Archived Reconstruction Of Select Traits

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Flywater Fanatic
Nov 12, 2015
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
The Jade Sun
So, as many may realize there are a few traits that could use some..."reworking". I hesitate to use the word broken, because in theory there's nothing broken about them, they're just heavily imbalanced. I personally believed that the traits system could use a more thorough examination. However, here's a list of certain, quick edits I think should be made towards traits.

Flywater - I mean, guys, come on. Just make this disabled while PvP active and save general from some serious flame.
Stunstrike - Potentially the most unbalanced and over used trait in when it comes to bow spamming. I'd reccommend reducing the 1/3 chance to at least a 1/4 chance with archery.
Healwater - I've been confused as to why healalways is less points when it's a much more versatile trait. I'd reccomend bringing this down a few points.
Stealstrike/stealrevenge - Just an annoying trait, I question its existence. It only leads to altercations and I dont see a necessity for it.

Those are just a few recommendations. I've grown tired of the complaining about select few traits. This would relieve certain tension around those said traits. The only issues these would fix is minor convience and less flame, but I'd consider it a start.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Ya know those are some good ideas, but what we really need is MORE TRAITS!! :D
Ya know those are some good ideas, but what we really need is MORE TRAITS!! :D
A trait where I can suck people's blood and eat their flesh without being a vampire would be cool. Like a cannibal trait for ex-vamps who still have a little bit of a taste for blood. :P
Or parkour traits, idk if its possible, but it would be epic to wall run in Regalia, especially on the rooftops. Also as an addition to MCMMO acrobatics skill, if the plugin is fixed and stuff.
Minecraft also needs grapple hooks like from Dying Light.
A trait where I can suck people's blood and eat their flesh without being a vampire would be cool. Like a cannibal trait for ex-vamps who still have a little bit of a taste for blood. :P
Or parkour traits, idk if its possible, but it would be epic to wall run in Regalia, especially on the rooftops. Also as an addition to MCMMO acrobatics skill, if the plugin is fixed and stuff.
Minecraft also needs grapple hooks like from Dying Light
I like the idea of the cannibal trait, nice for ex-vamps like you said or for Drowdar and Crelin characters. Parkour traits would basically just be jump2 and speed2, maybe fall immune. And a grapple hook is basically like a tool, not a race ability thing. Ya know?
I like the idea of the cannibal trait, nice for ex-vamps like you said or for Drowdar and Crelin characters. Parkour traits would basically just be jump2 and speed2, maybe fall immune. And a grapple hook is basically like a tool, not a race ability thing. Ya know?
Yeh but grapple hooks are cool. Developers should add it. xD
For the parkour I basically just want the Smart Moving mod, lol
@PurpleDrac we all know we want to do realistic parkour in minecraft, but what would be even cooler is having a trait where you can breathe fire! Or maybe a trait where you can glide like in elytra! (Gliding trait would cost like 150 points or something)
I agree with all of Gobian's points.

As far as stealstrike goes, I don't understand why it's still a trait. It isin't allowed in any PVP events for a reason, and most of the PVP community refuses to fight anyone who uses it. It's just a cheap way to steal other people's hard earned regals.
I'm confused as to why the PVP active thing changed in the first place. I lose the same things whether or not I'm PVP active or inactive. So why does it make me active when I am attacked?

But in response to this… I think Flywater should be disabled only if PVP active… If you are the attacker. I think it's fair for someone who is trying to escape a fight who hasn't tried to fight to have that way out. I agree it's a cheap move if you are losing a fight… But not if you were just pacifist in the first place
I'm confused as to why the PVP active thing changed in the first place. I lose the same things whether or not I'm PVP active or inactive. So why does it make me active when I am attacked?

But in response to this… I think Flywater should be disabled only if PVP active… If you are the attacker. I think it's fair for someone who is trying to escape a fight who hasn't tried to fight to have that way out. I agree it's a cheap move if you are losing a fight… But not if you were just pacifist in the first place
Inactive affects backpack and (possibly) elytra usage. Not sure about elytra tho.
yes elytra... but im saying like. If now PVP active and inactive drop the same stuff... why do i become active when being attacked, if im just... walking around?
Prevents usage of backpack in combat, I'm assuming. Until the most recent update, it was common practice to keep a full bp of potions, and when you ran low, just run away for a bit, get pots, and turn on your opponent with a full potion load out.
Inactive affects backpack and (possibly) elytra usage. Not sure about elytra tho.

