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Regarding The Duel Between Baron Daalsein And Lord Guentyr

Oct 24, 2019
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A statement from the desk of Lady Lisette du Poncaire regarding important matter.
Regarding the happenings of yesterday's events, and much unexpected backlash from the crowd, I have several things to clear up about the course that was taken to get to this point, and the thought process' of myself, the Count Florian du Poncaire, and Baron Azrael Daalsein.

The Lord Guentyr and I got off on a bad foot originally. A poor reputation on behalf of the Lord and certain issues that had arisen led me to avoid the man like the plague, until the invasion occurred. During such invasion, we found ourselves in each other's company significantly more often, and I found his demeanor and behavior had improved. I found myself growing fond of the Lord, and we shared many wonderful conversations. After a short time, the Lord asked me a very important question. He asked for my hand in courtship, to which I was surprised, but happy.

In response to the Lord request, I told him I would be happy to accept, but he would have to seek out my cousin's approval. On the fourteenth of August he met with my cousin, the Count du Poncaire. My cousin stated two things: In order to court me the Lord Guentyr would have to 1. Improve his reputation by becoming more involved in the community or the like, and 2. Provide some grand gestures of his affections for me. After this meeting, the Lord Guentyr and I began planning the New Beginnings Ball, in which was based off of said requirements.

All was good and well, but I had come back in contact with the Baron Daalsein who I had not spoken to in some time. We found ourselves relating on a degree that I simply could not find with the Lord Guentyr. Don't get me wrong, the Lord Guentyr was a loving, kind man, but we did not share many similarities or experiences that bond you to a person like with the Baron and myself. Originally, I did not intend to court the Baron Daalsein. I saw the Baron as no more than a good friend, until he confessed his feelings to me unknowing, I was already being asked for by another.

I informed the Baron someone had already approached my cousin for my hand, but if he were serious about me, he may approach my cousin as well and I would allow the Count du Poncaire to make the final decision. The Baron approached my cousin on the nineteenth, to which the Count du Poncaire stated in order to decide this spat, that the Baron were to challenge Lord Guentyr to a duel. Had the Baron succeeded, my hand in courtship would be his, but should the Lord succeed, it would be his instead. I was content with this scenario, because as shallow and uncaring as it sounds, I would choose my cousins opinion over my own.

It was decided that the Baron would challenge the Lord to a duel during the new beginnings ball, however I was not aware they were going to do it /during/ the ball, nor did I expect it to gather such a large display. Many in the crowd pleaded with me simply to pick, saying I was uncaring or dull. However, there is only so much you can do when these men had already committed themselves to this duel. I publicly offered them several times to simply chose and dismiss the duel, however they wished to continue, as now it was their honor on the line as well, therefor out of my control.

The Lord Guentyr decided to have Countirh Humaira di Civita fight in his place as his champion, and I allowed such because I deemed such making it a fair fight. Overwhelmingly, Baron Daalsein won the duel, and as such the situation was finished. I announced that my favor was with the Baron Daalsein and some asked if my promises to the Lord had been a farse, or simply a play to embarrass his house. My answer to both is no. I truly cared for the Lord, and it lies on my shoulders that communication was not made before such happened, but we truly did not expect for it to turn into such a grand event.

I will answer any further questions had for me if I am found around the city, but I believe I've addressed everything I can think of. I did not lie to anyone, nor did I intend for anybody to be humiliated, however it is my fault for not properly communicating to the Lord that the duel would occur, and for that I issue an apology to the Lord and his family.

I would like to address the petty rumors circling the court in the most concise manner I can muster. They are untrue and I hope curating them brought some joy to your life, you know who you are and what I speak about.

Signed, Lady Lisette du Poncaire.
Aurora picked up the paper, reading it aloud to her siblings as she paced the floor. "Pah! Who knew? The Lady du Poncaire was such a heart stopper that even a duel had happened. So sad I wasn't able to make such.. Oh! I must get us all a meeting with the Lady to discuss such a topic!" Aurora announced the end to her family.

( @Naz_Cook @LilBeast_24 @HorizonCythulu)
A rumble of muted thunder sounded throughout the halls of the house; swirling silver eyes scanned the lines of text. Brows rose, then furrowed above narrowed eyes as the Silven perused the day's gossip, pausing over a specific line.

