Preserved Sheet R'chxta Dlu'voxki

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Student of Hydration
Dec 9, 2013
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
Asha gang(TM), Maraya gang(TM)
Basic Information
  • Full Name: R'chxta Dlu'voxki
  • Age: 17 (Since awakening, 36 in actual age.)
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Circci
  • Main Ambition: To attempt to secure a place of power or recognition in Regalia, in order to further his hive and other Circci in their pursuit of The Great Purpose, and attempt to recover from the Bone Horror Crisis.
  • R'chxta, having only just arrived within a week of the appointment of Albaer Ravenstad as Undercrown is rather new to the city. Currently, he resides in the slums with two Vissi, himself living in fairly good conditions even while he lives in the slums, the Vissi taking care of him for the most part. Currently he has no real occupation, and no form of income, however he was sent to Regalia with a fair bit of money, enough to secure a small rent like he has in the slums.
  • R'chxta does not entirely know who or where his parents are, but he can assume that they were did not enter in the stasis pods with him all those years ago. What he has figured out however is that he has a sister in his same Vault, Llu'klixa. The two figured this out after both attending the school of Ha'kix together and both having an already similar aptitude for it. As of extended family, R'cxhta is unsure if any exist.
  • A secondary ambition R'cxhta wishes to pursue is continuing his school of Ha'kix. Most likely having been some sort of guardsman in his 'past' life, he wishes to continue something of the sort in his new one. Of course, he doesn't know he was.

Skill Information
  • School: Ha'kix
  • Level: Ha'kix Fighter
  • Source: R'chxta was taught by one of X'ukto's close friends.
Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Dark Pink

  • Hair Color: Dark-Orange

  • Hair Style: Long hair, slightly past the shoulders, like most Circci.

  • Skin Color: A dark reddish tan, while the thicker parts of chitin is a muddy red-brown.
  • Clothing: Very ragged, baggy pants. He often wears no shirt, however when he does, as most Ha'kix attendees do, he wears a reddish sleeveless top, with brownish-gold trims.
  • Height: 6'1 (185 cm)

  • Body Build: Sinewy, yet obviously not weak.

  • Weapon of Choice: Ebhula, or his unarmed hands.
  • R'chxta's face is fairly slender, his eyes being very large like most Circci with the eyeris being a bright pink. His forehead is met separated from his hair by a crown, like all Circci have. His in particular are fairly elongated, and cover a little bit of his long red hair. (Not unlike on the Wiki.) His face, of course, has no visible scarring or any distinguishable features other than that of the chitin that covers his, incredibly flat nose. His nose makes him almost appear alien, as if it wasn't there at all. His neck and face are aside from that devoid of large amounts of chitin.

  • Describe the Character's body. Go into detail about height, body shape, the color of their skin, the size of their bones and muscles, their amount of fat, any physical disabilities they may have, their amount of body hair if applicable and more. This description is purely for the body. Although appearing incredibly skinny, R'chxta is actually fairly strong. Most of this is hidden by his chitin however. R'chxta's chitin has somewhat of a generic pattern, a t-shirt shaped pattern of thicker chitin on his chests, as well as thicker chitin on his upper legs, ankles and lower arms. Aside from this it is fairly standard, with nothing majorly outstanding, aside from the two extra limbs that he often keeps tucked against his stomach.

  • R'chxta will only ever be seen wearing one of two things. Either baggy, ragged pants that were most likely from an Allar, as there is a hole stitched over in the back, or a sleeveless top. He often can be seen wearing no top, as most Ha'kix trainees do in order to achieve the widest array of movement. R'chxta knows already that carrying a weapon in Regalia is nearly a death sentence, however if he did carry one it would be more than like visible on his waist.

  • R'chxta's voice, although clacky and clicky like all Circci whom have learnt X'ota, is rather smooth and relatively average if he was an Ailor male. He speaks fairly quickly, however not as quickly as an Allar or as soothing as a Slizzar, however certainly not at all gruff or gravely. He has no noticeable quirks when speaking, and knows enough Common to get by.

Personality and Abilities

  • Often, one would see R'chxta as trying to be "high-and-mighty", or above them. This of course could often come off as him being prideful, or arrogant however it is simply a habit that and is often something exhibited in most Circci. However, this is something that someone would probably tell you about R'chxta. If one were to simply bump into him at a public establishment, they might find him a bit offkilter, or almost strange, however very willing to talk and listen, however and remaining very reserved on his own personal life. One could almost see him as curious with others.

  • R'chxta, although being seemingly strong on the outside of course has anxieties like any normal person. He often feels isolated, especially now in Regalia as there are so few other Circci, if any. This, and feeling as if there is a general wrongness as to how non-Circci could have built and maintained such a powerful state. When he returns home with the two Vissi, even them being Vissi, he feels secure and sound. R'chxta will not at all often open up about what he is feeling, remaining incredibly reserved and attempting to keep himself shut to everyone but his sister.

  • Around family, or, his sister,, R'chxta could be described as a different person. He is much much more open to virtually everything, speaking his mind and generally being outgoing. As towards friends, R'chxta could be described as somewhat the same person he would be with a stranger, however often delving a little bit deeper into what he thinks or believes than he normally would. And although he hasn't had any lover (that he remembers) if he hypothetically did have one, he would most likely be very open as he is with family, however not overly advancing.

