Preserved Sheet Reginald-fitz O'baeyleesson

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Aug 4, 2014
Reaction score
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Reginald-Fitz O'Baeyleesson
  • Nickname: 'Cut'
  • Age: 36
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Claith Ailor
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
Skill Information
  • Proficiency points
  • 36-10 from the school of Battlemed = 26 points
    • +16 Mace (+10 From school of Battlemed)(+6 From points)
    • +10 Surgery (+10 From school of Battlemed)
    • +10 Small shield (+10 From school of Battlemed)
    • +5 Unarmed Fighting (+5 From points)
    • +15 Quick fingers (+15 From points)
    • +5 Pre-Cataclysm History (+5 From being a Claith Ailor)
  • Culture points
  • 36 points total.
    • + 25 Bodycare (+25 from points)
    • + 6 Literature (+6 from points)
    • +5 Horticulture (+5 from points)
  • Languages
    • Common 10/10
    • Claith 10/10
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Green
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Hair Style: A militaristic cut with shorter sides leading up to a top with longer hair.
  • Skin Color: Light to Medium
  • Clothing: A white shirt with a jacket over it some standard pants and leather boots.
  • Height: 6'3 (190 cm)
  • Body Build: Muscular
Personality and Abilities

  • First Paragraph: Reginald would be perceived as a fair figure by any strangers who might hear about him. He can be seen as loud but this could also be seen as him being open about his ideas and ideals. However loud and open Reginald would be any who see him can also tell that he is only open about himself and never about any of the clients he finds on the stool in his barbershop this makes it so he is also quite trustworthy where people can easily trust him to handle secrets well. Most strangers that see him could also note that he is rather caring which could also be seen as him being a kind figure over all towards elders, children and any individuals who seem to be unable to care for themselves often running errands for these people in his down time.
  • Second Paragraph: Reginald looks confident in everything he might do feeling most at ease when working in his own barbershop cutting someones hair. He does have trouble sleeping due to nightmares he has been troubled with ever since he found himself taking care of his mortally wounded comrades on the front lines. The nightmares also being the reason for his dismissal from the military he blames them for much of his current day problems. And finds himself taking opium to ease the pain.
  • Third Paragraph: Reginald would continue to be seen as fair by close family or friends most people close to him would know that he'd be open and would not be fooled by thinking he is just loud. He is as trustworthy as not more against his family and friends yet keeps some secrets to himself. As he feels like he would be bothering his family members with them one of these problems would be his use of Opium to counter the nightmares he has been having. Around his family he is however easier at ease similar to when he is working knowing that he wont be judged (He continues to judge himself however for not being able to safe certain comrades during his military career)
  • Fourth Paragraph: Reginald can be considered as Lawful-Neutral as he is what one could call a model citizen of the Regalian empire having served in the Regalian military he is one to abide to the laws of the city. He can be considered Neutral however as not all his actions can be considered good or evil as he is often caught up with the wrong people trying to do the right things. He cant stand corruption but knows it will always be present so does not try to fight it but rather accepts it. He respects any who do good and shows no compassion for any that do truly evil deeds
Life Story
  • 0-12
    • Reginald-Fitz O'Baeyleesson was born September 7 270AC into a Claith household residing in a small coastal village located in New Ceardia. Five years later this Claith household including their five year old son Reginald moved to Regalia where he spend the life of any young Regalian boy his parents not being of any wealthy descent he grew up in the old town district until he reached the age of twelve.
  • 12-16
    • After reaching the age of twelve Reginald's mother fell ill and his father was too occupied with drinking then to actually take care of his wife so Reginald took this task onto himself. After visiting the local clinic for a couple of months even after his mother made her recovery the twelve year old Reginald was offered a job to run errands for the clinic owner. from age 12 to 16 Reginald found himself working in this clinic often staying up until late just to learn more about the profession a notable event that happened during this time period is the mugging of said clinic which drove Reginald into a state of him wanting to help people but also be able to defend himself from anything which might happen.
  • 16-26
    • At the age of sixteen Reginald found himself training in the school of Battlemed leaving the comfort of the Claith household he grew up in to move in with the monks at the Abbey of confession in the country side of the capital of the Regalian empire. He spent the following ten years studying and learning how they operate his previous knowledge from working the clinic giving him a edge over the other recruits when it came to first performing surgery. The young Claith boy finishing his education in the school of Battlemed and enlisting for the Regalian military at the age of 26
  • 26-31
    • The following years resulted in plenty of downtime for Reginald as he continued to be stationed in Regalia close to home he spent allot of his days at his parents house his father would pass away when Reginald would reach the age of twenty-seven he had gotten drunk and had fallen between a ship and the dock. Reginald would later blame his fathers dead on the addiction his father had build up over the years to alcohol. The following four years Reginald spent most of his time around his mother and if not there he would be at the local clinic where he was once employed helping out the now elderly owner of the clinic with performing her daily tasks.
  • 31-36
    • At the age of thirty one he found himself being deployed for the first time to aid the Regalian lumber companies set on Daendroc on his arrival he was met with the gruesome Arcol bow often impaling a person but not killing them. After adapting to the tricky surgery required to remove such a arrow and keeping the person who was struck with it alive he was helping at least two comrades a day. During this time period Reginald also found that his skills with the scalpel and him being good with his hands came in handy when it came to cutting the hair of his fellow soldiers as it had grown too long over the time the conflict had been going on. As the conflict came to a end Reginald finding him in a state of downtime once more but not for long as he would be dragged into the next conflict as the first songaskian war broke out. It is during this time period age thirty two to thirty three that he first had his nightmares leading to him taking opium to calm his nerves. He continued to cut the hair of his comrades when requested after the First Songaskian war had came to a end Reginald took some time off - becoming a barber surgeon in his down time he has been working in his barbershop for the last three years age thirty three to thirty six spending most of his time here.
Last edited:
Claimed for aspirant review.
  • Skill Information:
    • With Bodycare it says 30 in the brackets, when its only 25. Fix this.
  • Personality:
    • Add one more sentence to the first paragraph.

Make the required edits and tag me once done!
  • Corrected the proficiency points to display the correct number of 25 in the brackets
  • Added another trait to him in the first paragraph in the Personality and Abilities part of the review
Changes made in Light blue keywords for the traits and the corrected proficiency are also outlined in Bold
@Vegemiite Sorry to be a bother - I forgot to list Claith as a language for my Claith edits are in Blue. Sorry for the inconvenience.