Preserved Sheet Reilan Vann-eskondr

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Aug 21, 2020
Reaction score
Funny Accent Land
Novorran Empire
Roleplay Guilds
Alms Ministry, Black Scale Society

Reilan, circa 308 AC


  • Full Name: Reilan Vann-Eskondr
  • Age: 29
    • Birthdate: 17th December 280 AC
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Ailor
    • Lineage: Bolven
    • Culture: New Regalian
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
  • Preferred Weapon: The Bident, although weapons similar to it such as the spear (discluding trident) are also preferrable as well.


  • Total Points: 57 = 10 Hobby + 10 Talent + 5 Birth + 29 Age + 5 Racial Boost
  • Melee Combat Points:
    • Spear Combat: 8 (Core)
    • Fist Combat: 5 (Core)
    • Glaive Combat: 5 (Birth)
  • Ranged Combat Points:
    • Heavy Bow Combat: 5 (C0re)
  • Science Skill Points:
    • Linguistic Science 3 (Core)
  • Command Skill Points:
    • Statecraft Command: 3 (Core)
    • Frontline Command: 3 (Core)
  • Perception Training: 5 (Talent)
  • Strength Training: 10 (5 Talent + 5 Racial)
  • Cooking Art: 2 (Hobby)
  • Dancing Art: 2 (Hobby)
  • Circus Art: 3 (Hobby)
  • Pathfinding Art: 3 (Hobby)
Body Shape

Total Physical Stat Calculations:

(Melee x 1) + (Range x 1) + (Special x 1)
= PhysicStat

((8 + 5 + 5 + 10) x 1) + (5 x 1) + ((10 x 1)
= 43

PhysicStat + (Sciences x 0.5) + (Hobby/Talent x 0.5)
= Total

43 + ((2 + 2 + 3) x 0.5)
= 46.5

PhysicStat + (Hardy Constitution)
= Total

46.5 + 10
= 56.5

PhysicStat - Excess
56.5 - 21.5

= 35

Body Shape: Athletic Body Shape

Body Fat: Average Body Fat


  • Common (Childhood)
  • Faraddi (Regional)
  • Alt-Regalian (Parental)
  • Sofaal (Adolescence, Investment)

Special Traits/Spells/Mutations

Racial Abilities:
  • Hardy Constitution: Racial Passive
  • Versatile Instinct: Racial Spell
  • Hidden Stature: Racial Spell
  • Ritualist Implementation: Ritualist Power (Ability)
  • Ritualist Rustward: Ritualist Power (Ability)
  • Ritualist Trance Fire: Ritualist Power (Aesthetic)
  • Ritualist Lightpaint: Ritualist Passive (Aesthetic)


  • Eye Color: Hazel, that changes to turquoise randomly
  • Hair Color: Tan-blonde, with streaks of sun-bleached blonde in the roots
  • Hair Style: Tousled, slightly shaved towards the bottom.
  • Skin Color: Caucasian, with a minorly freckled complexion. Seemingly tan as well.
  • Clothing: He always wears a grey fur stol around his right shoulder, along with ragged long-sleeved wear. This clothing is usually a sandy/tan colour mixed with maroon, to show his allegiance to Songaski culture. He also wears fur-covered leather shin pads and boots, to make walking or running long distances a little more comfortable and easy. It is also a cheap form of protection against blunt weaponry. Behind the padding is a thin layer of light alloy. Not exactly built for war, but it'll do the job. On the other side of his stol, he wears a light, but well made pauldron, that is a dark stone grey in colour and rustic in texture, made of the same alloy.
  • Height: 6'6"
Reilan is a sort of lean man. Despite looking tall and broad while wearing his attire, without his stol and boots he's pretty much, well, not quite average. His body fat is a little low, so when you look at him with just a shirt and pants, you could mistake him for a hat post. His facial features however, are strikingly handsome. His cheeks and jawline stick out a little bit, a chiseled face one might say, with broad eyebrows and an average nose. His eyes are a bit sunken, but you'd really have to look to notice. Overall, Reilan is a tall, skinny-ish handsome man.


