Archived Regalia Main Street

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Aug 20, 2013
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My house
With the staff now focusing he ooh on the role-play aspect of massive I thought I would throw a few of my ideas in.

My main theory is that to change the centres of role-play from the tavern to the Main Street that it is situated on by changing the buildings along the street into shops and other relative establishments.

I have noticed a few flaws in this my self, one being that most of the buildings are player housing andare quite beget on regals. Number two is that a fair few people will surely stick to what familiar and hang around at the tavern.

This idea was brought into me when the argument of the tavern is not the only role-play area around but it was here in which I saw the flaw which may be causing this issue. The tavern, situated near the docks, is one of the first things you see as you go into regalia and establishes itself as the main hub for role-play because of this. The reason no one goes to the numerous other sites is because of distance and the confusing nature of regalias streets making harder for people to go to these wonderful places made for them.

Feel free to comment ANYTHING that you are concerned about!

This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
The reason no one goes to the numerous other sites is because of distance and the confusing nature of regalias streets making harder for people to go to these wonderful places made for them.

While Regalia doesn't have a hard-set street pattern like a modern city would, one can memorise the streets simply by wandering about the city a lot; much like how one would familiarise themselves with any other area.

That said, I like this idea! However, the mainstreet houses are quite sought-after, and replacing them with
un-rentable shops could be a bit damaging to the real-estate market. Perhaps it would be wiser to advise property-owners on the mainstreet to convert their homes into shops? For example, the Black Lotus Tattoo Parlour (Owned by mojaveboogieman) is not a specially built shop, simply a rental-home with a business situated in side of it.

On that note, this might require more merchant-type characters to spring up. It's all well and good for a noble to own and operate businesses as financial ventures, but it's rather unlikely for a commoner (Many of which reside on the mainstreet) to start a business in a field they've no experience in.

Perhaps having homes convertable into dedicated shops (Such as Watson's Cafe) via special permission might be worth considering.

Something quite common in real life that I believe could be applied to this is: very often in towns and cities there are shops, storefronts, vendors, resturants, etc... on the first floor of a building with two or three floors above which are almost always dedicated to housing. If this were applied to main-street the street level would be flanked by many different rent-able shops with the highly sought after expensive housing directly above.
With the staff now focusing he ooh on the role-play aspect of massive I thought I would throw a few of my ideas in.

My main theory is that to change the centres of role-play from the tavern to the Main Street that it is situated on by changing the buildings along the street into shops and other relative establishments.

I have noticed a few flaws in this my self, one being that most of the buildings are player housing andare quite beget on regals. Number two is that a fair few people will surely stick to what familiar and hang around at the tavern.

This idea was brought into me when the argument of the tavern is not the only role-play area around but it was here in which I saw the flaw which may be causing this issue. The tavern, situated near the docks, is one of the first things you see as you go into regalia and establishes itself as the main hub for role-play because of this. The reason no one goes to the numerous other sites is because of distance and the confusing nature of regalias streets making harder for people to go to these wonderful places made for them.

Feel free to comment ANYTHING that you are concerned about!


Ironically, even when the tavern was on the other side of Regalia (which was very far from spawn in the original city layout), players would gravitate to it as the roleplay hotspot. It doesn't seem to matter where the Tavern gets placed, people automatically gravitate to it for roleplay. Even when the city was more maze-like and confusing, people still made their way there. When I was new, I remember the route to the tavern was the first and main path I learned despite the distance I had to go to get there.

That being said, players can easily turn their homes into mini roleplay hotspots.

LilDipper_ started his cafe near the tavern, for instance, and thanks to his frequency and roleplay he invited quite the crowd to roleplay there as well. As such, he wound up being added on as an extension to the tavern as a roleplay reward.

If you start up a business that turns out to be successful like this, in the end you may be granted a roleplay reward such as a pretty sign hanging out front to make the business 'official', etc. This is, of course, on a case by case basis depending on the success and amount of roleplay it draws.
While Regalia doesn't have a hard-set street pattern like a modern city would, one can memorise the streets simply by wandering about the city a lot; much like how one would familiarise themselves with any other area.
Found quite a few cool spots for RP like what I would believe to be a cistern near the Poor District, a Kleinfolk hole with "The End Is Nigh" in it, and a few areas outside of the city walls.
All of Regalia's public buildings can be found trough the central avenue logistics. You literally never have to turn more than twice to get somewhere. People who say Regalia's street net is confusing are just too lazy to think for a moment.

Cathedral? Main street second right, straight trough
Park? Main street left at the park, straight trough
Prison? Main street first right, second right straight trough
Harbor? Turn around on main street and first right
Poor district entrance? Right of Prison
Cute Island? Main street, second right, straight trough.