"..a champion. He chose..a champion? Now that's just downright pathetic. A duel for a lady that you've pledged yourself to, and you can't be bothered to fight it yourself?"

A scoff left the Altalar's throat, and he tossed the paper aside, a gust of wind carrying it to the table.

"Honorless worm."

@RainAxe @Daniel2stay
The young lirh poured over the missive, before coming to an ultimate conclusion, announcing his musings to no one in particular, "Lady Lisette could've easily avoided this madness. She claims both to be honorable and to care for the Lord and Baron alike, yet her apathy is not to be forgotten or excused. Though in the end, I cannot continue to condemn my dear friend, for it is was not her fault that Ailor men are so savage when faced with love. Even more savage than Altalar scholars make out my kin to be."
A rumble of muted thunder sounded throughout the halls of the house; swirling silver eyes scanned the lines of text. Brows rose, then furrowed above narrowed eyes as the Silven perused the day's gossip, pausing over a specific line.

"..a champion. He chose..a champion? Now that's just downright pathetic. A duel for a lady that you've pledged yourself to, and you can't be bothered to fight it yourself?"

A scoff left the Altalar's throat, and he tossed the paper aside, a gust of wind carrying it to the table.

"Honorless worm."

@RainAxe @Daniel2stay

"No matter how much coin, or favors are drawn, my might will always succeed. I still won when odds were against me, and now those who yield none but dishonor shall hear their mistakes ring louder than the snow-storms of Eimarse."

Azrael would lay back into the chair he had next to his brother. A huff releasing his lips as he took a sip of the Sollerian wine after a small swirl.

Somewhere deep within the depths of the Gwentyr estate, a servant would pass along the notice to one Lord Aldane Gwentyr. As he read, a bitter scowl would form on his face. Suddenly, Aldane crumpled and ripped the parchment into shreds before he stormed off into the darkness of his quarters...
A statement in response has been made by Countess Tuija Nordhjem regarding the 'important' matter.

To those who read this, I would kindly ask you to save your time and not listen to the Lady's words. Simply put, the Lady du Poncaire has an ongoing track record of fleeting emotions which have, and continue to, stain multiple members of the peerage with her… reputation. The Baron Daalsein will also be held accountable for his own part.​

For starters, I do not wish to bring down the prestige of House du Poncaire due to the Countess' esteemed position within the Imperial Court. However, like my ex-kin, Godrun was belittled and reprimanded for his actions, I feel this same treatment should be offered to The Lady du Poncaire as well.​

I would like to make some things aware from my own findings. I have had my own house's wrongdoings brought to light because of the acts of a trusted man within my house and I have worked diligently to right his wrongs with the Countess Abansaddi as well as others who publicly supported him, unaware of his acts in the shadows. However, before this time, Godrun and the Lady du Poncaire were seen together on multiple occasions and I was made aware of romantic interactions brewing between them. This was also during the time the Lady du Poncaire was in a public courtship with the Lady Valorie di Civita.​

This courtship lasted some time before finally being dissolved for reasons I am not aware of and I will not speak for the House di Civita in the slightest and only for my own. The Lady Valorie di Civita was used, but I believe her separation from the Lady du Poncaire was best and I hope for nothing but proposerity in her future, away from such rotten fruit. With that said, I do believe that Godrun and the Lady du Poncaire's interactions did not cease when the courtship was announced or even when the Countess Abansaddi and Godrun were also in a public courtship.​

Knowing this information, I do not believe the Lady du Poncaire's words in the slightest. I believe the start of this whole predicament began because the Lady is after something she cannot get enough of, attention. I shame the Baron Daalsein for his involvement and, while I do not have much history or knowledge on the man, this was certainly a way to introduce himself. This could have all been solved if The Lady decided for themselves who their hand belonged to instead of making a fool of both parties for fighting over it. My Lady, you are not a prize to be won, you are a member of the peerage within an esteemed House of the Empire. This is not a carnival game.​

For someone who says they were not aware of the duel, My Lady you seemed ready enough to advertise it in your invitation to your event that you hosted with the Lord Gwentyr. I feel the Lady and Baron should apologize to all parties involved, not just the Lord but every house you have strung along in this little game.​
"Pitiful." Said Nikita Dragić in a cold murmur. Soon tossing the paper into the nearest fire place where the heap of flames cleansed the treachery he had just read.
An elven mans hues scanned over the bickering notices. Mathias' originally curious eyes turned into disgust, which furrowed heavily as a frustrated huff escaped his lips,