  • How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?
    • Reilan would express this usually through emotive and physical ways, but in some cases it can all be mental, and not express a thing. This is due to a long exposure to high-stress situations, where he was always in tears, and nowadays he believes that to be a vulnerability. Thus, he keeps emotions such as excitement and contedness within him, and uses gestures instead.

  • How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
    • He would become slightly more paranoid, but he would never show any sign of weakness, based on the idea that it would make him more vulnerable. You could also tell through one physical motion that he was in fear, and that is clenching his jaw with immense force, which after the fear has dissipated he will be trying to soothe his jaw or stretch it out.

  • How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
    • He would begin to slowly break down after a few days, becoming more and more paranoid, observant, and ultimately not himself. It'll begin to show, emotions such as anger or annoyance lashes out in violent mood swings.

  • How does your character view Law and Authorities?
    • He respects them, but isn't necessarily inclined to follow them. This basically means that, if they work in his favour, he'll abide. If they don't, GET EM OUTTA HERE.

  • How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
    • He has a completely open mind towards them, and would never think any less of them. Maybe besides the Khaneh Qadir. This is because of the exposure of Songaskian culture, that all races should be treated equally and slaves freed, in order to be a prime race to protect the land.

  • How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
    • In his childhood, his parents were heavily religious and unionistic, so he does indeed pray sometimes or ask for any God for help in times of strife. Although, he may change between his Ailor culture and Songaskian culture, in order to make himself feel equal between the two races he grew up with.

  • How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
    • He isn't exactly knowledgeable on the subject, but understands its importance in society. Sometimes, he even avoids it, and sees it in combat as cheating, or even a jump in combat training.

  • How does your character feel towards their family?
    • He has no blood family left that he knows of, but rather his family of Songaskians in Farah'deen. He is certainly kind to those who are close to him, but it all depends on what kind of family.

  • What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
    • Being able to survive being kidnapped by Khaneh Qadir radicals, training with a Songaskian tribe, and how he made it halfway across the world to Regalia from Hadrivia.

  • What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
    • He is determined to find a place to settle down, so he can finally live simply, and regain the childhood he lost along with the hole in his heart. He also wants to be able to live free of paranoia and the constant readiness to fight.

  • What is your character's biggest insecurity?
    • Family and social-interaction. Despite his kindness, he's pretty much clueless about love or intimacy. Expressing the need to create a meaningful conversation with someone at a party or in a tavern is quite easy for him, although it's the subject and how he approaches it and debates or even talks about it is pretty off. Not in an ignorant way, just downright strange.

  • What is your character's biggest fear?
    • Being alone forever, in the deserts of Farah'deen, while being hunted by Khaneh Qadir. Can't get any worse than that, or if he was banished to a realm where there was no end.

  • Alignment
    • Chaotic Neutral
  • Personality Type
    • ISFJ-T The Defender
  • Religion
    • 8/10 (3 Unionism, 5 Shambala)
Life Story

Born in 280 AC, Reilan was a city boy. His mother gave birth to him in a small apartment in Regalia, Regalian Empire, a few weeks before their departure. His father, who was a bartender, ran a rapidly decaying tavern in Oldtown, which was not generating enough income for the family. So, he and his mother decided to join a group of Ailor, who were assisting folk in need and sending them to their "Great City". What his family didn't know was that it was the City of Mooriye, one of the most discriminative cities of non Qadir. The trip by sea was long and hard, stopping three times in the Southern belt of Corontium, the easterly island of Hadaria, and the Oldt Era. This trip amounted to two months of sickness, hunger, thirst, and prayer. At last, the dreaded family had landed, with a deprived child, a weeping mother and doubt-ridden father. The small family were met with immense challenges when they entered Mooriye, namely the racism in the immigration system. Having been through hell on the sail there, this was nothing; and it did not phase them. After a few days of lining up, waiting, and receiving passports out of spite, the family were finally in the promised City of Mooriye. The father, whose name is Arlain Eskondr, of Carnvaal lineage, set up a small bar in the slums of the city, living in its basement. He made an alright living, doing Ailorian children's birthdays, and hosting lads and ladies nights with little to no customers. His mother, whose name was Odeia Vann Eskondr, of Bolven lineage, embroidered scarves, stols and headgear for the commoners and travellers in the slums, and surprisingly succeeded financially. The family were doing OK in this awfully strange city, for now at least.

