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Reformation Of Beggars


Me an the bois at 3 am lookin for BEANS!
May 17, 2016
Reaction score


High atop the City Walls within the Slums, torch light flickered in the windows of the Beggar's Tower during the night for the first time in the month since the former King, Cadent or Conf, had fled the city with his daughters. Those few still awake at the time in the houses nearby heard loud, grandiose talking, intermingled by an awkward laugh, culminating in suddenly in a loud creak and slam as the gates to the Tower closed.

The next day, the gates creaked open once more, and out swaggered a man, in a grand coat, with ginger hair and a goatee, a wide, cocky grin on his face, flanked by several men in Beggar's Armor. He moved to the ladder, sliding down with ease, and shauntering towards the Emporium. Once there, he proclaimed to several very confused drunks-

"Greetings! Hello! You look like sh*t, wow." He gave an awkward sounding laugh, almost a mix between a giggle and a chuckle, deep yet almost oddly charmingly innocent. "Your hangovers aside, we are here to announce, the... Reunification? Reformation? Getting Re-Togethering of the Telikos Beggars! Yes!"

He paused, taking in the blank stares he received. "... Annnyway. Yes! Spread the word! We need able living- preferably- people to work for us! Strong arm some fools, get rich- get drunk..." he added the last part, noting a few glimmers of faint recognition at the word in the vacant eyes and minds of those around. At least, this was how he perceived it. "Drinks! And money to buy more drinks, yes! So come, to the tower, and join our, oh so noble cause- being the gathering of loot and sh*t!" he gave another, slightly less awkward laugh, a wide, arrogant grin splitting his face once more, his eyes glimmering with amusement and mischief. It seemed a new King was in town.

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(click for full size)​
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