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Regalian Times #6


Mar 3, 2020
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
The Regalian Mafia, and the Old Guard
Regalian Times, 6th Edition

Major Government Crack Downs on The Ceardian Reconquista
Recently warrants have been placed on everyone who had anything to do with The Ceardian Reconquista, most people denouncing the mission once there warrants for treason were put out. The Reconquista turned out to be a hostile take over of Regalian Forts. After all, was said and done, most people who signed up for the mission had no idea the true nature of the mission, all, except for the Playero's, were found mostly innocent because they had no idea of the true intent of the Playeros. Due to all of the crimes the Playeros committed they have had their rights revoked. We asked around to get the public opinions of the issue, "What did you expect of Playero, all they do is trouble, whoever signed up for this shit are idiots", "The Playeros are at it again looks like, they are such a nuisance to the public", "All I wanted to do is FISH", "They should ship him to a random island." As seen here the public has a mostly negative opinion of the Playeros.

Strange machines sighted around the city
All over Regalia people are beginning to see strange new beings. People are claiming that these are just myths, while others are claiming that they are going to end us all. There is no concrete description of these new mechanical beings, but we were able to get a basic description. "They look like a walking furnace, they have metal skin and red eyes, they have the proportions of a person, but they are not people, they are walking machines, controlled by screws and clockwork devices." We took to the streets to get the public opinion on these no creatures. "They are weird machines that do stuff", "These things are not real", "These things are going to replace us!", "I heard someone call them Death Robots, Don't know what robot means but the Death part is not comforting", "ASSIMILATE", "That sounds interesting, but can you let me drink my Kaffee." As seen here the public does not know what to make up of these new beings, but the Regalian Times will continue to report on them.

The end of Kaffee!!!
Out of all the stories I have ever written, this one is the scariest. Kaffee prices all over Regalia have skyrocketed due to a horrible harvest. I am just saying, this is why we did not post a Regalian Times on Monday. I the writer of Regalian Times depends on that shit. I could not fucking wake up without Kaffee. We took to the streets to get other people's opinions. "Wait what, that's not true", "Holy Shit no the Kaffee", "I got to get my crossbow ready, the end of days has come", "NO NO, THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING", "Oh shit I did not care about the robot story, but this shit is real", "This is how Regalia Falls." As seen here the public is panicking over the Kaffee Crises, and So I am I.

Is this the end of the Playeros? Will the Death robots kill us all? or will it truly be the lack of Kaffee, that leads to the fall of our great empire? find out next time on Regalia times.

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