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Needs Help/Review Reginald Darkwood

This sheet needs additional review by staff or community members. Please respond to the thread with tips!


Nov 25, 2022
Reaction score
Character Information

  • Full Name: Reginald Darkwood

  • Race: Ailor (Cearden)

  • Age: 26 (though he is often perceived to be older)

  • Gender: Male (he/him)

  • Sexuality: Questioning
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Magic: Void
Core Concept

Reginald, also known as Crow is a scholarly fellow whose area of research focuses mostly on Vampires and occasionally other afflictions. He was raised in a somewhat sheltered environment and has come to be book smart, but not as gifted socially.


Strength: 0

Constitution: 1

  • Thread Craft Pack
Wisdom: 5

  • Dimenthist Wisdom Pack

  • Amontaar Wisdom Pack

  • Artificer Point Buy
    • Medical Pack
Dexterity: 0

Magic: 3

Charisma: 1

  • Stupid Luck Pack




Common (Free)

Appearance Information

  • Crow is a somewhat pale young man with a gaunt face and an aquilline nose. He stands with a sort of slouch and never seems quite entirely at ease. He has shoulder-length black hair which naturally parts itself almost but not entirely off-center.
Life Story

  • Reginald was born to a well-off family in a rather small town not especially far from Regalia. As a child he didn't speak much, and mostly kept to himself. His parents, who were very superstitious, took him and his twin sister to an oracle on their third birthday so that they might know what lies ahead in their lives. The oracle told them that one of them would find great success, and the other would meet a terrible fate.

  • From age eight onward was schooled from home along with his sister. As a young man he pored over books on all manner of subjects, his favorite being vampires. He was, (and still is) obsessed.
    At the age of twenty-five he finally left his hometown in search of a purpose in life. He traveled to Regalia to further his studies of vampires as well as to broaden his horizons.