288 AC:

Becoming poorer by the day, the Eskondr family was falling into disparity. Hs father was drinking, his mother was brawling, and Reilan was left to fend for himself. Until one fateful evening, when he and his father were working together at the bar (he'd hired his son due to inability to pay waiters/waitresses, or any staff really), five odd men walked in. The head of the group took off his hat, sat down, and made his father an offer. A local mafia boss wanted to rent his bar for his son's birthday, for 200 regals. Without thinking, his father reluctantly made the deal, a hand shake that would ruin their lives forever. Out of pure joy, the next evening Arlain went out to drink his drinking buddies. Drink they did, and drunk they became, and the beans would spill. He jibber-jabber'd all the details to randoms, mercenaries, and the bartender of course. Soon, basically the whole slums would know that a certain high class mafia boss would setting up a party for his son! Wonderful information, and militias and rival mafias soon calculated a perfect plan, in order to take this son of his ransom.
Come the day of reckoning, the son of the great syndicate enters with his friends. After two hours of celebration, strange men and women enter the bar unexpectedly, and begin cutting down all of the residents. The massacre continued until only the son, and his high class friend remain, along with Arlain and Reilan, who had snuck out the backdoor amidst the chaos into a hidden alley behind the tavern. They ran a few streets away, into another dark alley where they took refuge for a day.

The next day arrived, and the father and son scouted the tavern. They looked out at it from the other side of the narrow street, looking around it quite suspiciously. Then, in an instant, Arlain was dragged into an alley they stood right behind, Reilan spun, staring at his father was being reeled in like a moth to a candle. His father shot him an expression of warning, not to follow, as it had seemed that they only knew he was there, not the child. This gave Reilan a chance to sink into the small crowd, walking away looking tough, but destroyed on the inside. All the while he walked down the street aimlessly, he thought he need to go back, to fight off the kidnappers, to avenge his father and mostly likely dead mother, but it was no use. He was a weak boy, too malnourished to gain weight, to earn muscle. He wandered to the only place he knew he could go, to the local shelter for the sick and homeless.

He arrived, and was greeted by kind volunteer staff, who showed him to the cafeteria where stew that had looked like it was cooked years ago waited. They gave him a small bowl and spoon, and he ate up. His young mind, wrought by carnage and depression, only made him weaker. 14 days passed, until he was given to the
orphanage to be cared for. The humble volunteer who cared for him for a while, walked him there, and signed him in. That very same night, a group of oddly dressed Songaski entered. Reilan, who sleeping on the bottom of a bunk that was eerily nailed to the rafters, looked down at the arrival, watching as the receptionist showed them up to the bunks. Reilan, who had stayed up from lack of will to sleep, observed the group as they inspected each child. As they approached, he sat up. Reilan was poor, but manners were everything to his parents, so he greeted them with a nod as they stopped to look at the boy. The three strangers looked at one another, and with an instant bought the boy. Reilan complied, knowing that whomever they were, at least he would have something better than the slab of a bunk he was sitting on. He could tell this by the female stranger's long earrings, shaped in golden hoops. They walked out of the slums, towards the edge of the city, which by then morning had struck. They dug up the ground near the border of the city, taking out their belongings wrapped in a strange leather. This would be filled with food and water, for a few days trip at least. They planned their heading with old maps and scriptures, and set off into the desert ahead.

