Preserved Sheet Razz

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Mildly Thotistic
Sep 17, 2016
Reaction score
Basic Information
  • Full name: Razz.
  • Age: Forty-five.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Race: Mu-Allar.
Skill Information

Proficiency Pool: 45 points.
  • Combat Proficiency:
    • +10 Fast Blade Combat (+10 from Mu-Allar proficiency Boost)
    • +10 Pole Combat (+10 from points)
    • +10 Shielding Combat (+10 from points)
    • +5 Unarmed Combat (+5 from points)
  • Arts Proficiency
    • +10 Literary Arts (+10 from points)
  • Body Proficiency
    • +10 Athletic Training (+10 from Mu-Allar proficiency Boost)
    • +10 Bodycare Training (+10 from points)
  • Body Shape
    • Physical: 25 in total, but only 15 are being used.
    • Shape: Athletic.
    • Body Fat: Low.
  • Languages
    • Zasta | Native
    • Common | Fluent
Visual Information
  • Eye color: Bright yellow.
  • Scale color: Steely blue-gray.
  • Feather color: Deep and vibrant orange.
  • Clothing: Most often loose clothes that allow the feathers to show.
  • Height: 5 feet, 9 inches.
  • Body build: Athletic.
Personality and Abilities
  • Observer Perception: When perceived by his friends and those close, Razz will very much seem a laid-back, fun-loving individual - he gives off an atmosphere of vibrancy and excitement, and most might very much enjoy their time with him. However, to the vast majority of the Regalian population the Mu-Allar will come off as a dangerous and precarious beast. Nonetheless, Razz has a broad, big-picture outlook on life - he struggles with the details. The Mu-Allar naturally attracts people with a mindset similar to his own: hard working, loyal, and able and willing to fit in with a larger, all-encompassing plan above themselves. While he is multi-talented (and possesses a variety of interesting and unique interests and abilities), discipline and focus are the true keys to Razz's prosperity.
  • Self Evaluation: Razz is a powerful presence, but not always self-aware. While he internally longs for the love and approval of his folk, he has difficulty being demonstrative. He can be a little rigid and stubborn, a habit built through many years of combat-training. Through his mentors, he was taught discipline and gives off the general atmosphere of controlled competence rather than carelessness. The Allar esteems mettle in the face of difficulty and always strives for a solution - and the qualities show. He rebels actively against those who try to push him around.
  • Relationship Handling: When regarding others, Razz's perception depends on the nature of the he individual. To strangers, he is intentionally stoic and serious. To close friends and family, this side of his is nonexistent. For Razz to be happy, he must have freedom: he loves new experiences, meeting new people, discovering adventure, and his wanderlust drives him towards the spirit of travel. He can and will show a playful side to those he trusts, to the possible extent of neglecting his personal code and ideals if it means having a good time. Despite his stoicism towards strangers, he will treat them fairly and cordially - as long as they return respect. Accordingly, he strives to follow the act of a stoic guardian when regarding those he is unfamiliar with.
  • Moral Allegiance: On morality, Razz lacks any dubiousness. Despite his upbringing and the geopolitical reality of the Allar race, the Mu-Allar thoroughly believes in the goodness of humanity. This ideal is a truly unshakeable one, and thus encourages him to find the very best in people (and, occasionally, to more forcefully coerce others in seeing the best in themselves). For some, this is a quality to admire. For others, it is a weakness: after all, he is not a very good judge of character. Despite his positive outlook, he often finds himself disappointed by the realities of life, the weaknesses of others, and the flaws he finds in himself. He is driven by a moral ambition, and strives for greater accomplishments and general self-betterment with an incredible amount of eager energy.
Life Story

