Archived Re"vamped" Vampire Plugin Idea

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Bringer of the Bacon
Apr 4, 2015
Reaction score
As we all know, the vampire plugin was removed a bit of time ago. As staff said it could not be updated and in turn became extremely outdated. So I have a concept for a completely new Vampire Plugin using both ideas from the original and new ideas. I am going to spread each idea into sections explaining each and how they relate. This is not in much relevance to lore as it is to what I think would be fun and interesting.

Becoming a Vampire
Becoming one of the damned is still relatively the same. You either use an altar, drink the blood of a vampire, or contract the disease through combat. However whether you have used an altar, or contracted the disease from another is of much greater importance.

Vampiric Generations.
Vampires who use an Altar of Darkness(Could be renamed altar of Malice for lore purposes) are considered purebloods. Any individuals that they infect they have a certain degree of power over, and have even more over those their offspring infect. The amount of power (how much damage they deal to those vampires) a pure blood has over each "generation" can be showed by this.

Gen 1 x2 damage
Gen 2 x3 damage
Gen 3 x4 damage

And so on. A vampire at Gen 1 will in turn deal x2 damage to Gen 2 and downwards but will deal normal damage to the pure blood. This gives a group of vampires a natural hierarchy base on how close they are to that groups progenitor.

Once a pure blood and its subsequent offspring of created enough vampires, they are considered an official bloodline (a config for if bloodlines can be named, for lore purposes). When they become an official bloodline, the pure blood is able to select a special trait/ability (choices available can be customized) for his/her bloodline. He may also select a more powerful ability affecting only the first *insert number* generations of the bloodline.

Due to the greatly increased allure of infection through use of dark altar, the materials needed now consist of a Nether Star, a wither skull, and ten eyes of ender. (Or whatever you guys think is fair).

Base Vampire traits
Same system of blood consumption. Shift clicking an animal with shears with an empty bottle in your inventory will fill the bottle with blood for later use.

Jump 2 as before
Damage boost based on hunger level
Same health/hunger regen system
Same toggled night vision.
Shriek has a chance to give individuals in the area nasuea.
Bloodlust replaced by perm speed 2 jump 4 boost when at full hunger.

Sunlight still applies for obvious reasons.

Wood still does extra damage, but not when wielded by another vampire.

Holy water, also cannot be crafted by a vampire.

Vampire hunting gear
None of the following can be created or used by vampires.

Holy armor, extra damage resistance against vampires.

Holy water *that's familiar*

Non vampires can use Vampire Ash(a drop from slain vampires) to create powerful potions and further increase damage resistance of holy armor.


Vampire Interactions and Thralls

Vampires are indistinguishable from humans, except in the eyes of other vampires. A Vampire can use an ability to identify if a player is a vampire, who infected him/her, and who their bloodlines pure blood creator is.

If a vampire drinks the blood of another vampire higher in their bloodline they will gain a strength boost. The level of the boost is proportional to the generational gap between the two vampires, capping at 2. However this will not satiate any hunger.

A vampire is capable of making any willing human player his/her thrall. In doing so they will gain a 1.5x damage boost against that individual, and any time they are given blood from their thrall it fills twice as much hunger. This is likely to create interesting situations where players agree to be thralls in hopes that their vampire master may infect them.

Leave your opinions and any ideas down below
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I really like this idea... But realistically it seems like it would be very difficult to code and program.
True, hopefully not though. I have seen some pretty complex plugins before so i'm hoping its possible.
True, hopefully not though. I have seen some pretty complex plugins before so i'm hoping its possible.
It's not the fact whether or not a complex plugin can be made, it's the fact that a complex plugin such as this requires a significant amount of time to code, test, and debug. Around the place where you mentioned the bloodline system did it start to get from a moderate level of a plugin to a complex one btw. Anyways, I forgot to test it out when the plugin was in, but wood stuff doing extra damage to vamps, anyone recall if punching a vamp with a bow(since it's fundamentally wood) did more than 0.5 hearts?
It's not the fact whether or not a complex plugin can be made, it's the fact that a complex plugin such as this requires a significant amount of time to code, test, and debug. Around the place where you mentioned the bloodline system did it start to get from a moderate level of a plugin to a complex one btw. Anyways, I forgot to test it out when the plugin was in, but wood stuff doing extra damage to vamps, anyone recall if punching a vamp with a bow(since it's fundamentally wood) did more than 0.5 hearts?
Not that I recall. I don't think it was on the list of wood weapons. Also it wouldn't make much sense since you have to stab a vampire with a wood stake. And you don't stab with a bow.
I do like to see vampires return again. And I like the ideas you mentioned.

However I also noticed how much lore you wanted to put into it and I need to warn you.
Staff has stated several times that the factions world is seperate from the strict lore.
Therefore you must understand that any lore the plugin would generate: bloodlines, would have no real value lore wise.

as for the difference between vampires... I realy do like the idea. But I suggest you to tweek it. A little.
Make 2 distinct vampires: Prime and minor.

You become minor by getting infected trough any means... or the normal dark altar.
You become a prime by a dark altar of malice.

Finaly the dark altar of malice needs to be considerably more expensive. Not to mention the sacrifice you have to make to become a prime.

I hope this helps :)
I do like to see vampires return again. And I like the ideas you mentioned.

However I also noticed how much lore you wanted to put into it and I need to warn you.
Staff has stated several times that the factions world is seperate from the strict lore.
Therefore you must understand that any lore the plugin would generate: bloodlines, would have no real value lore wise.

as for the difference between vampires... I realy do like the idea. But I suggest you to tweek it. A little.
Make 2 distinct vampires: Prime and minor.

You become minor by getting infected trough any means... or the normal dark altar.
You become a prime by a dark altar of malice.

Finaly the dark altar of malice needs to be considerably more expensive. Not to mention the sacrifice you have to make to become a prime.

I hope this helps :)
Well of course EVERY bloodline cant be lore compliant. That would never work. There are the lore compliant ones on the wiki... and that's.. it. This idea is for a plugin, a plugin that extends from Regalia to the survival worlds, its not exclusive to the survival worlds. It can be used in Roleplay as the old vampire plugin was too, so the bloodlines could have light-roleplay use.
The Vampire plugin has been re-uploaded with changed configs.