Within a week of walking, they made it to a certain cliff. This cliff was inhabited by the Songaski tribesmen and women, defined by the great town that was built within this cliff. Designed by sandstone and coarse rags, and held together by makeshift rope and clay found within the cliff itself, it held it's beauty within the hearts of the inhabitants. They gave him a simple crevice in the cliff, general regional and seasonal fruits with small portions of water. The female stranger removed her hood, showing the beautiful markings of gold facepaint and red ornaments, signifying the sun and it's glory. She began to speak in horrible common, explaining to him their purpose for bringing him here. She told him that he would be something bigger than what anyone would imagine. He'd help bring peace between Songaski and Ailor. With that, she grabbed the boy by the scruff, and dragged him to the other side of the cliff's wall. Sat there, on the very edge, was a small school. Not a school for any sophisticated education, but military. She explained to him the training he would go through, to become the centrepoint of peace. But, being only 8, he did not understand, He never would for years to come. There he was placed under care of the 'teachers', who fitted him casual tribal wear, which didn't look quite right on the young white Ailor.
After a few years of scrupulous strength, endurance and agility training suited for a weightlifter, along with ceaseless bullying by his peers due to his race and ignorance to their culture, he was finally ready. Years had passed in the small cliff-town. He had learned the language, learned the importance of Shambala, learned fairness and to respect others, along with incredible skill in spear and pike work, along with the Glaive. Finally, his first battle came to him. It would be the first in a long chain of events that spurred his bloodthirsty, violent alternate personality.

298-303 AC:
Considered by Reilan as "
The Blood Years".

It would require a 13 day's walk to the port of Hadravia, in order to board a ship to Regalia. Dehydrated, tired with sores and spasms in his legs and feet, he finally arrived, without stopping anywhere on his journey. Some may hear this and think it impossible, but with enough determination, I'd assume anything can be possible. On the way there, he met a lonesome old woman, whom he spoke with on his journey, sharing wisdoms and abstract ideas normal commoners wouldn't converse. When the boat had arrived, out of gratitude this woman handed him a thick, old, dust-covered book. He wiped the sediment off the cover, to see the words "Natkia's Recipes for the Beginning Chef, and Beyond". He thanked her for this token, and studied it for the rest of the time he'd owned it.

That brings us to the present.
Last edited:
Hello! This is a peer review which means what I write are advice and tips, I am not a staff member! Let's get started shall we?

You should include information of your lineage, which is Archan, that I see, and also your culture which depends on where you were raised in. Cultures can be found here,, also certain cultures and locations are more connected to Archan lineages, be sure to read on what suits you best.

Sounds like a bident, a two prong spear-like weapon.

I.. am.. really confused. You get racial boosts, one part of the application template is slightly outdated, you should read and look at this

You'd have 52 points, not 53, every point counts!

Melee Combat Points:
Although there is really only one type of points that can be used for combat proficiencies, you should still state what type of points you've invested in it.

Ranged Combat Points:
This is unfortunately been removed recently, the proficiency as a whole, as well as throwing combat has been removed. This frees points for you though!

Science Skill Points:
This is correct but if you wish to use points efficiently, you can choose to remove two points to be invested else where.

Depending on where your character 'Reilan' was raised, you can potentially learn a maximum of 3 languages, of course, your linguistic science provides a solid reason (from a proficiency point of view) to learn foreign languages.

Be sure to write out which proficiency allows you to give you body stat for an easier time for your reviewer and yourself.

Also as an Archan Ailor, your max body stat is 30, you should state that's your max as an Archan Ailor.

You should expand on this personality option as nearly most of the lore staff would like to see two to three sentences for each part of the personality. You can add more details, whether positive or negative, to bring more depth to your character.

This is just a tip but you can split this life story into sections between five year gaps or something or life stages of infancy, adolescence, and adulthood.

Now then! This is all I have found, I may have found less but this is to help yourself and your reviewer, I am not a staff member. Most important of all, happy roleplaying!
Cheers man! Really helpful! :>>>
Hey there. Claiming this app for review. Let's get started! Big thanks to @Yui_Drax for the review.

Please include your lineage here.

Proficiency Limits: Archan Lineage: 60
You don't need this here anymore. Please remove it.

