Preserved Sheet Reina Toyair

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Oct 24, 2019
Reaction score
Basic Information
• Full Name: Reina Akia Toyair
• Age: 83
• Gender: Female
• Race: Cielothar
• Sexuality: Bisexual

Skill Information
Total Points: 50 Age +10 Hobby +10 Talent
+20 Medical science (Age)
+15 Vocal Singing (10 Talent + 5 Age)
+15 Cooking Arts (10 Hobby + 5 Age)
+10 Dancing Arts (Age)
+3 Linguistics (Age)

Physical Stat: 5
(10 Dancing x 0.5)

Body Shape
• Slim Body Shape
• Low Body Fat

-Plains Elven
-Kathar Elven (Linguistics)

Visual Information
• Eye Color: Blue
• Hair Color: Dark Brown
• Hair Style: Long, slightly wavy or in a bun
• Skin Color: Tan
• Clothing: Long Colorful Dress, lots of accessories especially at her ears.
• Height: 6'1

• Alignment: Neutral
• Personality: Advocate
• Religion: Estel (4/10)

-She was born in Daendroc as the youngest of her mothers 5 children.
-She was raised with her four brothers who where constantly working.
-She began acting and singing as a hobby while learning to cook to support her mother who was constantly sewing to support the family as a single mother.
-Her mother fell ill in which she began learning medicine in hopes to help her mother.
-Her mother passed away and she isolated herself, reading and dreaming of a day she'd have her own family.
-She moved out of her home, working as a doctor for her neighbors.
-She arrived in Regalia and ventured into the sewers
-She became afflicted which she began worshipping the void and met a woman in which she fell in love with
-She convinced the woman to have children for them with a family friend who later passed away.
-The woman had triplets and Reina had her own with another friend as she believed in polygamy.
-She then fell pregnant two years later with triplets and had them as well.
-Five years later she took in a young girl as well.
-The woman she loved and one of the children disappeared and she soon moved on, raising the other seven on her own.
-She is currently helping her eldest 'daughter' raise her baby and is also pregnant with a noble mans child. She took in 9 Maraya children as well while learning Kathar Elven to better understand her child.
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@Depressed_Bean Please expand on your life story just a bit. Not much more needed; I'd suggest expanding upon why her Faith in Estel is wavering. Make these edits in RED.
@Anarchizm Edits made: Changed dancing and singing to acting and singing in childhood. Changed hobby points to theatre and changed physical stat to 0