• Regalian Roleplay Rules

    1. Roleplay rules apply in this category.
    2. Posts are in-character.
    3. Posts are not anonymous.
    4. Posts and reactions made to posts are public. What your character says or does is known by all other characters. If you would like a reaction to be private, do not post it as a public response to a thread. Roleplay it out on the server!
    5. Out-of-character commentary on threads is not allowed unless it is specifically spoiled or bracketed, and/or highlights additional information for in-character responses.
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Regalian Law Proclamation By The Emperor

The Imperial Court has issued a new proclamation for Regalian Law:

Imperial Law Law Three: Holy See has been revoked, the Emperor is of the opinion that it was a law once devised by weak Emperors who commanded no respect from the people. Cedromar as an Emperor believes that he can command the people by the power in his stare alone, and as such, has revoked the law in favor of a new law:

Law Three: Holy Dragon
It is forbidden for anyone to criticize, obstruct, attack and/or defame an Regalian Dragonblood, for those with the Blood of Dragons are truly blessed by the Imperial Spirit. This law is not valid for those Dragonblood identified as fallen champions of Unionism.

Furthermore, the emperor has issued a new Law for the Imperial Laws:

Law Seven: Holy Service
It is forbidden to insult, demean, attack, obstruct or otherwise cause issue with Imperial Guard when they are in Imperial Guard armor and actively serving the Emperor in any way.

The following Law has been revoked entirely:

Law Twelve: Regalian Purity
Any and all Human citizens and noncitizens within the Regalian Empire are forbidden from maintaining sexual relations or marriage bonds with non-Humans. Any existing marriages that were approved before this law would be declared null and void by the state, and their offspring related to half breeds would be declared illegitimate and without rights to the Regalian State.

This Law was retroactively revoked, meaning that any retroactive revocations of marriages between parties described in the law are also retroactively un-revoked from their retroactive revocation. The Emperor is of the opinion that the best way to make use of the strengths of other races, is to scrub them away with the purity of Ailors, which, follows with the final law addition:

Law Thirteen: Regalian Purity
Any and all non-Humans of the race Elf and race Half-Human (ancestry Ailor & Qadir & Ch'ien-ji) who is so called 'Passably Human', and profess the racial superiority of Ailor publicly and privately, are to be treated as full Humans in body, even if spiritually their soul is still in trial. For Elves, the skin tone of the Elf in question must fit within the Velheimer to Daendroque spectrum, and their ears must have received the corrective surgery. Furthermore, Isldar are only applicable if they fit the previous two categories, and additionally have their hair dyed to a normal Ailor color. For Half Breeds, the same regulation applies, as long as the Regalian Violet Order considers them to be 'More Ailor than other'. Engaging in criminal conduct on behalf of the individual in question, renders this law to them applicably null.
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Vargas is very confused. "Is the emperor saying that dragons are holy?!" He is very confused, and wonders if he misread something. It isn't possible.
"Well," Seris mused. "This is going to hurt."
Sylvia growled at the removal of law twelve, barking out in the estate, "I will not have some knife-ear farsing around with my family in secret or at all!" She threw a small fit for those immediately in the estate to hear.
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Marie offered nothing more then a mere, silent scoff. The woman put no thought into her next words, creating a blunt and rather harsh comment,
"Amazing, next thing ya' announce is going to be-" she mocked, "Dragons can become our leaders, follow their every lead."
The Heinrich then sighed, sitting back down on her couch.

"Better luck next time Kat" Rodderick joked over to Kaja "It says 'passably human', guess you'll just have to keep wishing". He flicked one of her ears with his finger, nestling himself down nearby to relax and unwind for the rest of the evening.
A rather confused Ithanian mutt looked over the notice before grumbling quietly in Alt-Anglian, "I suppose I avoided eye contact all for nothing."
Sera's boots thumped to a halt as she glanced over the report carefully. She raised both of her brows and raised a hand to her already clipped ears, absently rubbing one of the bronze earrings. "Huh... Bien." Her hand dropped away and a smile spread across her features. It had to be some of the best news she had received as of late.