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Red City


Chief of the Damned
Aug 11, 2018
Reaction score
At the break of nightfall, the streets of the city fall into silence, the winds blow while the city is covered in white sheets of snow. If all could hear the silent footsteps they would be alarmed to what they wound find. The Kathar in the dark of the night would wander the city, imprinting the walls and any surface she would find, trails of red blood would be covered by the snow but nothing else could be found but the art left behind.

Red hand prints would be found smeared across the walls of local businesses near the nook, traveling across the streets, the snow covering most of the red taint that managed to fall, but across the city, there would be small yet readable words written in Kathar dialect.

"ȑ¤ď קȽɥȑåȽ ȑ¤ďÿñ ΨȋȽȽ ñ- çíñ ɥñď¤ȋñğ, ȋ çȋțɥȋ ΨȋȽȽ ñ- קåȋñț£ď ñåȑɥ, β£Ψåȑ£ -¤ ȟȋ Ψåȑñȋñğ; ȑ£ק£ñt"
Power will be your undoing, The city will be painted red, beware of this warning; REPENT)

(Image of the red hands smeared across the walls. The ground would be cluttered of bones below the writing in Kathar elven,)
((Please keep in mind this is not on paper or any posters, its literally slapped on walls with blood, some paint but mostly blood. The blood if anyone can identify the smell came from a animal. The traces of blood on the snow would have been covered up mostly))
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Gllo'jjiea would occasionally high five one of handprints on the walls during her walk throughout the night. "Someone's gotta show these walls some appreciation after all the crap they have to go through."
He took a sniff at the handprints...
"At least kill a deer...- Chickens don't give you enough blood."
Sniff... sniff.
"No wonder why there's paint mixed in, not enough to go around."
Clinton took it upon himself to turn as many of the red handprints he could find into pretty flower paintings during his morning walk.
Even going as far as marking the kathar dialect out with charcoal. Not that he could even read it.
Malyrra stumbled across one of these handprints and read the message rolling her eyes and kneeling, carving an Old Makdth rune over the handprint, leaving a simple message under it "<P-E> Go away"
Connak would pass by some of the handprints without notice as he soberly walked alone, twitching his head every now amd then. On one twitch, his he would turn to see the handprints and he sighed, "<K-E> Shalia... I know you're angry with his death. But you have to learn there is nothing we can do besides move on." Is what Connak whispers to himself as he continues his way home, still twitching his head as he walked.

((Really quick OOC note: Connak only thinks it's Shalia. Which means doesn't know for sure if it was her that did this.))
A half-Kathar notices these as he walks through old town, lifting his sunglasses and reading with red eyes the text underneath.

"... Repent from what, though?"
Asan put a note with a surpisingly good drawing of hand next to it, though it was a sign that everyone knew and used some point in their life.