Archived Regalia Residential Construction And Improvement

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The Local Chav
Jun 6, 2014
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England is my city
The Spanish Inqusition
Residential and C0mmercial Redux Suggestion for the Regalian and Roleplay Context Pitch.
Simple idea, not going to make a lengthy 1000 word essay on it.

Build new residential and commercial properties on the system used for nobility estates and otherwise with the capability to be expanded. Maybe a small plot of land in the countryside of another world, resembling another place in the Regalian Archipelago available for purchase, where people could pay regals if they had a good background for role play expansion or for people to receive through work in the roleplay community; allowing them to build onto it and build a farm, for say. Maybe a hunting ground, it'd be an open concept idea, in conjunction with staff building to benefit those who'd prefer to dedicate their time into role play interaction then purchasing or tirelessly obtaining imaginary currency that has no real value in all reality.

This could be applied to residential properties inside Regalia, small two floored buildings with the capability for modular expansions built by working in the community; building an IC regal system which would be used to fund these expansions, instead of spending the time to build an actual vast regal collection which in all fairness, nobody enjoys putting so much effort into an imaginary content which can vastly go wrong. This idea will allow a progression system for all players, not just nobility and from this, something to aspire towards instead of purchasing an astray house used with /as find rent 500 and trying to form a simple business from this, the lack of possible development is one of the factors that stray people from properly developing it to something great.

For the core fundementals for this, it'd be based on a simple design to allow everyone of all ages and intellects to include themselves in the system. Everyone will be capable of obtaining a small building in a new district through a forum application, their ability as proven before determines their ability to do it. New comers or people unknown to the roleplay system can be introduced through smaller businesses as a worker, which they can further from there. These businesses which allow new recruits will be made through volunteers or another system, giving everyone a chance to participate. Larger members of the community, nobility and otherwise will have the ability to set up in a more developed section of the district where they can sell their goods or services in class if they desire; though some cannot due to simple business errors.

Still with me? Great.

  • Roleplay Progression systems for smaller houses, allowing wealth and status development in a much-easier status. Creating their way with the little things, which eventually adds up.
  • Residential and Commercial are separated, hence more areas to find role play alongside bigger business prospects. This system could be used to generate Regals through work IC, making role players a bit more capable of focus on their own ground.
  • Character Development and skills learnt from economic roleplay, allowing people to bring these to the real world in some circumstances. Possible Public Relations improvement, who knows.
  • Lower class characters can be roleplayed out differently with the prospect of business introduction to nobility, hopefully bridging the gap between social status.
  • OOC-Wise, job roles for Lore, World and otherwise might open up allowing more people to contribute and have a meaning to remain on the server.
  • A complicated system, potentially making it harder to achieve certain things if not implemented and advertised in the correct way. Time must be given, helping people understand the system before it's implemented.
  • More work for world staff and hence more people to teach if recruitment becomes available. On top of that, more properties to manage.
  • Separating Roleplayers and PvP'ers/Survivalists which in turn, can be a pro. Nobody likes being defenceless against a PvP'er who has practised their technique equal to your roleplaying skills but hence, a separation may occur due to focusing their attention on role play.
Hopefully, this has been a good pitch, something that just fell off the top of my head.
Hope whoever is reading this is having a good day and let's leave it at that.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
What would you consider to be appropriate work in the role play community to justify these expansions? As it stands for the country estates, expansions are based upon event hosting and usage. Host more events, you get a larger venue to host better events.

I will disagree you on your point of building up a collection of regals, unless I am misinterpreting your point on IC vs IG regals.

But just curious how you feel this system would be implemented. What constitutes these expansions? What services should be rewarded to justify these expansions?
What would you consider to be appropriate work in the role play community to justify these expansions? As it stands for the country estates, expansions are based upon event hosting and usage. Host more events, you get a larger venue to host better events.

Basically, i'm suggesting that except for residential areas used for shops and shops exclusively.
I could get behind this if its just shops. However I feel the need to point out that around 1/7th of the houses I walk into in regalia are empty and up for rent at the moment, with two huge districts being released tomorrow. Honestly, its at the point that we dont need any Rent Region projects. However again for shops, id support.