Ranged Combat Points: Javelin Combat 10
Javelin Combat no longer exists. Please remove this from the app, and allocate points elsewhere.

Please remove these links from the app, so to reduce clutter and make everything easier to follow.

  • How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?
    • Usually through emotive and physical ways, but in some cases it can all be mental, and not express a thing.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
    • He would become slightly more paranoid, but he would never show any sign of weakness, based on the idea that it would make him more vulnerable.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
    • He would begin to slowly break down after a few days, and when he is alone even cry to himself.
  • How does your character view Law and Authorities?
    • He respects them, but isn't necessarily inclined to follow them.
  • How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
    • He has a completely open mind towards them, and would never think any less of them. Maybe besides the Khaneh Qadir.
  • How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
    • In his childhood, his parents were heavily religious and unionistic, so he does indeed pray sometimes or ask for any God for help in times of strife.
  • How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
    • He isn't exactly knowledgeable on the subject, but understands its importance in society.
  • How does your character feel towards their family?
    • He has no blood family left that he knows of, but rather his family of Songaskians in Farah'deen. He is certainly kind to those who are close to him, but it all depends on what kind of family.
  • What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
    • Being able to survive being kidnapped by Khaneh Qadir radicals, training with a Songaskian tribe, and how he made it half-way across the world to Regalia from Al-Alus.
  • What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
    • He is determined to find a place to settle down, so he can finally live simply, and regain the childhood he lost along with the hole in his heart.
  • What is your character's biggest insecurity?
    • Family and social-interaction. Despite his kindness, he's pretty much clueless about love or intimacy, along with starting conversations with strangers.
  • What is your character's biggest fear?
    • Being alone, forever, in the deserts of Farah'deen, while being hunted by Khaneh Qadir.
Please keep these responses to a minimum of 2 sentences each. If you're struggling, consider taking the core list approach.

Make these edits, tag me and we'll keep going until you're good for approval!
Hey there. Claiming this app for review. Let's get started! Big thanks to @Yui_Drax for the review.

Please include your lineage here.

You don't need this here anymore. Please remove it.

Javelin Combat no longer exists. Please remove this from the app, and allocate points elsewhere.

Please remove these links from the app, so to reduce clutter and make everything easier to follow.

Please keep these responses to a minimum of 2 sentences each. If you're struggling, consider taking the core list approach.

Make these edits, tag me and we'll keep going until you're good for approval!
Yep, done the edits, I've tagged you in the tags on the core sub.
Edit: Overhaul of literally everything.

Reilan, circa 308 AC


  • Full Name: Reilan "Reil" Vann-Eskondr

  • Age: 27
    • Birthdate: 17th December 281 AC
  • Gender: Male

  • Race: Ailor
    • Lineage: Archan
    • Culture: Shambal, Regal
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual

  • Preferred Weapon: An 8 foot rusted pike, made of a strong yet light wood along with a strong yet rusted blade. It looks as if it has seen better days, garnished and wrapped with tired leather, holding it together. The blade is split into two points, like a pitchfork with two ends and not three.


  • Total Points: 52 = 10 Hobby + 10 Talent + 5 Birth + 27 Age

  • Melee Combat Points:
    • Spear Combat: 16
    • Shield Combat: 5 Birth Points
  • Science Skill Points:
    • Linguistic Science 6

  • Ritualism:
    • Ritualist Implementation: 5

  • Perception Training: 5 Talent Points

  • Strength Training: 5 Talent Points

  • Painting Art: 6 Hobby Points

  • Cooking Art: 4 Hobby Points

Body Shape

Total Physical Stat Calculations:

(Melee x 1) + (Strength x 1)

= PhysicStat

((18 + 7) x 1) + (5 x 1)

= 30

PhysicStat + (Sciences x 0.5)

= Total

30 + (7 x 0.5)

= 34.5

Body Shape: Athletic Body Shape

Body Fat: Low Body Fat


  • Common (Childhood)

  • Faraddi (Regional)

  • Alt-Regalian (Parental)

  • Sofaal (Adolescence)

Special Traits/Spells/Mutations



  • Eye Color: Hazel

  • Hair Color: Tan-blonde

  • Hair Style: Tousled, slightly shaved towards the bottom.