Childhood, Adolescence

  • Razz was born in 261 A.C. on the Hadarian Archipelago. He was born to a truly vast clutch, and adopted to a pair of Mu-Allar as per tradition. He grew up with a present, but distant, relationship with his parents. He found an energetic refuge in camaraderie with his many siblings.
  • The young Allar early on got interested in the idea of entertainment; growing up in a place with many Allar who he later on learned from. He looked at the various dances the Allar performed, and tried his best to mimic those - and to his luck, the little Allar seemed to be talented in the ways of dancing. That, however wasn't the only thing he learned from the refuge. Razz always looked at the others feathers with pride, seeking to have feathers that shared a certain similarity - he values them, and thus he got into the ways of bodycare, always keeping his feathers in the perhaps best way. His lively, deep and vibrant orange feathers are something he took pride in.
  • If the Hadarian Archipelago was a paradise, Razz's home city of Barazzt sat as its beating core. He grew up among colorful market stalls and smoke-belching alchemical towers, in a rare city where Allarian tradition and culture had never lost its vibrancy. His early years were filled with leisure and small adventures.
Teenage Years, Early Adulthood
  • In Barazzt, military tenure began immediately upon entering teenage years. The Digmaan-Rassa-Allar of Barazzt were thoroughly consolidated under Digmaan Vorrokhar, and to maintain his hegemony he started them young. Razz took mildly to martial training, but without the sheer relish of the rest of his brothers; he saw the military life as time taken from better things.
  • The Chrysant War came then, when Regalia invaded to prevent the geopolitical balance of power from shifting to the Essa Empire's favor. The initial vanguard of battles was swift - Allar coastal defences were nigh-instantly destroyed and, with their beachheads well-established, Regalian forces began to bite inward through the jungles.
  • Despite advanced Allar organizational tactics, the sheer brunt of Regalian military force easily shattered the guerilla companies of the Digmaan-controlled Mu-Allar. First Uesston fell to blockade, and then many inland cities quickly capitulated. For Razz, it was chaos as Digmaan Vorrokhar bolstered Barazzt's military readiness. Every day was a training day.
Early Adulthood to Present
  • In the coming months, the Regalian forces fell readily into a siege around Razz's home city - it had become apparent that Barazzt, given its sheer stature as an Allarian fortress-bastion, would shatter any Regalian attack. Combat readiness sat tensely at its peak but, despite the smoking enemy camps on the horizon, little truly changed about the Allar's life.
  • Eventually, some sort of peace was made. It seemed odd to the Allar, but the negotiation and the subsequent peace was distinctly above his understanding whatwith its complex geopolitical strategy. The Digmaan was honored by the Regalians with some sort of lordship and his forces were rolled loosely into Regalia's military assets.
  • This period of new peace brought with it a time of slow transition. New, interesting things came through the city - traders flowed in in abundance, bringing with them artifacts and delicacies from far-away lands that Razz had never before seen. The Allar always had a natural wanderlust, but now it burned incessantly in the back of his head. He resolved to find the source of these little wonders and to stray beyond the borders of where most Allar were born, aged, and died.
  • He worked his way to the coast with a natural relish and his timing was fortunate. A Regalian treasure fleet, under naval escort, floated at the docks of the great city of Uesston. He took on a tenure of maritime work as a sailor in exchange for food and transport - truly, an adventure grander than any he'd engaged in before. In the later months of 306 A.C., it drifted into the Regalian Capital port.
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Hey there, tiny little peer review, until the app gets claimed! I think you nailed Personality and abilities. The paragraphs are long enough, and they are packed with very concise descriptions explaining the character very well! I feel the same way about your Life Story, as well as most of your Basic Information. The one thing that seems to be off is the height. Based off of the wiki page Racial Heights(link here), the max height for Mu-Allar is 5'9. Now, I am unsure if this is outdated information, so feel free to ignore this, but as of now, to my knowledge 6'1 is above the Racial Height max for Mu-Allar. Other than this tiny, possible hiccup, the app is wonderful! Great job Dan 2!
Racial bonuses do not effect the physical stat, so Razz would only have 25 in such. Please adjust this and tag me once done!