Archived Rebuild Of The Lore Staff

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The Local Chav
Jun 6, 2014
Reaction score
England is my city
The Spanish Inqusition
Now, before I get started. I respect the lore staff, you guys plan and coordinate very well, just. It's old, I'm not suggesting a permanent removal, I'm suggesting, a new division to add a little more flavour into the mix.

This idea would, essentially, split the lore staff into three different columns, the current staff will be the head, the leaders. They will decide what goes through, will moderate the lowers and such. The next lower downs will be added later on, they are a joint to the original staff and will help. The final group will be trainees, they will input new ideas which will be moderated by the original staff. These people will either be moved into the middle group or constantly swapped, this will keep the flow of ideas staying fresh in theory.

This server is brilliant, fucking fantastic but, it lacks change. I've been here for nearly two years, I'm not one of the greats who have been here for four years or even three but I have seen a lot of people leave. Maybe, if we had a constant flow of new ideas, something fresh. People might have more of a reason to stay, you can dismiss this idea, edit it into a better form. I'm just trying to help improve, this idea is flawed, which is why I am hoping the lore staff would take this idea and adapt it.

Keep in mind, I have no idea how the lore staff works. If this is actually the method you guys used, I gone fucked up, I will openly say this. If it's a more advanced, good on you. It's just, I'm trying to help. This is a community, knowing someone who once had your back is gone is depressing.
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I'm not a role player in any respect but I do know that the lore staff are structured and recruited a lot differently than all of the other staff departments

Lore staff participate in writing projects prior to being invited to join the roleplay staff.

Tagging @MonMarty @Staff Roleplay
We sort of already have this with the lore projects. Occasionally Lore staff will start a "Lore Project" in which non Lore staff chip in to write large quantities of lore documents on various themes.
There's also a player-submitted lore section, where you can submit your own ideas for articles and get lore staff input. While the overarching lore is pretty set in stone now, new things get added pretty regularly. Just take a look at the "recent changes" section of the wiki.
Alright, thanks for the information. The reason I've made this is pretty much because I've never seen any major stuff get approved in the player-submitted lore, I've seen minor but never anything like a race or such. I always thought it was an rare occurrence for it to happen.

Anuway. Disregard this, thanks for the help. @MonMarty and the other guys.
Now, before I get started. I respect the lore staff, you guys plan and coordinate very well, just. It's old, I'm not suggesting a permanent removal, I'm suggesting, a new division to add a little more flavour into the mix.

This idea would, essentially, split the lore staff into three different columns, the current staff will be the head, the leaders. They will decide what goes through, will moderate the lowers and such. The next lower downs will be added later on, they are a joint to the original staff and will help. The final group will be trainees, they will input new ideas which will be moderated by the original staff. These people will either be moved into the middle group or constantly swapped, this will keep the flow of ideas staying fresh in theory.

This server is brilliant, ****ing fantastic but, it lacks change. I've been here for nearly two years, I'm not one of the greats who have been here for four years or even three but I have seen a lot of people leave. Maybe, if we had a constant flow of new ideas, something fresh. People might have more of a reason to stay, you can dismiss this idea, edit it into a better form. I'm just trying to help improve, this idea is flawed, which is why I am hoping the lore staff would take this idea and adapt it.

Keep in mind, I have no idea how the lore staff works. If this is actually the method you guys used, I gone ****ed up, I will openly say this. If it's a more advanced, good on you. It's just, I'm trying to help. This is a community, knowing someone who once had your back is gone is depressing.
Umm... the only thing I can think of when I see this is:
Any who.... The lore staff put there souls into their lore projects, and I'm sure any major lore even would require a significant amount of time to rewrite quite a bit of the wiki. I personally the staff work hard enough without having to drain unnecessary amount of life force on some huge demo/remo of the Aliorian lore event and government structures.
If you take a look, there are frequent changes and events in the lore, even if they're not all that big and they don't quite attract a huge amount of attention. Besides, if players really wanted some huge thing to happen, there would be more submissions for such a thing in the player submitted lore section. Also, more players would be with you complaining about the lack of change to the Ailorian society.
To be frank, the only way to make a great big change is to start it up yourself, not drawl about it to the people who you think should do it instead. When Sam Adams, Booker T. Washington, Katniss, and Elizabeth Swan saw problems in their status quos', they didn't whine at the government, or the authorities; the got up and fixed it with their own bare hands. You need to be the change you wish to see in the world. So, I suggest you start thinking something up on your own and then go write it up as a player submission.
Apologies if I sound rude, it's not my intention, I'm just being a bit blunt and saying it as it is.
If you're interested in lore staff responsibilities and how we function as a department, we've got our point guide published on the Wiki here!
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