I believe that if you have Elytra equipped you can use it while PvP active but if you are PvP active you cannot equip Elytra. I haven't tested this, though.

yes elytra... but im saying like. If now PVP active and inactive drop the same stuff... why do i become active when being attacked, if im just... walking around?

The PvP active/inactive feature tells the game: HEY! This person is being attacked! Hey, buddy, guess what. You can't use your backpack! Oh! And no equipping those Elytra wings, friend.

If the game didn't go pvp active/inactive then you would always have access to your bp and equipping elytra for swift getaways.

You will drop all items but armor regardless if you are pvp active or inactive. Pvp Active/Inactive has nothing to do with item drops now. If you are just walking around and fall to your death, you aren't going to get a pvp active message. You're just going to drop your stuff. It only triggers if you are hit or if you hit someone. All PvP Active/Inactive does is prevent you having access to your bp and elytra. That is its purpose.
I believe that if you have Elytra equipped you can use it while PvP active but if you are PvP active you cannot equip Elytra. I haven't tested this, though.

The PvP active/inactive feature tells the game: HEY! This person is being attacked! Hey, buddy, guess what. You can't use your backpack! Oh! And no equipping those Elytra wings, friend.

If the game didn't go pvp active/inactive then you would always have access to your bp and equipping elytra for swift getaways.

You will drop all items but armor regardless if you are pvp active or inactive. Pvp Active/Inactive has nothing to do with item drops now. If you are just walking around and fall to your death, you aren't going to get a pvp active message. You're just going to drop your stuff. It only triggers if you are hit or if you hit someone. All PvP Active/Inactive does is prevent you having access to your bp and elytra. That is its purpose.
I understand this. But in the case people are requesting the same be applied to flywater. I think thats a little... too much.
A trait where I can suck people's blood and eat their flesh without being a vampire would be cool. Like a cannibal trait for ex-vamps who still have a little bit of a taste for blood. :P
Or parkour traits, idk if its possible, but it would be epic to wall run in Regalia, especially on the rooftops. Also as an addition to MCMMO acrobatics skill, if the plugin is fixed and stuff.
Minecraft also needs grapple hooks like from Dying Light.
Feedstrike. Wall running would likely trigger Anti-Cheat, followed by that having JumpII makes it rather obsolete.
@PurpleDrac we all know we want to do realistic parkour in minecraft, but what would be even cooler is having a trait where you can breathe fire! Or maybe a trait where you can glide like in elytra! (Gliding trait would cost like 150 points or something)
Firestrike/FireRevenge and Fireball. And... Elytra.

StunStrike really is an annoying trait, but apparently it is balanced as there is a StunImmune trait or something similar. Same thing applies to StealStrike. However, I do see FlyWater as potentially annoying. I think your suggestion seems worthful but am unsure if that's the right method, especially with how people can slither out of combat so swiftly, especially if at a shoreline. HealWater really is odd to me as to being 50 points. What possible reason is there for it to be that way?
For a lot and I'm talking like 500 points a flying trait in air.
I understand this. But in the case people are requesting the same be applied to flywater. I think thats a little... too much.
Nah, cause even still it will be super easy to get away in water. With Depth Strider 3 boots it's easy to avoid even another person with the same boots and once you go inactive you can just zip away proper.

I love Flywater it's one of my favorite traits mostly due to how lazy I am when it comes to traveling to a faction I intend to raid. I also feel it evens out the fight for an attacker since we don't have the luxury of hiding behind a door when on enemy territory. Unlike doors however you have the advantage of still being able to attack people easily with almost no possible way of being killed. If you couldn't use it while PvP active it reduces the trait to just having the advantage of quick travel and still a very good chance at getting away if you can make it to water. You just can't fight in the water anymore and I think most pvpers can agree myself included that Flywater PvP is boring as hell because you rarely land enough hits to even break a persons Absorption2.
This suggestion will remain open for further discussion and staff review.