  • Skin Color: Caucasian, with a minorly freckled complexion. Seemingly tan as well.

  • Clothing: He always wears a grey fur stol around his right shoulder, along with ragged long-sleeved wear. This clothing is usually a sandy/tan colour. He also wears fur-covered leather shin pads and boots, to make walking or running long distances a little more comfortable and easy. On the other side of his stol, he wears a light, but well made pauldron, that is a dark stone grey in colour and rustic in texture, made of a cheap alloy.

  • Height: 6'4"
  • Reilan is a sort of lean man. Despite looking tall and broad while wearing his attire, without his stol and boots he's pretty much, well, not quite average. His body fat is a little low, so when you look at him with just a shirt and pants, you could mistake him for a hat post. His facial features however, are strikingly handsome. His cheeks and jawline stick out a little bit, a chiseled face one might say, with broad eyebrows and an average nose. His eyes are a bit sunken, but you'd really have to look to notice. Overall, Reilan is a tall, skinny-ish handsome man.


  • How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?
    • Reilan would express this usually through emotive and physical ways, but in some cases it can all be mental, and not express a thing. This is due to a long exposure to high-stress situations, where he was always in tears, and nowadays he believes that to be a vulnerability. Thus, he keeps emotions such as excitement and contedness within him, and uses gestures instead.

  • How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
    • He would become slightly more paranoid, but he would never show any sign of weakness, based on the idea that it would make him more vulnerable. You could also tell through one physical motion that he was in fear, and that is clenching his jaw with immense force, which after the fear has dissipated he will be trying to soothe his jaw or stretch it out.

  • How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
    • He would begin to slowly break down after a few days, becoming more and more paranoid, observant, and ultimately not himself. It'll begin to show, emotions such as anger or annoyance lashes out in violent mood swings.

  • How does your character view Law and Authorities?
    • He respects them, but isn't necessarily inclined to follow them. This basically means that, if they work in his favour, he'll abide. If they don't, GET EM OUTTA HERE.

  • How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
    • He has a completely open mind towards them, and would never think any less of them. Maybe besides the Khaneh Qadir. This is because of the exposure of Songaskian culture, that all races should be treated equally and slaves freed, in order to be a prime race to protect the land.

  • How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
    • In his childhood, his parents were heavily religious and unionistic, so he does indeed pray sometimes or ask for any God for help in times of strife. Although, he may change between his Ailor culture and Songaskian culture, in order to make himself feel equal between the two races he grew up with.

  • How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
    • He isn't exactly knowledgeable on the subject, but understands its importance in society. Sometimes, he even avoids it, and sees it in combat as cheating, or even a jump in combat training.

  • How does your character feel towards their family?
    • He has no blood family left that he knows of, but rather his family of Songaskians in Farah'deen. He is certainly kind to those who are close to him, but it all depends on what kind of family.

  • What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
    • Being able to survive being kidnapped by Khaneh Qadir radicals, training with a Songaskian tribe, and how he made it halfway across the world to Regalia from Hadrivia.

  • What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
    • He is determined to find a place to settle down, so he can finally live simply, and regain the childhood he lost along with the hole in his heart. He also wants to be able to live free of paranoia and the constant readiness to fight.

  • What is your character's biggest insecurity?
    • Family and social-interaction. Despite his kindness, he's pretty much clueless about love or intimacy. Expressing the need to create a meaningful conversation with someone at a party or in a tavern is quite easy for him, although it's the subject and how he approaches it and debates or even talks about it is pretty off. Not in an ignorant way, just downright strange.

  • What is your character's biggest fear?
    • Being alone forever, in the deserts of Farah'deen, while being hunted by Khaneh Qadir. Can't get any worse than that, or if he was banished to a realm where there was no end.

