Archived Regular Hopper World

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Ever Waiting
Nov 14, 2012
Reaction score
This is a rather simple suggestion, due to the disabling of normally timed hoppers in all worlds o prevent lag, make a world where hoppers are normally timed and have all their regular functions. This way us redstoners can make our creations and it doesn't restrict our gameplay and ruin an aspect of the game for us.

  • Redstoners can be free to make their creations
  • People can make autobrewers
  • Massive doesn't take away from some of the people's gameplay as they are doing right now
  • This world may be a bit laggy
Solution to cons:
Tell people this world is laggy and that they shouldn't build there if they don't like the lag.

@MonMarty @Thortuna @Gethelp @Cayorion
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
@thor5648 100 percent support on this idea. The Hopper lag on the worlds drives me absolutely insane..
Don't tag all the staff to get their attention. They see all posts made here.
I agree thor as auto brewers may be usful to people who need pots and dont want to do it on their own
Creating a new world is a long process, because Massive is all about quality. Surely they wouldn't release a new map just so people can make fancy auto-brewers..

With that said, why not do this with one of the older worlds, like Ellador and Daendroc? There's barely any players anyways, so the lag wouldn't be that big of a problem.
This is a rather simple suggestion, due to the disabling of normally timed hoppers in all worlds o prevent lag, make a world where hoppers are normally timed and have all their regular functions. This way us redstoners can make our creations and it doesn't restrict our gameplay and ruin an aspect of the game for us.

  • Redstoners can be free to make their creations
  • People can make autobrewers
  • Massive doesn't take away from some of the people's gameplay as they are doing right now
  • This world may be a bit laggy
Solution to cons:
Tell people this world is laggy and that they shouldn't build there if they don't like the lag.

@MonMarty @Thortuna @Gethelp @Cayorion

I don't get this. How would this help?
I don't get this. How would this help?
To make it simple, Massivecraft changed the functionality of hoppers to reduce lag. When you get into more complicated redstone circuitry you deal with hoppers and comparators for various reasons. The main issue is that the interaction between hoppers and comparators has been severely limited by changing the way hoppers function. If you would like more details I can explain in a private conversation.
I was brought here by general chat. Seems like an interesting idea, I haven't tinkered with redstone since beta and I don't know much about how this server has implemented it but if there's removed features that could be otherwise brought in I'm all for it.

Can the server handle the creation of a new world solely for this purpose, though? Is the creation of an entire world to appease this one perk worth it for the server? These are questions that I do not know the answer to, but are worth asking.
Creating a new world is a long process, because Massive is all about quality. Surely they wouldn't release a new map just so people can make fancy auto-brewers..

With that said, why not do this with one of the older worlds, like Ellador and Daendroc? There's barely any players anyways, so the lag wouldn't be that big of a problem.
The world wouldn't have to be fancy at all. If it's sole purpose was to help with stuff like autobrewers it could be completely flat and featureless.
To make it simple, Massivecraft changed the functionality of hoppers to reduce lag. When you get into more complicated redstone circuitry you deal with hoppers and comparators for various reasons. The main issue is that the interaction between hoppers and comparators has been severely limited by changing the way hoppers function. If you would like more details I can explain in a private conversation.

Alright. I don't do much redstone on massivecraft
First of all. Performance improvements (such as this one) is handled by the Tech Department. Tagging MonMarty, Thortuna and GetHelp won't help you.

All I actually need to say is that this suggestion is not possible with ut current technology.

But even if the suggestion was possible it was flawed. Having hoppers in one world, would not only slow down that world, but also all other worlds on the same server. The suggestion would not really limit the amount of redstone devices such as auto brewers it would just make sure they were all on the same server, ultimately making that one server slow.
First of all. Performance improvements (such as this one) is handled by the Tech Department. Tagging MonMarty, Thortuna and GetHelp won't help you.

All I actually need to say is that this suggestion is not possible with ut current technology.

But even if the suggestion was possible it was flawed. Having hoppers in one world, would not only slow down that world, but also all other worlds on the same server. The suggestion would not really limit the amount of redstone devices such as auto brewers it would just make sure they were all on the same server, ultimately making that one server slow.
Teled had hoppers enabled for the past few months while the other worlds did not. From my observations (may be wrong) the only world that was really below 20 tps consistently during peak hours was teled, and even then it was usually around 15-18, which really isn't that laggy at all.
so mods, are you gonna boost the brewing time or create something new cause hand brewing suuuuuuucks
10 outta 10 will agree to this, already most of my redstone creations with hoppers in it are useless. Pls bring them back 2 life. However you could make an extention to the hopper timer by extending it by 5x5 with 2 repeaters and 1 comparator on each side (10 repeaters 5 comparators) or use a dropper timer instead. Items move every 5 seconds which makes it possible. I'm not too sure If I gave the solution away or another issue due to this being more laggy. Have fun peeps finishing off your redstone creations :D
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Teled had hoppers enabled for the past few months while the other worlds did not. From my observations (may be wrong) the only world that was really below 20 tps consistently during peak hours was teled, and even then it was usually around 15-18, which really isn't that laggy at all.
Massive mobs are the issue.
Massive removing the tic per seconds that hoppers had is like if activision was like hey guys we removed full auto guns of the game and only kept pistols cause you know it creates lag.
My only input here is that Hoppers, which are something that every single Semi Decent PvPer will use to make autobrewers, were removed in order to reduce lag, but MassiveMobs were readded, which results in even more lag... I know a lot of people who have discussed this issue in TeamSpeak ( @togal300 , @jquaile , etc.) have the same question as I do; why?