Archived Regalia Chess Board And Other Games

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Snowdonian Pirate
Jan 3, 2013
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Was wondering, with the Regalia revamp, could we have some sort of public area in one of the new districts where the old playable chess/checkers board is put back? Maybe there could be some other games as well?

(Will think about what other games would work in this kind of setting...)
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The chess areas were fun for some, but too much of a headache for staff constantly having to replace the blocks from theft.
You could make it "bring your own pieces" chess.
My idea would involve a plugin of sorts. Note - I just thought of this a minute ago, feel free to comment and expand on it. My idea is a plugin that would allows two players to hit a button on each side of the board, to register them as the next players of the game. Blocks are then spawned onto the board, and are only allowed to be used/broken/placed by the two registered players. The plugin would also have to recognize when all of one of the players pieces are gone, as to end the game. The pieces are then deleted, and a new game is ready to be started. This plugin would also have to not allow players to take spawned pieces outside of a certain area. Just a thought, correct any kinks you see. I also understand that many task proceed things like this.
You could do this kind of stuff with redstone and command blocks, too. It'd be complicated to set up at first, but if you had it so both players had to enter, wherein they could play at their own risk, you can make a timer that will only open the doors after like, 2-5 minutes. It isn't much time for chess, but it could be used for checkers or some other fun little board game instead.
Y'know, the server I used to play on has a chess plugin. I could get the name, this could be used in the MG universe, though with this plug in probably not in Regalia. It would screw with RP pretty badly.

EDIT: Yup, found it. It's called ChessCraft. Here's the link:
Instead of a chess game in Massivecraft that's just a big headache for the staff and the players, you guys should just take a break from Minecraft and play real life chess. Seriously, if you're so desperate to play chess, play REAL chess.
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