Archived Regalian Expanded Diversity

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Jul 16, 2012
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As I was playing a certain game...(Cough Cough Skyrim.) I always had to join one of the sides, either Stormcloaks or the Imperials. Which ever way you went, it defined your character. Each side was equally powerful, ruling over certain holds. the main topic.
I was thinking of a system like this, but implemented into the Noble Families. Some thing like this that has already been implemented was the Senate. Yes, you see senators walking around boasting their effortc, but, have you seen any meetings that use these titles that are given?
(I know it is impossible for this to ever happen.)

Exactly, why I thought of this. A system of three to four groups, each run by certain noble families. They use these groups to tear through each either other through political meetings, fights, and shade.
To add to this, the commoners would be able to choose a side as well, almost like the Stormcloak Rebellion, and help go up against other groups.

This is what I see would happen if this were to be implemented:

-Even more to role-play about.
-Gives most nobles a reason to be, well, noble!
-Certain families of commoners, chosen by the group, will get a recognition within the "council". (Thought up by Hiu403. Better explanation came be found deeper in the comments.

-Political Rebellions going to far as tearing through other nobles and eliminate them.
-Chaos would break loose, leading to more prisoners than there are prison cells.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
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Anything thought to start flaming in this thread WILL be removed.
Meh, looks fun. What about inhuman races? I don't know if nagas would join any.
Alright. But would these groups, run by humans, accept these races?
Not really. Most other non-saraph races would not be able to be nobles... Therefor no group for them.
This seems like a lovely idea and I think it could improve noble roleplay a lot. However, you say that commoners could pledge their support, but the problem is, most commoners are insignificant to nobles. Instead, maybe a noble family could choose a wealthy/we'll known commoner family to support them in the senate. It would be like knighthood, except the commoner family would gain maybe a half-vote in this new noble council. This would be better than random commoners throwing themselves at random nobles and saying "J support you give me rp benefits pl0x"
This seems like a lovely idea and I think it could improve noble roleplay a lot. However, you say that commoners could pledge their support, but the problem is, most commoners are insignificant to nobles. Instead, maybe a noble family could choose a wealthy/we'll known commoner family to support them in the senate. It would be like knighthood, except the commoner family would gain maybe a half-vote in this new noble council. This would be better than random commoners throwing themselves at random nobles and saying "J support you give me rp benefits pl0x"

Yes! Just was I was looking for! Thanks!
This might be good if it was ONLY nobles. Throwing commoners in the mix would have half the Regalian population be involved in politics, when meanwhile their characters are your everyday Average Joe.
This might be good if it was ONLY nobles. Throwing commoners in the mix would have half the Regalian population be involved in politics, when meanwhile their characters are your everyday Average Joe.

It would be good for JUST Nobility. I'd just like to hear what everyone else thinks.
So, thanks for the feedback!
This might be good if it was ONLY nobles. Throwing commoners in the mix would have half the Regalian population be involved in politics, when meanwhile their characters are your everyday Average Joe.
You say that we commoners aren't involved in the politics of regalia. Yet since we are citizens of the Regalian State, I believe that the politics of Regalia does have something to do with us. As we play a role in fueling the opinions and decision making of our noble politicians.

For Example: If a great famine were to spread through the state of Regalia leaving illnesses and death in its' wake. Then wouldn't our cries for help and a cure to the fowl plague somehow influence the decisions in our nobles' minds on whether to send medicinal aid or not. If so and as said and stated earlier. Don't we play a role in the decision making process of our nobles.

Since I am tired of thinking of ways to explain this (being that I am on a tough schedule). We are involved in the political discussions of what go's and should happen in Regalia.
You say that we commoners aren't involved in the politics of regalia. Yet since we are citizens of the Regalian State, I believe that the politics of Regalia does have something to do with us. As we play a role in fueling the opinions and decision making of our noble politicians.

For Example: If a great famine were to spread through the state of Regalia leaving illnesses and death in its' wake. Then wouldn't our cries for help and a cure to the fowl plague somehow influence the decisions in our nobles' minds on whether to send medicinal aid or not. If so and as said and stated earlier. Don't we play a role in the decision making process of our nobles.

So since I am tired of thinking of ways to explain this (being that I am on a tough schedule). We are involved in the political discussions of what go's and should happen in Regalia.

Though, because this is a suggestion, they could change it either only for nobles or nobles and commoners.
We don't know where this will go. It just depends on the Staff consent and the consent of the people of the server.
We have tried this before, and it resulted in a lot of unnecessary character death.
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