Archived Regal

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The great and powerful
Mar 27, 2013
Reaction score
I prefer the sound of Silver and Copper of older Massivecraft, they sound like metal and it gave a more medieval atmosphere to the server in everything that i did.

I do not like the sound of the word regal personally, i don't think it sounds as medieval as Silver and Copper, i was wondering if anyone had any ideas for another name for the currency of which also relates to the name of the world/city but at the same time being medieval.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I prefer the sound of Silver and Copper of older Massivecraft, they sound like metal and it gave a more medieval atmosphere to the server in everything that i did.

I do not like the sound of the word regal personally, i don't think it sounds as medieval as Silver and Copper, i was wondering if anyone had any ideas for another name for the currency of which also relates to the name of the world/city but at the same time being medieval.
Regals are the currency invented by Regalia, and lore-wise, was introduced to replace silver and copper that was previously used (which also caused an ecenomy crisis in a certain state that was entirely depending on silver mines). Regals come from Regalia, obviously, and are used in Regalia and most of its colonies. It has too much of an important role in the lore that it could possibly be changed, especially considering it was just changed about 1.5 or so years ago. A new currency would also require the term "Regal" to be changed to the new term on numerous sites and wiki pages where it is mentioned. They're also much simpler to use, even simpler than today's currency, and they don't sound that un-medieval now, do they?

Also, I personally didn't like the sound of Regal much either. Mainly because it is the main word that is being used for "shelf" in my first language, but I grew used to it quickly.
Well that is a big fat NO
thanks for taking the time to write that though
To be honest, what matters the name? British called their currency in pounds and shillings (I think lol) and there are galleons and crowns and numerous other stupid names for currency even in the real world. Money is money, why bother with names?
When the server currency was split in to gold/silver/copper it was extremely hard for anyone to make a living in ways other than selling items or buying premium. Mobs would drop 1 copper only if you were lucky, and you'd need a miracle for it to amount to anything.

I much prefer the one-currency system; and whether it be called regal, gold or buttkisses couldn't matter less to me.
Although the original currency name of "regal" is quite charming in my opinion.
When the server currency was split in to gold/silver/copper it was extremely hard for anyone to make a living in ways other than selling items or buying premium. Mobs would drop 1 copper only if you were lucky, and you'd need a miracle for it to amount to anything.

I much prefer the one-currency system; and whether it be called regal, gold or buttkisses couldn't matter less to me.
Although the original currency name of "regal" is quite charming in my opinion.

3 butkisses for that cookie!