Life Story

Born in 281 AC, Reilan was a city boy. His mother gave birth to him in a small apartment in Regalia, Regalian Empire, a few weeks before their departure. His father, who was a priest, ran a rapidly decaying church in Oldtown, which was not generating enough income for the family. So, he and his mother decided to join a group of Ailor, who were assisting folk in need and sending them to their "Great City". What his family didn't know was that it was the City of Mooriye, one of the most unaccepting cities of priests of other faiths, as well as non Qadir. The trip by sea was long and hard, stopping three times in the Southern belt of Corontium, the easterly island of Hadaria, and the Oldt Era. This trip amounted to two months of sickness, hunger, thirst, and prayer. At last, the dreaded family had landed, with a deprived child, a weeping mother and doubt-ridden father. The small family were met with immense challenges when they entered Mooriye, namely the racism in the immigration system. Having been through hell on the sail there, this was nothing; and it did not phase them. After a few days of lining up, waiting, and receiving passports out of spite, the family were finally in the promised City of Mooriye. The father, whose name is Arlain Eskondr, set up a small church in the slums of the city, living in its basement. He made an alright living, christening Ailorian children, and listening to the confessions of grief-stricken men and women. His mother, whose name was Odeia Vann Eskondr, embroidered scarves, stols and headgear for the commoners and travellers in the slums, and surprisingly succeeded financially. The family were doing fine in this awfully strange city, for now at least.

