Archived Re-enable God Apples

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Kingdoms Baby!
Dec 4, 2012
Reaction score
Now, before you say this is a bad idea because they are too overpowered, I have home coded a plugin that reverts them back to the old effects before the 1.6 update. I was wondering if the Massivecraft team would take it in to consideration as it is useless having God apples and not being able to do anything with them. Does anyone agree?
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well i think it would be a good idea, with the right config-ed god apples effects i think you should reduce the apple effects to regeneration 3 resistance 3 fireprot for 6 mins instead of 8
Problem with this is, I believe that mods wanted god apples gone BEFORE the 1.6 update so they will still be viewed as OP.
I'm perfectly okay with no God Apples... In my opinion, PvP is more fun without them... It makes battles more skill-based, and before people go whining about "Oh, well I'm new, so I'm not supposed to fight?" My answer is a simple no, you shouldn't pick fights with enemies you can't defeat.
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