• Regalian Roleplay Rules

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    2. Posts are in-character.
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    4. Posts and reactions made to posts are public. What your character says or does is known by all other characters. If you would like a reaction to be private, do not post it as a public response to a thread. Roleplay it out on the server!
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Rationality Must Prevail


Carnation of Fristadvlom
Apr 19, 2017
Reaction score




In accordance with the meeting between Everhardt, Alaire, and d'Vaud with Rosendahl in absentee due to family issues on the 12th of June, 306 AC, does these Independent and Neutral lords of the Eastern Regalian regions agree to the terms presented.

  • A communiqué by the Commonwealth is given on the recent declaration by Peter Winslough.
    • " It is nothing less than an irresponsible display to force a vassal of House Howlester to commit to such demands with such baseless pretenses. We find ourselves appalled that the olive branch extended by Grand Revain Rodderick Howlester to rectify these transgressions is rejected with no apprehension on the magnitude of armed conflict. Peter Winslough is thoroughly denounced by his peers in the region. "

  • A thorough renouncement of diplomatic ties by the Commonwealth
    • As such, Everhardt, Alaire and d'Vaud terminates its relations and ties with Winslough in protest to the actions taken by Peter Winslough, and recommends their family to declare Peter unfit to rule.

  • An extension of cooperation towards Grand Revain Rodderick Howlester in relation to Winslough aggression.
    • The Commonwealth maintains that it was an agreement for peace and prosperity in the Eastern Regalian in their respective realms, and agrees that House Winslough has grown unhinged in their actions.



His Lordship, Count Benedictus d'Vaud

His Lordship, Roland K. Everhardt, Count of Handoriënstadt

Her Ladyship, Roesia E. Alaire, Count of Collen-Bas

@Lutsu @jarebear24 @Wolf_Cobra

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Enzo Celso had a deep smile in his face this time when he read the news outloud. "Tsk tsk. You were right. I thought at most it would be a month before the plans could unfold even more, but you were right, they always bite Gallus... Always going according to your plan."

He had a small pause after the realization he had lost the bet. "So what was it again that you said about Harhold? Perhaps we could double the bet?"
Needless to say, Enzo Celyreos was so far pleased with the supportive direction many had taken for his lands.
Freya hummed, eye twitching as such information carried on to her. She tapped her fingers sporadically against the counter she leaned on. She thought before she spoke aloud to herself.
"I give it a few hours before this get's taken out of proportions alongside everything else so far this week," she stressed, leaning her head back to peer at the ceiling.