Archived Regalian Chest Application / Special Permission

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


The Mysterious One
Apr 22, 2015
Reaction score
Keep Vixen
The Barony of Vixen
Regalian Empire, Southern Anglia
Roleplay Guilds
The Barony of Vixen
I have read a thread about the possible removal of chest minecarts in Regalia, limiting our storage capabilities to hoppers. While this is completely reasonable due to the lag entities may produce, I'd suggest allowing the many active shopkeepers and other business owners in Regalia to apply for chest permissions in a specific region they own. Just for the sake of keeping some storage available, some shops that handle items that don't stack may prove hard to manage without a permanent storage, as well as some players do both RP and PVE/factions, and their backpacks/inventories may be pre-occupied with survival equipment already.

Feel free to toss in any opinions or ideas in regards to this suggestion, I can stand a volley.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I'm preparing a shop that relies heavily on lockable dispensers. I don't even need chests, that would be too much, but I would be happy if

- we get informed to take our stuff out of railcart chests before they get disabled, destroyed, or whatever
- if dispensers would be allowed too (beside hoppers)
- or this idea with applying for them (love it!)

+1 for this idea!

I know there are the shop regions that you can apply for, but in my case they are simply too big for the amount of space that I would need. I also very much like my current shop location. If there would be a special permission thread perhaps that allows us to pitch our shop idea and have a limited amount of chests within the region that would be fabulous.
In theory this will be possible. I will look into the matter after the mine carts have been disabled.

I know there are the shop regions that you can apply for, but in my case they are simply too big for the amount of space that I would need. I also very much like my current shop location. If there would be a special permission thread perhaps that allows us to pitch our shop idea and have a limited amount of chests within the region that would be fabulous.

Another vote for this idea.

With running a factory like FongCo, I and my employees need access to local storage space for our various products in inventory. I am down in the warehouse district now, perhaps I will need to move someplace where storage like this would be allowed.

I have a House Black lore shop on Crown Road and currently have rum bottles, treasure maps, etc. stored in dispensers, the rum bottles being potions that aren't stackable.

I have a House Black lore shop on crown road and currently have rum, treasure maps, etc. stored in dispensers, the rum bottles being potions that aren't stackable.
Is it possible to make a modification on the server that hosts regalia to allow potions to stack? It seems to me that this is the most commonly traded item that doesn't stack. Just a thought.