Preserved Sheet Reimund Von Rahm

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Nerd thing
Apr 27, 2014
Reaction score

Basic Information

  • Full Name: Reimund Päll Von Rahm
    • Nicknames: Rei to loved ones, mostly his sister.
  • Age: 23
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Leutz-Vixe Ailor
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
Skill Information

23 Proficiency Points to spend from age.
  • +10 Medical Sciences (+10 Points)
  • +10 Threads Arts (+10 Culture boost)
  • +5 Blunt Combat Skill (+5 Points)
  • +3 Statesman Knowledge (+3 Points)
  • +3 Shielding Combat Skill (+3 Points)
  • +2 Food and Drink Sciences (+2 Points)
Body Shape and Body Fat
  • Physical stat: 8 (Blunt Combat +5 Shielding Combat +3)
  • Body Shape: Toned.
  • Body Fat Category: Average Body Fat.

  • Common (Fluent)
  • Leutze-Vixe (Native)

Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Dark Blue
  • Hair Color: Light Strawberry Blonde
  • Hair Style: Short, neatly parted to one side.
  • Skin Color: Fair
  • Clothing: A modest blend of practical but fine garments.
  • Height: 6'
  • Body Build: Toned.

Personality and Abilities

Social Image:
To those meeting Reimund for the first time, their first impression of him would likely be that he is a polite but stoic person. He is often outwardly friendly even to strangers, but is known to keep those he does not know very well at arm's length. Those spending more time around him would see that he is often pragmatic in his way of thinking. Those hearing of him would likely think of him as a distant but kind person.

Self Image: The early death of his parents has greatly shaped the inner feelings of Reimund. He views himself as a sort of guardian to his younger sister, and feels the need to appear unwavering and strong for her sake. Deep down he is still troubled by his parents death, which led him to become a battle medic, these skills are something he is quite confident in. Despite this, Reimund is still anxious that he will not be skilled enough to keep his sister safe the person he cares about the most, leading him to be slightly overprotective.

Inner Circle: Reimund is much less uptight with family than he is with strangers. He is much more able to be jovial when it comes to those closest to him. His sister occasionally brings out a a rarely seen mischievousness, stemming from their childhood antics. His sister is also his one weakness, being closest to her, Reimund would do anything for his beloved sister. It is not often that he makes close friends outside of the family, but ones that are able to get past his guarded nature, will find a kind and caring friend, struggling to hide his difficult past.

Morality: Being quite rational and pragmatic, Reimund is of good nature, and believes in the order of things.He believes in doing good for the sake of helping others, and chose is particular schooling in order to fulfill that. He tries not to involve himself in the business of others, but if he were to notice the corruption of others he would be very opposed to those using their power in order to needlessly hurt others.

Life Story


  • Reimund was born the older of two siblings to their parents, Livinia and Konrad von Rahm.
  • He grew up a very behaved child, and was always looking out for his younger sister. However he also had a bit of mischievous side, often forcing her to eat his terrible cooking, or other various childhood antics.
  • The death of his parents during the Chrysant wars drew him even closer to his younger sister, acting as somewhat of a guardian to her. The young child had to grow up fast, feeling the need to protect his sister.
  • For a long time, Reimund was distant from his family other than Ernesta, unsure of how to deal with his own trauma, preferring to avoid it rather than talk about it with his relatives.
  • By the age of 10 he decided that the best way to deal with his grief, would be to prevent others from ever having to go through what he and his sister did, and so he enrolled in the School of Battlemed.

  • Being away from his sister proved difficult for him the first few years of his schooling, and he struggled to make new friends in his new environment.
  • Reimund kept mostly to himself, the letters from his sister a welcomed distraction from the humble daily life at the Abbey.
  • He excelled in his teaching, committing most of his time to his studies. He particularly enjoyed the healing aspects of the school, but proved quite capable in the combat aspects as well.
  • Often found himself in the kitchens, finding an interest in cooking. He had cooked when he was younger, but it was until now that he truly found and interest in it as a potential skill.
  • Finished his schooling with flying colors, a confident young medic ready to save those he could.

Adulthood to Present
  • His training complete, Reimund intended to help as many as he could, volunteering for any military opportunities he could. He longed to see his sister once more, but with her schooling still underway he distracted himself with his duties to the empire instead.
  • More recently, Reimund has now returned to Regalia, in the hopes of finally reconnecting with his little sister, Ernesta, as well as getting to know the rest of his family better. He hopes being back in the city once more will allow him some opportunities to use his skills for good, and is in search of where he will fit in best.
  • After reuniting with his sister, she informed him of their families bar, where Reimund has decided to help out his sister with the business in his free time.
Last edited:
@Vegemiite I believe I have properly updated this to the new system. Should be ready for re-review! Only changes made were to the skills section and adding the new body shape section.
At the characters current age and now that common costs ten years like any other language, you are currently over the limit. Please go about removing one of the languages and tag me once done!