Archived Rebuilding Of The Ancient Elven Empire

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Arvanion Cyladhras of Avallónë
Feb 27, 2013
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I am glad to announce this to be my main goal. So far some of you may already know of our art of architecture within massivecraft. Im proud to say that for those skills we were also elected to provide our city for the elven trailer.

Our Capital shall be build in Deandroc. The palace of our great city shall be the first structure to rise, may many spires and great gardens rise in its glorious presants. We (me) have been designing this on a creative server (which ip i shall not name :P) (but if staff members like to take a peek pm me ^^) from where i shall provide you the first image ever to be released. May this be a call for all the elven factions to unite under a single banner once more. Now that we may correct our past and to right the wrongs of our forefathers.

May we bring life and peace to all of Deandroc under the new order of a great unified elven nation.
(note that it may take many months of hard work untill this is finaly realised)
[DOUBLEPOST=1370821918,1370821705][/DOUBLEPOST]OH btw dont fear for me using standart minecraft texturepack. Looks very nice aswel in the massivecraft texturepack. But it is howeveer designed in the standart one ;3
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Just finished designing the 2e and 3e floors here a 2 pictures showing you all a little on wat is to come :3

Also a little note I am now able tocontinue construction since at this point the main area of the Palace is compleet. Wish me good luck ;3
[DOUBLEPOST=1371199451,1371198831][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh ofr people who can visualise it, Last time I checked the palace was about 85 blocks wide 71 blocks long and over 55 blocks tall. (excl the towers making it about 100+) :3

If anyone is interested in donating some cobble and oak wood feel free :P
Very Well (Nice Design, I wish you luck ;) ), but take care... I heard rumors about that Deandroc will be deleted in about a Year or less (7Months (U) ). If you build your base there and it gets deleted, dont complain.
Wel we seek to unite al the elven factions. We will eventualy host the empire and other elven factions will be welcome to join the empire. Each faction can represend itself trough the counsil that will be founded. In this counsil requests and surgestions can be debated. Currentyly my own idea of a setup from my own faction will be this:

an emperor and empress and a king at the 3 high thrones. The emperor and the empress will govern the empire while the king governs the faction and the capitol city. 4 high officers at the royal seats will be deticated to the houses of Agriculture, Construction, Exploration and Peacekeeping. The counsil will be the bond that connects the empire with all its factions. Trough the counsil aid and resources can be requested and granted. Also base laws can be forged here. The counsil accepts a direct diplomat as a counsil member and faction leaders. (not just admins but reconised leaders within a faction)

If Deandroc is to be reset I do like a staff member to confirm that. For it is indeed not a days work to build such a construction. More pictures and maybe even trailers will be released of the palace over time. But it realy will help if i could build without the risk of it getting resetted.

If theres any faction willing to join the empire that is to come please let us know :3 Once the empire is compleet we expect to make negotiations with other grant empires to form a strong bond to fight the evils of this world. It is time we all face the darkness. For we cannot permit it to grow stronger than us all.
New sneak peak release with pictures of the current status of the palace as it is on massivecraft. Also with 1 picture of a corridor from the design. I hope you love our decorations :D ( if you like to see this is massivecraft texture please post a comment about it then il make pictures in that texture pack aswel.)
Im glad to announse the first layer of the capitol palace to have been completed.

Ive started to spoilering the pictures since it may after all take up quite some space ;3

It might be a little difficult to see but the palace has currently a ground floor and a 1e floor build.
Then large halls on the outside of the palace, four in front, four at the back, two at the sides. The great throne room lies at the center, which you can see as there is no roof over it yet. The next floor will host the palace its inner garden with the floor ontop of that holding the Hall of Feasts.

Once those two large sections of the palace are compleet we will begin with the city surounding the palace. Starting however first with the palace walls and then the 'Cloud spire District'.
Ok heres the last update. I adjusted the palace a little to make it look more .... wel it just looks nicer now :)
To bad i havent got the time nor the community to help me build it ;( . So i think its going to take ages. Literaly.

And an extra picture of a wall design I had made for the capitol city which surounds the palace.

Plz if you like to give your moral surport or actual ingame surport please leave something in the comments. Maybe il be able to get trough with it with a little bit more encurragement..:$

-throne room has crystal (glass) lamps and pillars
-Walls at the end are 30+ block tall and enderpearl proof.
-all designed and build by Emperor_max. (Didn't use world edit) <-- ( couldn't anyways due to details)

I hope you all would have agreed this to have become the grant palace of the Elven capitol :3
Very Well (Nice Design, I wish you luck ;) ), but take care... I heard rumors about that Deandroc will be deleted in about a Year or less (7Months (U) ). If you build your base there and it gets deleted, dont complain.
I asked BigBellyBuddah about that, and apparently it is nothing more than a rumor. The Massive team luckily doesn't plan on deleting it any time soon :)

This is an awesome palace. I hope you find some people to help you finish it.
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