"Is that the same starry-eyed Gwentyr that spoke with us during the occupation? I thought better of him- all of this drama over a damn /noble/ woman of all people.. by the Everwatcher.."
These are the precise rumors I was addressing in that final sentence. I was made aware of this when I heard it in passing by the Countirh Humaira di Civita, and I addressed it with them. However, now that I am being publicly accused, I will address it to the public as well. I never once cheated on Lady di Civita. I do not know who claimed that there were romantic interactions brewing between myself and the banished Godrun, but they are entirely untrue. Godrun and I were friends, as poor of a choice that was as I look back on it, but not once did I EVER view him in a romantic sense. We were seen together many times in his very PUBLIC forge because we were friends, not because we had some kind of love affair going on. At the time I was only attracted to women, and regardless of if I had been attracted to men or not, Godrun would not have ever been on my sights. The Countess Abansaddi and I were friends, and if she even for one second would believe this, then I was not a good enough friend to her. As for the 'special announcement'? Had you actually been in attendance or bothered to ask anyone Countess, you would've known that at the beginning of the event there were announcements made that had nothing to do with the duel, however the Lord Guentyr had his own announcement as well. It had been stated by me that the Count Florian du Poncaire is missing, and that the Countess du Poncaire will be overseeing our lands and major decisions, while I shall be overseeing the other responsibilities of House du Poncaire. I also announced that I had adopted a son, Lord Ivonn du Poncaire, but I suppose neither matter. I thought we were on good terms Countess, however for you to believe such a slanderous rumor about me leads me to believe that was untrue. I apologize to all of those in attendance of the ball who felt as though their evening was left lacking, but these claims would've better been handled in private where they would've been quickly disproven. Id be happy to have a sit down talk with the Countess Nordhjem, Countess Abansaddi, and the di Civita family to discuss this matter, but to not bring this to me before simply accusing me of such a disgusting thing, is not classy.
A statement denoting the golden seal of Abansaddi drifts through the city.

Such bickering on a time when I'm away from the city concerning an old scandal that had a family member, my own sister hurt by. Brings back memories that she rather not dwell on. Countess Nordhjem writes new information to that scandal that hurt her houses, such inclines me to believe the Countess as her character to me is one of truthfulness and morality to me.

But Countess Nordhjem as you know, such rumours if true damages House du Poncaire but untrue damages your own house's reputation further. Knowing how you are, you must have found evidence or witness to such acts of romance between that disgraceful man and Lady du Poncaire who's own character is rather clean except the flaw you mentioned which many in the empire wish to be in the limelight. So do tell what brought this information to light? My own sister only spoke of a friendship between the two.

Well regards,
Countith Akurgal Abansaddi

A rumble of muted thunder sounded throughout the halls of the house; swirling silver eyes scanned the lines of text. Brows rose, then furrowed above narrowed eyes as the Silven perused the day's gossip, pausing over a specific line.

"..a champion. He chose..a champion? Now that's just downright pathetic. A duel for a lady that you've pledged yourself to, and you can't be bothered to fight it yourself?"

A scoff left the Altalar's throat, and he tossed the paper aside, a gust of wind carrying it to the table.

"Honorless worm."

@RainAxe @Daniel2stay

A particular Urlan snorts as his legs rest upon the desk before him. A devious smile forming as a cool cup of whiskey sits in his hands.

"...Well this ought te be something... I should write te the Daalseins... See how they're handlin this." he set the paper down upon his desk, allowing his candle to slowly flicker out on it's own.
Aurora picked up the paper, reading it aloud to her siblings as she paced the floor. "Pah! Who knew? The Lady du Poncaire was such a heart stopper that even a duel had happened. So sad I wasn't able to make such.. Oh! I must get us all a meeting with the Lady to discuss such a topic!" Aurora announced the end to her family.

( @Naz_Cook @LilBeast_24 @HorizonCythulu)

The Szabadok in the corner of the room had sat quietly carving away happily until now. He lifted his head up from his work with a sigh. "What a bloody shitshow huh." he commented before dropping his head back down continuing to chip away at his carving, "And please for the Everwatcher sake no, or at least leave me out of this 'meeting'. I value my sanity and don't need to know any more about this love triangle."