Archived Recipe Book And Knowledge Book

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Jun 25, 2019
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Minecraft 1.12 added a recipe book to help new player for craft.
Why we couldn't use it for the server?

First, add custom recipe in the recipe book. Also, make that everyone know vanilla recipe automaticly
Second, the knowledge book add the possibility to discover new craft so you could use it to make some vanilla and custom craft only avaible if you have the book
Finally, change the tip "4x String <-> 1 Wool, (link to all recipe)" Because it just doen't work and a lot of recipe don't work too so the recipe book is maybe an idea

I hope that what I say will be added to the server ^^
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Hello! Thank you for your suggestion.

We have a page on the MassiveCraft Wiki with the custom recipes as linked here:

Additionally, we recently implemented a guide book at the Essalonia spawn. Just go talk to Brie Nevimoor at spawn to obtain a tutorial book. Regarding the incorrect ingame tips, I will notify Tech staff that is something that should be fixed.

Thank you!