members have to tell an officer to /enemy or /ally this or that person and I would like my members to do that them selves.

Can managing faction relations be added to the /perm list so I can give faction members the ability to manage faction relationships?

If not can you make it so my faction members be able to do that personaly XD

I know your buisy with allot of stuff though I wonder why this escaped being something you could edit.

I was about to say only the plugin creator could do this, do go talk to them. Then i realised Cay is the plugin creator.... Derp :P

But yes, that could be a nice addition.
I was about to say only the plugin creator could do this, do go talk to them. Then i realised Cay is the plugin creator.... Derp :P

But yes, that could be a nice addition.
Terraria you can't even remember who made factions. (facepalm)

I support this idea. +1 Support
I won't use it myself but it can be nifty.
Doing it for individual players, would be hard. Bc it works on the players relation to the faction. (For the nerds, there is a relation eneum that includes Relation.ALLY, Relation.TRUCE, Relation.NEUTRAL, Relation.ENEMY, Relation.RECRUIT, Relation.MEMBER, Relation.OFFICER, Relation.LEADER. I guess the reason it includes the last 4 ones, is bc it is used for faction perms. )
And how would you even make a GUI for that?