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Played Character Rekha Jalaalï

This character is actively played.


massivecraft's chappell roan
Nov 27, 2021
Reaction score
the door to your mom's room
Daughter of the Exalted Empress of Life

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Artillery Mage
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Given Name: Rekha Kaur Jalaalï
Alternatively: Rekh, Prefect, Artisan
Heritage: Suvial
Age: 50 years old
Gender: Female
Occult: Abyss & Vortex Mage // Prefect Archon
Religion: Draconism Armina, Syncretized to Estelley Avinla

Core Concept
Rekha is a Suvial Artillery mage raised in the Suvial Princedoms, trained through her years of education to be a ruthless killing machine for the war efforts. Naturally gifted with fire magic, she took to the lines of artillery mages to rain fire from above, weaving spells of flaming lances and crashing waves, to end the threat from afar before it became her problem. It is this mantra she carries in even her day-to-day life, distant until provoked.


Fire-Scarred Soldier
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Eye Color: Deep, warm brown, with flecks of embers in the lower half of her irises.
Skin: Brown
Hair: Very dark brunette, pulled into one thick braid and decorated with flowers. Bangs curtain parts of her face.
Height: 5'-09"
Body Type: Slim
Rekha is a generic, pure-blooded Suvial, garbed in high-end fashion and golden jewelry. She holds herself well, poised and content to watch from afar. There is little that sets her apart visually, bar the obnoxiously long braid that hangs down her back. She almost always wears gloves, preferring not to handle things directly, if she can help it. She is perpetually warm, running hot. She has minimal visible features in the way of her Archon Lineage, except for a pair of orange draconic wings wreathed in fire that she conjures when they're needed.


Devastation from Afar
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  • Proficiency & Stat Allocation​
    Skill Information & Description​
    Combat Stats: Dexterity/Magic​
    Combat Style: Magic Archer​
    Strength | [2]
    ⟢ Athletics | Heavy Throw
    ⟢ Athletics | Substitute​
    Dexterity | [7]
    ⟢ Free | Deadeye Stance
    ⟢ Deadeye | Barrage
    ⟢ Deadeye | Drillshot
    ⟢ Deadeye | Luckshot
    ⟢ Deadeye | Quickshot
    ⟢ Deadeye | Execute
    ⟢ Deadeye | Doubletap
    ⟢ Roguery | Fate's Wheel
    ⟢ Aulaya | Deadeye Focus
    ⟢ Aulaya | Deadeye Overwatch
    Faith | [1]
    ⟢ Prayer | Guided​
    Magic | [5]
    ⟢ Adapt | Wardrobe
    ⟢ Arcane | Snare
    ⟢ Arcane | Sap
    ⟢ Ley | Arcane Barrier
    ⟢ Ley | Arcane Aura

    ⟢ Aulaya | Arcane Cleanse

    Rekha is an Artillery mage trained in in the Jhaangar Battlemage Academy. She excels in laying down massive, explosive AOE Fire spells into unsuspecting enemy formations, or casting precision lances of flame and arrows from a line of archers. This lends to a heavy investment of Dexterity and Magic.

