Archived Regarding Inactive Faction

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I build things
Oct 16, 2014
Reaction score
Greetings MassiveCraft community, some of you may know me from the server. I enjoy empire building, governing, expansion and just general building/creation. The topic I would like to discuss today is inactive factions, more specifically inactive land claims. I feel that this is a serious issue on the server and there is really nothing a player like me can do to vanquish it. That is why I would like to propose an idea, or perhaps more accurately, a dream. As, I can't pretend to know how something like this would effect the current rules, or fit into place. I can't say I am in expert in that, but what I do know, is that I am a man who enjoys creating. And, it is not unusual for me to be at an impasse as a result of land claims, which I understand, there is no rule against it. I am probably just being too ambitious. But, I do not have these same feelings all the times. I have been obstructed before by inactive factions. These factions can be categorized by a few things, they typically have one member, that member typically logs on once a month to secure his/her faction, and they normally will ignore any attempt at contact. Now, these factions irk me for a few reasons really, their land goes unused and rots, while I could actually make use of it. And, furthermore, they won't even grace you with a response. Even if they mail me "I hate you, don't contact me" Then I could at least be put at ease, but rather they just ignore you and continue to log on once ever 4 weeks, and do nothing with land claims, that someone else could do so much with. Now in the past, I can do nothing but complain to myself. Because, I understand they have every right to let their land rot away. However, today I suggest an action be taken. A rule of sorts against extreme inactivity like this. Perhaps, factions like this can be subject for claimnear to be turned on? Again. I don't pretend to know if this could work, but I can dream/ramble on here. And, of course this is for extreme examples. If your computer dies for a month, I don't want people to storm in and steal your land. I'm talking long term, continuous, unexplained, uncooperative, unfathomable inactivity. Thoughts?
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
But if that particular individual its wealthy, than faction tax really does nothing, especially with small land claims. Inactive factions like that make the area in and around the claim completely useless, as... no one can use it. @krios41
Yeah Faction Tax is there for a reason and a lot of these one person facs are storage facs and ARE actually used quite often but the alt used to hold down the location isn't really needed on except to keep from being autokicked and the claim lost.
Shaolin often times is encompassed by annoying little one-man factions that are highly inactive. many of these only claim a one-chunk area, typically some random tree or hut. I find these highly irksome, and would support measures to penalize these little thorns in my side.
I oppose any action that would interfere with their ability to retain claims, supplies, and buildings. These people may not have put as much effort into their work as you have, but that does not give you the right to invalidate the work they put in. Claimnear would be *acceptable* but for the simple fact that any 1-person inactive faction can become active again and expand.

Look at it this way: with massiverestore, these factions effectively protect patches of land from being corrupted by large, sprawling piles of stuff that noob factions build.
Unfortunately, thanks to massiverestore now being on every world that isn't at risk of deletion, and (as far as I know) having storage chests in regalia being illegal, these facs are kind of necessary, especially for some of the more richer people on the server. I, personally, need to keep my chests somewhere, and my chestroom WAS unclaimed, and I simply just had all the chests locked, until massiverestore was added to Fendarfell, in which I now need a claim to stop it from deleting everything I've ever owned. Sadly you now 100% need a faction to do basically anything (except maybe RP) now, which is annoying when it comes to stuff like this, but that's the route that the server decided to take, so we need to live with the consequences I guess. Granted, probably not nearly all inactive claims are storage facs, and I'm not saying I disagree with these claims being annoying, I'm just trying to shed some light on why a lot of them are there and why doing something about them would really ruin a lot of people.