  • R'chxta could best be described as lawful neutral. Although he is very open to learn, he is strictly bound to his own beliefs and experiences. He very willingly follows The Great Purpose, believing, like most Circci do, that it is their right to rule the world. He sees any bad deed as a bad deed, like most would, and sees a good deed as generous. His sense of morality is not flawed, and he can easily distinguish right from wrong.
  • Agile: Built up through the years, R'chxta has become incredibly agile due to his schooling and work as a guard for one of the hives nearby Tohn Valeer. Although he was most likely well of this ability before he went into stasis, he has been training it ever since. The years of schooling with Ha'kix has trained him to be able to dodge most attacks, however the weight of his chitin could be used against him as he does so.

  • Observant: Working as a guard for a hive for so many years, he has become adept at spotting things most others would be unable to. From peering out into the vast surrounding jungle, he has learned to pick out people and objects that might be all too visible to others. This applies for close range too, although not as much. He has an ability to pick out an object from a room slightly faster than most, however this would mean very little for any actual situation he might find himself in.

  • Llu'klixa Dlu'voxki - Sister - Although not originally realizing the two were in fact related, they both grew up together before they went into stasis, however, they both remember very little of this other than the fact they were closer than most. The two realized they were related when they both attended the School of Ha'kix after the end of the Chrysant War. The two look almost identical, however Llu'klixa's hair is slightly longer, and she is slightly shorter. She stayed back in Hadar, while R'chxta went to Regalia.

Life Story

Pre-Stasis (3028 B.C. - 3009 B.C.)

R'chxta remembers very little, if nothing at all of what his life was like pre-stasis, however if he were to, he would know that he and his family were a largely military family. Growing up, he and his sister were taught much the ways of how to use a flail. His father was a guardsman, and a strong believer that nothing like a Void Invasion could ever happen, while his mother was incredibly paranoid, and a harbor master in one of the larger cities that once dotted the world. When the Void Invasion paranoid finally reached it's heigh his mother was able to get him and his sister sealed away in a Vault nearby, convincing the mages that two warriors would be useful once they awoke. His parents however were stuck on the surface, doomed to be eradicated by the advancing Void energies that soon swept the entire world.

Post-Stasis (288 A.C. - 291 A.C.)

When R'chxta awoke, he remembered virtually nothing, however already-awoken other Circci were able to help with that. They re-taught him what they knew of their native X'ota and decided on a name for R'chxta, which was shockingly close it what it had been before stasis. They awoke others who were in his same vault, and little did R'chxta know at the time, but his sister was sealed away right beside him in another stasis cell. The two would again become friends, as being so similar allowed for them some familiarity in this new world. The began living together in the newly established community that was the Dlu'voxki hive. For a while, they mostly stayed in their vault, however as time wore on it became apparent that the retreating Naylar would be a prime target for the Regalians, whom they had just learned of. They decided that in order to prevent the discovery and destruction of the hive, they would destroy the local Naylar in order to secure the power of the region. They did, wiping the small village nearby off the map. R'chxta fought a little bit, his prowess in early-Ha'kix showing, along with his sister's.

Hive Life (291 A.C. - 304 A.C.)

It was around the end of the Chrysant War when the famous X'utko opened up the School of Ha'kix. This school was actually surprisingly close to the Dlu'voxki hive, and so his "friend" (In reality his sister) and him decided they would attempt to perfect their fighting style there. When they arrived, they found the place teeming with Circci and other races alike, the style having become popular. There they stayed for four years training with a close friend of X'utko, however never actually seeing him in person. They were also taught much of The Great Purpose here, along with other traditionally Meriac things as well as learning how to weave Chrysalis. It is here the two realized they were in fact siblings, after his sister received a blow to the head while training with Ebhula, which somehow triggered her remembrance of certain aspects of her life, such as the looks of friends and family. They continued training up until 295 A.C., where they heard of the Dlu'voxki hive experiencing trouble with the local Allar. Together they went back, and both became guards for the hive. Much of R'chxta's fonder memories are from these times, spending many days with his sister and friends conversing on how strange the world is nowadays.

Mission (304 A.C. - Now )

It was during the Bone Horror Crisis that things truly took a turn for the worse. As one could imagine, there were copious amounts of remains scattered nearby the Dlu'voxki hive. This of course was an issue when most dead rose from the ground. And although they stayed away for the most part, it was still an issue occasionally, when smaller undead would randomly attack the Hive, however they could be dealt with. It was only until a undead amalgamate the size of a tree approached the Hive that they had trouble. Most of the Hive was ended up trapped underground, while the creature above stormed around. It eventually left, however not after the loss of multiple Circci, including one of the Circci in the leading Union in the Hive. The remaining Circci decided that in order to continue, they would need to find somewhere safer to construct the relatively small hive. This place was the Regalian Archipelago, where resources were plentiful and safety was assured. R'chxta was sent as a scout, along with two other Circci to other parts of the Archipelago., in order to secure a place for them to built the Hive and or secure power for the Hive. Him and two Vissi made their way to Regalian City, where they now attempt to complete their mission for The Great Purpose and the Hive.
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Claimed for Staff Review! Expect a response within 48 hours.

Well done with your character application, I did not find any outstanding discrepancies.
