Rejections Guilt

*Rejections Guilt*


It was a beautiful, moonlit night and Melodina was looking through her things, and upon searching she found a letter that was neatly addressed to her with a curled style of writing. As soon as she saw the piece of paper, the woman glared intently at it; what was she doing?
Was she happy or sad? Frustrated or delighted? Their wasn't an answer because the female didn't know herself, but she hesitantly opened the sealed envelope to pull out another well-presented piece of paper.

The letter was clustered with rows and rows of words, the way it was written made the piece of literature look like a sonnet. Although it wasn't, and the Chaleur knew exactly what this was, she tensed up slightly, as her eyes darted across the letter. All the words said were,


"Dearest Melodina,

You are but a crystal, shining ever so brightly upon the faces of whoever you cross paths with. To you, you are a stoic and serious mannered person, not interested in the various changes of our world. But to me, you are a loving and kind woman, capable of many things if you put your fantastic and creative mind to something. So how about focusing your mind on me? And all the worthy, and noble things I do for you? All I want is your recognition and attention, just like how you desire the same thing.. but not from me. I've always found the thought sour, that you could find another man of better wealth and personality. That my prestigious and generous heart wasn't enough to gift your every single need. I'll be awaiting your response at the spot we always go to.

Yours truly, Estavon Pierre Forington."


Melodina frowned after she saw the letter coming to an end, she remembered the time the invitation to see him was delivered. Every detail never faded, remembering never meeting him at the spot they had planned to start a family. But the woman had a different path to follow.

Nevertheless, she felt guilty about rejecting him, she walked slowly to the couch, her vibrant dress somewhat losing its alluring presence as the woman plopped herself onto the comfort of the sofa.

Few minutes passed before she gazed out the window, sighing and standing; with a furrow gaze on the reflecting silver sphere up in the sky. She heard the door and figured it was either a costumer lurking or a family member, but to her imagination it was Estavon in all his glory, the two sat down and drank hot drinks. The guilt of rejecting leaving her as the couple talked the night away, but just as friends. Nothing more.​
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[IMG][/IMG] [COLOR=#ff0000]Burn baby, burn!~...
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*Rejections Guilt*


It was a beautiful, moonlit night and Melodina was looking through her things, and upon searching she found a letter that was neatly addressed to her with a curled style of writing. As soon as she saw the piece of paper, the woman glared intently at it; what was she doing?
Was she happy or sad? Frustrated or delighted? Their wasn't an answer because the female didn't know herself, but she hesitantly opened the sealed envelope to pull out another well-presented piece of paper.

The letter was clustered with rows and rows of words, the way it was written made the piece of literature look like a sonnet. Although it wasn't, and the Chaleur knew exactly what this was, she tensed up slightly, as her eyes darted across the letter. All the words said were,


"Dearest Melodina,

You are but a crystal, shining ever so brightly upon the faces of whoever you cross paths with. To you, you are a stoic and serious mannered person, not interested in the various changes of our world. But to me, you are a loving and kind woman, capable of many things if you put your fantastic and creative mind to something. So how about focusing your mind on me? And all the worthy, and noble things I do for you? All I want is your recognition and attention, just like how you desire the same thing.. but not from me. I've always found the thought sour, that you could find another man of better wealth and personality. That my prestigious and generous heart wasn't enough to gift your every single need. I'll be awaiting your response at the spot we always go to.

Yours truly, Estavon Pierre Forington."


Melodina frowned after she saw the letter coming to an end, she remembered the time the invitation to see him was delivered. Every detail never faded, remembering never meeting him at the spot they had planned to start a family. But the woman had a different path to follow.

Nevertheless, she felt guilty about rejecting him, she walked slowly to the couch, her vibrant dress somewhat losing its alluring presence as the woman plopped herself onto the comfort of the sofa.

Few minutes passed before she gazed out the window, sighing and standing; with a furrow gaze on the reflecting silver sphere up in the sky. She heard the door and figured it was either a costumer lurking or a family member, but to her imagination it was Estavon in all his glory, the two sat down and drank hot drinks. The guilt of rejecting leaving her as the couple talked the night away, but just as friends. Nothing more.​
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