  • Suvial​
    Demon Hunter
    Suvial gain +1 Main Combat Stat when attacking a Character with Theurgy Point Buy Abilities, which can break Cap up to 11.
    War Sight
    Suvial can gain additional Event insight into past Battles or Wars or Conflicts, related to Progressions or History related Events.
    God Duality
    Suvial are never punished by their Gods or their society for using Dimension Alignment out of their norm (Exist), even as God Mages.
    God Forgiven
    Suvial are never punished by their Gods or their society for the use of Sinistral Magic variants, even in the use of God Magic.
    Suvial are exceptionally proficient at controlling Spirits, allowing them a range of mechanical functions to do with Spirits.
    Winged Flight
    You can use Wings (of any Fae/Draconic/Mechanical design), while while out of Combat, allows Elytra flight, including the use of Rockets to gain more height and speed. Combat or Ability usage immediately disables flight and prevents flight until end of Combat.
    Leytech Conduit
    You may choose up to 2 Packs from Magic Point Buy, or Invoke Point Buy, that you've Point Bought and re-classify them as Ley Point Buy Packs. These Mechanics/Abilities will not be classified as Magic, or make you Magical, instead, they will be fueled by the Elderlaw.
    Long Living
    You live much longer than the average life span of your heritage. You can live up to three times as long, and you can visually stop aging at a chosen age (must be at least 21). Additionally, you are immune to non-magical diseases and Afflictions.
    Artisans' Society​
    Artisans' Wealth
    You have a support network of patrons backing up your work. Once per Eventline, when a problem requires a Wealth Token to solve, you can count as the source of that Wealth Token as long as you declare it on the spot.
    Aulaya allows its wielder to use the Elven Synchronicity Mechanic, which transforms them into a Teledden for as long as they hold the Artifact, also allowing them to exchange their Heritage Mechanics for Teledden Mechanics (all, or just some, at a 1:1 ratio), if they would like, though they automatically gain 3 of the 5 Teledden Mechanics of their choice for free.
    Elfkind: Dreamer
    Lanlath do not need to sleep, but can do so if they wish, or enter into a trancelike state of meditation that approximates sleep but leaves them watchful.
    Elfkind: Sightseer
    Lanlath can see things from incredibly far away if they focus, able to spot an eagle landing a kilometer away or a coin being flipped across a town. Ask DM for Event use.
    Elfkind: Partier
    Lanlath are supremely difficult to inebriate with traditional alcohol, requiring a stupendous amount of liquor before they even begin to feel a mild buzz.
    Cemaan's Blessing
    Aulaya has a piece of Cemaan's uncorrupted Magic from the time before the Dewamenet War bequeathed to the Allorn imperial lineage, bridging the past and the present. While carrying Aulaya, the wielder can off-screen enter and exit the Allorn Empire without being stopped no matter who they are, without any records or memories of their entrance or exit being recorded anywhere, so neither Allorn nor Regalian authorities can hold it against them. Additionally, being in the presence of this Magic unlocks personality shifts in Cemaan if the wielder Divinium summons her, which unlocks additional dialogue options (only applies to Estelley worshipers).
    Empress Guard
    Aulaya is wreathed in the shielding aura of all three Estelley Empresses, who passed a piece of their Magics on to the mortal descendants who carried forward the realm. Any Mechanic that targets the wielder of Aulaya based on Heritage, Affinity, or Magical status in any way, simply does not work on them, though it still works on any other targets in the scene.
    Aulaya as an artifact of the Allorn lineage, is steeled with their resolve to survive against all odds. Aulaya grants the wielder +2 Attack Stat (breaking cap up to 11) while using Attack Emotes on any Asha including half-Asha, or Khama Worshiper. Additionally, even when not attacking Characters of these types, the wielder's Attack Dice Roll Minimum is set to 3.
  • Elemental School​
    Rekha is an Artillery mage by birth and training amidst the Suvial Princedoms of Agnevaal and the Jhaangar Battlemage Academy. She is versed entirely in the practice of incinerating her foes from afar, hurling lances and columns and erupting waves of fire on unsuspecting enemy formations. Her flames come from her skin, expanding her body temperature to induce fire.​
    Entropy School​
    1740541304088.webp In combination with Elemental magic, Rekha employs Entropy magic to further her Artillery magic's destructive capabilities. With it, fire that would burn additionally decays matter, capable of lighting and consuming stone, metal, and other materials that do not naturally burn. On its own, Rekha does not use Entropy magic to its fullest, but can use it to destroy objects in a pinch.
    Summoning School​
    Rekha, as a Suvial, is naturally gifted in Karamatology and the near trivial domination of Demons. She is trained to secure contracts, willfully control, and otherwise manipulate the machinations of Spirits to her whim, through magical and cultural skill and granted gifts. Similarly, she uses the School of Summoning to perform Exorcisms, forcing Demons to leave places and people.
    Mend School​
    1740615547445.webp Through Avinla and Armina's conjoined blessings, Rekha utilizes Mend magic to heal with the Goddesses' Immortal Flames. Washes of orange, pink, white, kaleidoscopic fire heals wounds and does not burn, the antithesis to Rekha's usually destructive Artillery-shell spells. While not her primary specialization, Rekha is versed in the necessary teachings to heal with magic, and to treat injuries.

