Preserved Sheet Rekaiel Renia/nirwa

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Nov 25, 2019
Reaction score
United States
Basic Information

  • Full Name: Rikaiel Renia/Nirwa, Also known as Alassë.
  • Name Meaning: Scarred Sweet Travelling River (Joy) (*note, not in order. All in elvish)
  • Age: 23
  • Gender: Female
  • Sexuality: Asexual, Panromantic
  • Preferred Weapon: Pacifistic, no weapon
  • Race: Half-Celiothar/Sihai

Inventory Information

Leather Bag contains:
  • Diary (15 Regals, contains personal information)
  • Small chunk of amethyst (20 Regals)
  • 3 empty bottles (6 Regals a piece)
  • Horse Hair Brush (35 Regals)
  • Assorted seeds (5 or 6 Regals a piece)
Pouch on apron contains 100 Regals

Skill Information

Total Points: 28

  • 6 Natura Care Sciences
  • 6 Anima Care Sciences
  • 6 Musical Arts
  • 5 Lightgiver Ritualism Skill
  • 5 Athletic Training

Body Shape
Physical Stat: 10 (from Athletic Training)
State the Body Shape your character has here: .10 Athletic Body Shape
State the Body Fat your character has here: Average Body Fat

  • Common (learned in childhood)
  • Plains Elven (Mother Tounge)
  • Wa'an (Father's language, not fluent)

Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Hair Color: very dark brown, almost black
  • Hair Style: Straight with a few braided strands
  • Skin Color: Light tan
  • Clothing: Layered and Colorful traveling clothes, lots of jewelry
  • Height: 5'5"

Visual Information (Expansion)

Describe the Character's facial features:
Rekaiel has a very youthful face, a feature common in Cielo. Her eyes are large and round, in a chocolate-y brown. Her eyebrows are closer to the brown of her eyes than her extremely dark, straight hair, and her left eyebrow has a shaven slit towards the outside. Around her left eye, her skin has a patch of lighter yellowish skin. She has a green leaf tattoo above her right eye. Her ears are long in true Cielo fashion, and a nicely decorated with green and gold jewelry. She usually has a lively expression and soft smile.

Describe the Character's body:
Coming in at around 5'5", Rekaiel is on the shorter end of things, but otherwise has a fairly average body. Her skin is a light tan and fairly clear of imperfections (given the occasional freckle). Her arms are slightly fatty, but not noticeably so. Her legs, on the other hand, are rather muscular, due to the amount of foot traveling she does on the regular. Her stomach and chest are mostly flat. She lacks a vagina due to a genetic mutation, and she also doesn't have the ability to shapeshift that is normally found in Sihai offspring.

Describe the Character's fashion appearance and accessories:
Rekaiel absolutely loves clothing with pockets. Her brown vest, waist apron, trousers, and blue blouse all have pockets, and she also carries a leather bag on top of that. Her clothing is rather colorful, with lots of greens, blues, browns, and golds. She has a leather cuff on her right wrist (with green embroidery) and a gold bangle on her left. Her trousers are a dirty blue/brown. Her boots come a small ways up the calf, are blue, and are tied off with a grass-like material. Her leather bag has bells on the cross-body strap. Her waist-apron is a light brown, and is tied around her with a green-dyed fabric. Her ears, neck, bag, apron, and shoes are all decorated with green and gold jewelry and the likes.

Describe the character's voice:
Rekaiel's voice is fairly clear, and slightly on the deeper end of the feminine voice range. She is an amazing singer, and loves expressing that talent. She normally speaks Common, but she's also grew up speaking Plains Elven. She knows very little Wa'an, from her short time of knowing her father, but has mostly forgotten the language.

Personality and Abilities

How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?
  • Rekaiel is rather bubbly when happy or trying to cheer others up. Big smiles and soft laughter are her thing, hence why her mother gave her the nickname "Alassë", meaning joy in Elven.

How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
  • Rekaiel tends to be rather anxious in dangerous situation, especially those of violent nature. Given her pacifistic persona, she would easily choose flight over fight if given the chance.

How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
  • When in stressful situations not related to fighting/violence, Rekaiel will often talk to herself in a soft mumble. She has found expressing the random little thoughts that come to her while trying to complete tasks helps her stay focused without becoming overwhelmed. If the situation is violent, see Fear.

How does your character view Law and Authorities?
  • Although raised in a culture that dislikes the hierarchy developed by the Allor in charge of the Regalian Empire, Rekaiel has a decent understanding and respect for the laws enforced in the land. She has no intention of breaking any laws, and only wishes to peacefully exist in Estel's world.

How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
  • Rekaiel is very aware of the racism that is expressed by many folk, but does not wish to express her own. She does struggle with those of the Sihai Race, due to her father, a Sihai, being killed by his own kind over Rekaiel's existence. She does her best to not express that pent up resentment, as she knows that not all Sihai are as strict as her Sihai ancesstors.

How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
  • Rekaiel follows the Faith of Estel as much as possible, but understands that not everyone does. She takes great joy in her practice of rituals and prayer, but would never attempt to force an unwilling person to join her.

How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
  • Rekaiel is fairly indifferent on this matter, outside of those in the Faith of Estel.

How does your character feel towards their family?
  • Rekaiel loves her mother and home village dearly, and often sends letters and gifts back home when she can. Her father died at the hands of his family when she was 5, and she resents them to this day. This happened when her Father made an attempt to introduce her and her mother (who is Cielo). His family's views on inter-racial breeding were strict.

What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
  • Rekaiel is very proud of their skills in helping take care of the natural world, as well as their musical talent (mostly in vocals).

What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
  • Rekaiel wishes to help those in more urban places reintegrate nature into their lives, whether or not they believe in Estel. She is aware of the basic importance of the natural world and wishes to help others understand that. She gets this love of nature from both of her parents, as well as her religion and homeland.

What is your character's biggest insecurity?
  • Being a Half-Elf has been a problem for her quite often after leaving her home for travel. Many times, people have mocked the mark around her eye, her clothing, and height. She has not found another Half-elf yet and wouldn't be surprised if no others existed. She also has has trouble connecting with her Sihai heritage due to trauma.

What is your character's biggest fear?
  • Rekaiel heavily fears violence due to her father's death. It doesn't help that she grew up in a village of pacifistic Cielothar.

Life Story

Rekaiel Renia/Nirwa (also known as Alassë to close family) was born to a Cielothar mother and Sihai father, off in a small Cielo village. The first 5 years of her life were peaceful and joyous, as she learned things than any young child does: walking, talking, and the likes. By the age of 4 she was very mobile, and was often found trying to explore the nearby forest.

Shortly after Rekaiel's 5th birthday, her father decided it was time to introduce her to his side of the family; a strict group of Sihai who lived far east. This went dastardly, resulting in the brutal murder of her father by none other than her grandfather, who believed that her existence was taboo, as her parents' relationship was very frowned upon by Sihai culture.

Her and her mother fled back to the village in the hopes of living a normal life. However, Rekaiel was mentally scarred by the event and would grow up resenting the Sihai race, and on top of that, that half of her.

Rekaiel grew up otherwise as any Cielo child would, taking on the Faith of Estel, love of nature, and vocal talents of her mother. When she turned 19, she insisted on leaving her village to travel, in the hopes of spreading the love of nature she had been taught. She's been traveling since, and is now trying to tackle the challenge of trying to give the capital the love of nature she holds so dear.
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Body Shape
Physical Stat: 27
State the Body Shape your character has here: .10 Athletic Body Shape
State the Body Fat your character has here: Average Body Fat
Please clarify body stat, nothing they have present proficiency wise grants body stat!