287 AC, a small group of Khaneh Qadir extremists attacked the small Eskondr local church in the City of Mooriye's slums. 6 child slaves were stolen in this attack, including the 6 year old Reilan Eskondr. The boy was taken by these extremists to the very outskirts of the city, where they met a bribed carriage driver. They beat him and his fellow detainees in the cell on the back, chained so they wouldn't retaliate. If you meet Reilan today, you can ask him what he remembers. He'll only say "The chains…" and change the subject. That will give some perspective on what had happened that day and the next few on the trip to the border of Mooriye. Over the period of 1 week, 3 days and 20 hours, he was auctioned and sold to another cartel of Khaneh radicals, for a punching bag. They expected him tod die within the month. He did not. He prayed for liberation, which helped him hang on to his dear life. On the first day of the first month, the radicals didn't visit him to let it all out. In fact, others did. Bloodied and battle-scarred Songaskian tribesmen showed up, and busted the cell's door. "You are free. You may prosper." said the leader in not-so-educated common language, still holding his spear. The boy didn't reply. They figured he was incapable of escaping himself, so he was carried by these men, who were alien to the boy. How they saved him and survived is still sort of a plothole, for the Khaneh had incredible technology far superior than the tribespeople. Anyway, they carried him deep into the desert, a day's trip, to a barren and eroded cliff. This cliff was inhabited by the Songaskian tribesmen and women, defined by the great town that was built within this cliff. Designed by sandstone and coarse rags, and held together by makeshift rope and clay found within the cliff itself, it held it's beauty within the hearts of the inhabitants. They gave him a simple crevice in the cliff, general regional and seasonal fruits with small portions of water. After a few days of crying himself to sleep, trying to push away the traumatic experience he had witnessed, this was a fork in the road of his life. Snap like a twig and go insane, or suck it up and fight another day. He chose the latter. He got up one fateful morning, and limped towards the central hub of rickety ladders and sandstone stairs. As he approached what he remembered was the leader, he fell on his knees, tired even from such a short trip. He bowed his head, a sign of both gratitude and promise, he needed a place here if he were to survive. The leader almost laughed, although stopped himself due to the sensitivity of the situation. He grabbed the boy by the scruff, and dragged him to the other side of the cliff's wall. Sat there, on the very edge, was a small school. Not a school for any sophisticated education, but a military one. There he was placed under care of the 'teachers', who fitted him casual tribal wear, which didn't look quite right on the young white Ailor.
After a few years of scrupulous strength, endurance and agility training suited for a weightlifter, along with ceaseless bullying by his peers due to his race and ignorance to their culture, he was finally ready. Years had passed in the small cliff-town. He had learned the language, learned the importance of Shambala, learned fairness and to respect others, along with incredible skill in spear and pike work, along with learning how to use Ritualist Implementation, to add to his fighting capability. They gave him one full leather canteen of water, sent him good luck to prosper, and exiled him. He wasn't exiled in a negative way, but his own accord. He wished not to stay, despite the warmth of the people (some people). He wanted to venture out into the world, traverse and explore. It would require a 13 day's walk to the port of Hadravia, in order to board a ship to Regalia. Dehydrated, tired with sores and spasms in his legs and feet, he finally arrived, without stopping anywhere on his journey. Some may hear this and think it impossible, but with enough determination, I'd assume anything can be possible.
Claiming this application for Aspirant Review!
  • 'Shambal' and 'Regal' are not existing Ailor Cultures, the list of available Ailor Cultures can be found here:
  • You are over the Proficiency Point cap with your invested Proficiency Points gained from Age: the character should have a maximum of 32 Age Points to spend (27 Age + 5 Birth), but your invested Age Points come out to a total of 42.
  • Bolven Lineage does not grant an extra +10 Proficiency Points, there are Racial Boost options that go with Bolven Ailor (as shown on the Proficiency page) but not any additional Points that break the cap. However, Bolven Lineage does give an automatic +10 in Physical Stat with the Hardy Constitution Racial Ability.
  • Where is the 7 near the end of the Physical Stat calculation (in the section about Science points) coming from? You do not have point investment in any Science proficiencies that contribute to Physical Stat.
  • You get a Ritualism Level (1 Ritualist Ability + 1 Ritualist Aesthetic) for every three Proficiency Points invested in Ritualism, as specified here:
  • Clarify exactly which Languages were added from the Linguistics points.
  • Racial Abilities for Bolven Ailor also includes Hidden Stature, in addition to Hardy Constitution and Versatile Instinct. Be sure to rename "Racial Boosts" to "Racial Abilities" and add Hidden Stature to the list.
Make all changes in Green and tag me when finished.
Last edited:
  • The "Hardy Constitution" Ability does not contribute to Proficiency Points in any way, it only contributes to Physical Stat as an automatic +10 Physical Stat boost (without breaking Phys Stat cap). Please remove Hardy Constitution from your Total Points.
  • Age + Birth Points still comes out to a total of 42 points invested instead of the actual maximum of 32, presumably due to Hardy Constitution still being used in Total Points. After you have removed Hardy Constitution from your Total Points, readjust your invested (Age + Birth) Points accordingly.
  • I presume that you are using Linguistics Sciences as the 6 Science points going into Physical Stat. Linguistic Sciences is not a Science Proficiency that increases Physical Stat, remove it from your calculation.
Make changes in Green and tag me once finished.
  • The "Hardy Constitution" Ability does not contribute to Proficiency Points in any way, it only contributes to Physical Stat as an automatic +10 Physical Stat boost (without breaking Phys Stat cap). Please remove Hardy Constitution from your Total Points.
  • Age + Birth Points still comes out to a total of 42 points invested instead of the actual maximum of 32, presumably due to Hardy Constitution still being used in Total Points. After you have removed Hardy Constitution from your Total Points, readjust your invested (Age + Birth) Points accordingly.
  • I presume that you are using Linguistics Sciences as the 6 Science points going into Physical Stat. Linguistic Sciences is not a Science Proficiency that increases Physical Stat, remove it from your calculation.
Make changes in Green and tag me once finished.
Gotcha @KrakenLord01
Edit: Added more character personality information. Small grammatical changes.
Undergoing backstory rewrite for lore correction.
Sorry for delay, I'll look this over for the re-review.
  • You cannot use Hobby Points to invest in Sword Combat, only Age Points can be used for Combat skills. Hobby Points are exclusively for Hobby Group Proficiencies as listed on the Proficiency page.
Make changes in Green and tag me when finished.