Archived Regalian Homes, And Autorenting Ending After 20 Day Offline Period.

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Tomato Boy
Jun 29, 2013
Reaction score
Most of us here on MassiveCraft do find a couple of things to be a tad annoying. Though, today I shall be pointing out one of these 'things.' After walking around Regalia for a bit, I spot one of the many houses that seemed to never be open to buy from. So after doing /seen, I noticed that the person was not on for two months. But after thinking for a bit, I came up with the question of, why is it that the rents for these people whom have not been on for over the 20 day period (which most of the time, it kicks you from the faction, and so on) still have these homes? So, after making a ticket and speaking to our lovely @Th3_Drunk_Monk, I found out that these homes could not even be evicted. Though, a solution was brought up of, having some sort of 20 day time period, like the factions etc., for the autorent on these houses.

Here are a few images of these homes:

I do apologize if you do not get some of the things I'm saying above. Just ask below and I'll clear up any confusion. Also, I would love to hear opinions of staff, and players alike! Also, try to keep everything on topic, and no flame, even though why would you flame on this thread..?
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I do agree; I personally know someone who's left MassiveCraft but has quite a sum of regals; having a house and a market stall (at least, that I know of) those pieces of property could be rented forever..
The three homes in main district have been replaced by a high standing bridge in the middle of the district. On top of this are three new, with amazing exterior, unique houses made by various world staff. That bridge has also made passageway to a whole lot of new houses, including 2-3 new tunnel homes, various new commoner houses and 2-4 canal houses having an amazing sight on the outside of the tavern. The faith of the other houses however is unknown to me. @Ninjapig
The three homes in main district have been replaced by a high standing bridge in the middle of the district. On top of this are three new, with amazing exterior, unique houses made by various world staff. That bridge has also made passageway to a whole lot of new houses, including 2-3 new tunnel homes, various new commoner houses and 2-4 canal houses having an amazing sight on the outside of the tavern. The faith of the other houses however is unknown to me. @Ninjapig
Ehm.. I do believe I've seen these said houses, and do like them fairly well. For the other houses, we shall see what the server staff say about them. Thank you for the clarification for anyone else whom may not have known this information.

Also for @Jackson413 Thank you for noting me about such, I do await on what the info department has to say on such matters as this!
I already made a post about this. I have the same issues with houses
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Remember this.
BuyRegion is not an in-house plugin.
So unless it has an API (many programmers forget to make such a thing). Only the developer can do something about it. So maybe this should be brought to bukkitdev if we have should hope for this to be added.
That being said, we should still discuss it here, maybe we don't want that feature.
Remember this.
BuyRegion is not an in-house plugin.
So unless it has an API (many programmers forget to make such a thing). Only the developer can do something about it. So maybe this should be brought to bukkitdev if we have should hope for this to be added.
That being said, we should still discuss it here, maybe we don't want that feature.
~Shrugs~ I guess we can just see what staff say here, but I believe that would be a good idea as well. Though, thank you for bringing this up. ;3
I've taken a bit more of a pro active stance on evicting inactive people in the main street, but I am generally apprehensive to removing housing. Regalian housing has always been a guaranteed safe location for item storage for people who want to take a lengthy break from MassiveCraft. I don't want to take that service away from people.
I've taken a bit more of a pro active stance on evicting inactive people in the main street, but I am generally apprehensive to removing housing. Regalian housing has always been a guaranteed safe location for item storage for people who want to take a lengthy break from MassiveCraft. I don't want to take that service away from people.
Ah! Well that does clear up some confusion I had about housing. Thank you for clearing that up. On a final note though, there is an example of a house that seems to not be used at all, only said for a single sign, and the inside of the house is completely empty. Though it seems that the owner does have autorent on. Is the procedure still the same for this said house, or how is it different from your normal stance on these homes?
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