Archived Re-enable Certain Damages In Regalia

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A miserable little pile of secrets
Staff member
Sep 7, 2015
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So a few months back, there was some change where you never take damage in Regalia. You never lose hunger (meaning /starve is unable to be used) and never lose health to anything (maybe potions, but I don't want to confirm that)

Anyways, this change has been a blessing and a curse from my perspective. For one thing, you can explore the map without fear of death, encouraging people to take some risk when exploring. But on the other hand, it also adds a bit of "over-protectiveness." I'll explain this:

So, there are a few things where damage should be given out, due to some of the features we already have in traits, lore items, and the like:
  • Lava/fire. If you decide to take a lava bath, expect to get incinerated. To prevent this, just add FireImmune
  • Drowning. If you decide to go all the way to the bottom of the sea, you should drown. To prevent this, use a Breathie Cap or just Water Breathing. Or FlyWater to reach the surface fast to get some air.
  • Falling. You fall from the top of a tower, you're dead. Use FallImmune.
  • Vampires in the sun. If you chose the dark disease, then you must experience the downsides of that choice. Hiding in the shadows only to come out at night is one such thing. To prevent this, don't become a vampire.
To sum up, there are traits that do the exact same thing in Regalia than just giving everyone "god mode."
I think by making people invincible to environmental damage, it not only kills a bit of immersion, but also makes traits obsolete in every place besides the faction worlds.

So I'm suggesting that we go back to when you could take damage form basically everything besides PvP and potions (basically before the current "god mode" was implemented.) This is based on the following things:
  • Encourage learning MassiveTraits. By using traits, you can still have all of the "god mode" perks in Regalia. FireImmune, FallImmune, WaterBreathing. Add random negative traits, and you're done. By adding back in environmental damage in Regalia, players can choose the amount of damage they want to encounter by traits. In turn it gives a little more respect for traits, which many Rpers I assume never bother to use (ignoring survival RPs)
  • Add a bit of immersion back into the game. There isn't a lot from what I see, but from time to time there are still the Assassin's Creed guys jumping from roof to roof doing leaps of faith. Or people jumping off Balconies OOC just to go back to IC after hitting the ground. This just ruins the immersion. Usually when you fall, you analyze the drop and RP the results accordingly. Usually meaning there is a broken leg, or a newly painted red walkway. If you jump in fire, you should be getting some serious burns, or just being incinerated. Even though opponents to this say it can hurt innocents, MassiveTraits are just a few commands away.
  • Gives more knowledge for Vampire Plugin users. So Vampires (plugin) is not Lore Compliant. But it doesn't mean that RPers aren't going to use it. By enabling the environmental damage, the sun damage is a factor for Vampires. What this does is show vampires that the sun is bad, and darkness is good. This also addresses the very many Vampires walking in the sun with their particles going off indicating incineration. It also stops the annoying screams in the tavern for at least half of the time (because they'd be burning alive if they did it in the daytime). Vampires has been redone to be the same as traits, so in turn they need to experience their negative traits as well as the good ones.
Well, this is my suggestion. I can see the argument that the current system makes it so there's less bitching when some guy drops the ground and looses his stacks of dirt. But at the same time, this teaches people to look before you leap, and teaches people to not do stupid stuff. Plus, every other area doesn't have this perk, so why is the RP area safe? All of these environmental damages shouldn't effect any RP. It just makes people a bit smarter when doing stuff.

I'll throw down a poll as well, but besides that, this is my suggestion. Feel free to debate it below.
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Nah, you're seeing it all wrong. If you drown yourself in Regalia it doesn't mean you're drowning yourself in character. If you fall in lava and burn to death it doesn't mean you fell in lava IC and died. If you jumped off tavern and hit the ground you are most likely not doing such a thing in character. You don't have to be a vampire on Massive to Roleplay as a vampire. There is no immersion being broken here. If you actually want to do such things then you'd Roleplay them out. If I jump off tavern take 20 hearts and die, how do I Roleplay it out that I killed myself if I have to run all the way back to that point. The MC game and its mechanics are completely separate from the IC world for a reason.
Let me rephrase something a bit and put it bluntly, since I think I didn't fully explain myself:

It's annoying to see certain people not die from doing stupid stuff that in any other map will kill you. It used to be like that, and people wouldn't go jumping around rooftops without going splat on the ground. Nowadays, people jump, but they don't go splat.

Now, I wasn't trying to say that this is weird on an IC basis (because let's be honest, every one of us already died from falling off a balcony) But more on saying it just is annoying to see more bubble wrap around Regalia.

That's really my main point. Too much bubble wrap. Whether this is just my personal peeve in Regalia right now or not remains to be seen. I just posted this saying it is a bit annoying seeing people disrupt RP by screaming, jumping off of cliffs next to you, and the like.

Obviously I will never be able to express myself 100% perfectly in writing. The only people who would truly know my standpoint are those who are literally face to face with me IRL.

But I digress.

Less bubble wrap. more splat. That sums up this pretty much in a nutshell.
Just the fact that there are three traits that will literally give you god mode in Regalia, theres no real reason to not have it because... Most people who roleplay only roleplay.
I'll accept that. Maybe it's just that I liked it when people went splat on the pavement.
Eh I for one do not enjoy having to go get my stuff because I tripped up a jump with my le parkour fun runs,

You know what'd be nice instead, if there was some nonharmful way for the game to ping:

"Hey dumbass, you just fell like 2 stories, theres no amount of edge that'd help you survive that!",


"The sun is rising , hoodie vampires should prolly go hide now, yeh".

Exc, Just so people become aware of their surroundings.
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