Like literally. The entire city is built to make path finding as easy as possible.
I think that the Tavern should suffer a Baver attack and burn to ze ground, forcing people to go elsewhere. Also, Regalia needs certain buildings: Library, Academy of Regalia (perhaps the library is inside this), at least 1 Arch de Triumph, a Bank of Regalia (or Imperial Bank), an Imperial Palace, some farms (on the island), and perhaps a Barracks, PvP Arena (like, warzone and all), and a shipwright. It IS supposed to be the center of a world-spanning empire that's experiencing a golden age, so you would think that the city would have such places in it. I understand that staff may not have time to work on it, but just add some of them to the list :P (sorry if any of the suggested buildings already exist).
Yes but a lot of people only rp at the taveren. If we slowly add other buildings to the area people will get used to RPing in different locations and as a result will become more diverse in RP
Yes but a lot of people only rp at the taveren. If we slowly add other buildings to the area people will get used to RPing in different locations and as a result will become more diverse in RP

Do you actually have any evidence or test results to back up your theory or did you just completely ignore Omnomivore's post?
Do you actually have any evidence or test results to back up your theory or did you just completely ignore Omnomivore's post?

That Is to say The shoppe next to the taveren worked well because people saw it and thought it looked good. More people joined them and soon it was a good hotspot.
At other locations people have to physically and mentally decide to go there, as opposed to discovering it while doing other activities.
I think a fairly sizable reason why Watson's bar was popular for RP was its proximity to the Tavern, people in the Tavern saw it, saw people in it, and decided to go and see what it was about. Notice that when the Golden Peacock HQ was located on the main street it was fairly popular but after it moved away from that location it gradually became less and less popular.
All of Regalia's public buildings can be found trough the central avenue logistics. You literally never have to turn more than twice to get somewhere. People who say Regalia's street net is confusing are just too lazy to think for a moment.

Cathedral? Main street second right, straight trough
Park? Main street left at the park, straight trough
Prison? Main street first right, second right straight trough
Harbor? Turn around on main street and first right
Poor district entrance? Right of Prison
Cute Island? Main street, second right, straight trough.

Like literally. The entire city is built to make path finding as easy as possible.
Even with this it still invokes the argument of distance. People would rather stay in a relatively close area to the tavern like nommy said. People tend to mill around the surrounding areas so the theory is to move these things closer so people can be bothered to go there because for one people will be there and two it's less distance.
Even with this it still invokes the argument of distance. People would rather stay in a relatively close area to the tavern like nommy said. People tend to mill around the surrounding areas so the theory is to move these things closer so people can be bothered to go there because for one people will be there and two it's less distance.
I think it would be terribly dreary if all of the unique buildings of Regalia were crammed into the centre of the city and surrounded by a ring of houses. It's good to pad out the Roleplay centres with player-maintained houses, yeah? It adds a bit of personality and life to the city.
I think it would be terribly dreary if all of the unique buildings of Regalia were crammed into the centre of the city and surrounded by a ring of houses. It's good to pad out the Roleplay centres with player-maintained houses, yeah? It adds a bit of personality and life to the city.
I'm not saying we should move any of the cities landmarks, I'm saying we should change the main street of regalia (mainly the tavern street heading to the docks) into shops and other places for role-play instead of player housing to expand role-play opportunity.
to clarify the shops would run similarly to how the tavern runs, with player staff and there could also be some rentable lots if the player base wants it.
I'm not saying we should move any of the cities landmarks, I'm saying we should change the main street of regalia (mainly the tavern street heading to the docks) into shops and other places for role-play instead of player housing to expand role-play opportunity.
Although I do agree with you somewhat, given that on occasions I can find Regalia to be devoid of life in all areas bar the tavern and park, I do have to say that this is natural in context. In large cities or towns (in a medieval setting) at the time, taverns, mustering halls and inns would have been the primary locations for crowds to gather.
However, I do think that if people made the effort to make their shops known, then Rp may be more fruitful on the main sheep and proper shops may open. For instance, just around the corner from the tavern are a group of blacksmithies and armories (I.e. Silverhand Smithy, Coen Forge, etc) where I often see people gathering on occasions for smith-related Rp. If people make a proper effort, then as aforementioned a main street full of lively shops and bustling areas of RP may become apparent
People have always flocked to the tavern because it's been 'the place'. As said by others, it hasn't always been right near the spawn area. Really, role-play goes wherever the players go. If you'd like to see more role-play in a certain area, start role-playing there more often, take your friends there, etc. The tavern has been closed for construction or whatnot before, people would just stand outside and do their thing.

As for businesses and such on main street; it's entirely possible through player means. Having the shops be special permission or whatever only takes up staffs time as they need to moderate said buildings and such. Businesses are possible in Regalia, you just have to know your competition. For example, don't open up another bar/tavern when there already is one, come up with something new, unique. It's not an easy process either, I busted my buns working on the cafe; menus, food items, drinks, etc.

TL;DR - The players have control over where role-play happens. Believe in your dreams.