Agasi (10/10)
Altalar (8/10)
Sulvaley (5/10)
Common (6/10)


& Plot Hooks
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Rekha hails from a wealthy "noble" family in the Suvial Princedoms, making their fortune on pottery and jewelry. She is a talented potter, and goldsmith, employing these skills as a member of the Artisans' Society. Rekha went to Jhaangar, the same Suvial magic academy as the renowned Jhavartal Rhuvanya, attending as his classmate and co-graduate, and eventually his partner in ongoing missions where he needed ranged support.
Rekha has served more than half of her life in the wars plaguing Agnevaal, joining the Suvial ranks of war-mages to burn Dread and Allorn forces alike from afar. Rekha is, above all else, a Suvial Artillery Mage. She prefers the distance between herself and her targets to be as far as possible, to maximize her effect in unleashing Fire magic, and allowing her a long-distance view of enemies and allies. Rekha is a member of the 312th "Agniya Vetra / Fiery Lances" Assault Company, functioning as a scout and artillerist.
Rekha is an Archon, a Draconist before Estellian, in opposition to a majority of her people.


An Urumi sword-belt, worn around her waist.
8 Canopic Jars, fashioned as small cannister-like ceramic pots.
One handheld tablet of navy blue Magestone.
An ivory greatbow with a golden string.
A Leystone "Correction Core".

Bound Demons
  • Spriggan, the Beast​
    1740956189284.webp Description | Spriggan is an ent-like bound demon of the Anima dimension, and the one Rekha primarily utilizes for combat and service. Usually, it is an imposing wooden beast with branches protruding from its bark-like body, a lashing tail, and an upright feline body structure, with digitigrade legs and pointed features. It stands at roughly two and a half meters tall on its hind legs, with dull orange smoke exuding from empty eye sockets and chest, limbs long and root-like.
    Abilities | Spriggan is a sprite capable of Shapeshifting, and skilled in Body magic. It bolsters itself with magical enhancements, growing much larger, conjuring weapons from its body, or otherwise becoming a guardian and warrior to do Rekha's close-range fighting for her.
  • Alay, the Scout​
    1740957636372.webp Description | Alay is an amalgam of Vortex magic, a Demon bound from that dimension. It has no corporeal, consistent form, instead rapidly shifting from one distinct visual appearance to another. Often swirling, kaleidoscopic colours are its favoured image, pinks, purples, reds and whites swirling in random patterns and forming vague humanoid, insectoid, or amphibious figures, and even going so far as to break itself into dozens of individual 'pieces' of colourful fire.
    Abilities | Alay is a deployable Demon used for Ranged Cover. It is capable of harnessing the chaotic essences of the Vortex to enunciate Rekha's own Artillery magic, and work with her from afar to lay down devastating explosions. It is also the primary Demon Rekha uses for scouting, sent off on its own to likely perish in an effort to garner information.
  • Mirsenyaal, the Drake​
    1740956189284.webp Description | Mirsenyaal is a bound demon of the Abyss, a great winged lizard beast reminiscent of faux-Dragons, notably of Triton. It's draconic in every way that it isn't demonic- massive clawed wings, a maw of dagger-like teeth, four limbs, and a barbed tail spined down the length. Its body is coated in thick, rugged red scales, near impenetrable armor for the already hulking Demon. It is theoretically bipedal, though it can travel on all-fours for bursts of speed.
    Abilities | Mirsenyaal functions as Rekha's primary mobility aid, a mount that can carry two people, or her supplies when she flies on her own. It has the biggest canopic jar, but is used the least for combat. When it is, it functions as the sword to Spriggan's shield, a hulking thing that crushes what stands in its way.
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