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Second Foundationer
Jun 4, 2013
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Rathunassian Sect of Unionism
A Unionist sect originating from the highlands of Gallovia. It is a mixture of the Highland Ceardian cultural norms and the several waves of Anglian and Velheimer cultures mixing together. The Rathuns (the term for those who follow the Sect) are a largely welcoming sect, and accepts most so long as they contribute to the Great Way and further the Empire. Reverend Aethelred Howlester is the present representative of the Sect within the Synod, and is willing to enlighten any who may be curious about the Sect. His interpretations of the Creeds are posted below in spoilers so that the page is considerably shorter. Posted after is a shorter synapses of the interpretations for any who wish to join in the Sect.
The First Creed: The First Creed establishes Unionism, and the divinity of the Emperor. We are merely mortals, and cannot interpret the will of the Spirit. So too, shall we follow the First Creed to the interpretations set forth by the Holy Emperor of Regalia.

The Second Creed: Love your neighbor. For the good Unionist does not stand idle while their fellow soul suffers. Remember that there are times where we all fall as we march down the Great Way, and that it is by the kindness of those around us that we are raised back up. The virtues taught by the Most Holy Herons of the Eternal Congregation of Union through their lessons and lives are goals all souls should strive for. Acts of charity for our fellow man, patience with those who may strain our anger, and humility in all things further the Great Way in their own forms. Yet we must also remain diligent in our stations, to defend the Empire we call home from threats both internal, by those who violate the Law, and external, by those who would seek our end. Secondly, Marriage is a sacred bond between two souls who care for and are in love with another. Be they heterosexual or homosexual, so long as they foster one child in the ways of Unionism and further the Great Way, the Spirit will accept them. However, a marriage is not where one individual asserts dominance over the other. Instead, both partners must work to raise each other up and achieve the best they can from life. Should one partner fail in this, it is within the rights of the other to seek a divorce and end to the marriage. Men, respect women, and treat them as the glorious gifts from the Spirit that keep our homes and our families safe and warm. May you lead the armies to battle. Make swift decisions over the laws of the land to ensure the Empire prevails. And take part in the arts should you be gifted by the Spirit in that manner. But know when to listen and always take the council of Women, for they too were created by the Spirit, and they too may be gifted with sharp minds and keen hearts. Women, respect men, and treat them as the wondrous gifts from the Spirit that keep our homes and our families safe and warm. Take charge of the institutions of healing and learning. Work to further the businesses of the Empire. And join the military if you were gifted by the Spirit in that manner. But know when to listen and follow orders, for it is the role of Men to provide for the home. Finally, parents are to raise their children with respect for the Laws of the Empire, the responsibilities of one who serves the Spirit, and the devotion to the Great Way through acts of goodwill to their fellow Unionist. Children, listen to your parents, respect your elders, and strive to see that they too raise you to be a good Unionist. It is your duty as a child to play and to learn, but know that there will be a day when you must put the toys of your childhood aside and pick up the mantle of an adult to further aid the Great Way.

The Third Creed: The Third Creed establishes the Most High Herons of the Congregation on Aloria, and the Divine Mandate by which the Emperor rules all things. Such as the First, the third is above that of the common man and woman, and is not to be interpreted by any but the Emperor alone.

The Fourth Creed: Blessed are the souls who march the twisting, winding road of the Great Way. For the Ailor soul which devotes oneself, body and soul, to the Great Way, shall receive Eternal Life when their soul leaves their body and ascends to be with the Spirit in the Everwatch until the Great Way is complete. However, should the soul of an Ailor be weighed as rotten, they shall be cast back down to Aloria to live once more as a mangled and broken form, left to grovel and suffer for all their days until they too seek out the Spirit and repent for their crimes against the Great Way. So too, shall the souls of the non-Human be weighed upon the scales of the Spirit, and either be deemed worthy of rebirth as a Human to continue down the path of the Spirit, or be cast down forever into the eternal darkness of the Void for all eternity.

The Fifth Creed: Many are the temptations that lead the soul astray, and many more are the numbers of those who fall to the wayside of the Great Way. The Imperial Spirit, divine creator of Light and Life, chose blessed Theomar to lead the Ailor people from the darkness into the light of destiny and prosperity. Yet many still cling to the Old Gods and the Old Fayths; men and women who follow the shadows cast by the Spirit's light upon the world. These souls should not earn our ire, but out sympathy and guidance. They follow but a misunderstood form of the Spirit. Their idols are that of different aspects of Union; their gods are made in the ideals of the Spirit. So it should not be with sword and lance that we convert our fellow Ailor, but by words and teachings. Every Ailor life is a spark in the darkness. In similar forms, other races have also been misguided by following shadows of the Spirit's radiant light. The followers of Estel and of Sham choose instead to worship solely the light, but ignore the Great Way, and in doing so have lost the blessings of the Spirit. The followers of the Dragons, who were created by the Spirit, worship but a mere creation of the Spirit, but care not for the Great Way. These souls too, need to be led to the true light of the Spirit and the salvation of the Great Way through means of peace, not means of war. Instead, dear brothers and sisters, the Sword and Lance are to be used against the Great Evil, the dark entities of the Void. The eternal pits of the abyss reek of the darkness and corruption of sin. Turn away the magi who practices the forbidden arts, but welcome those who use the power of light for good. Welcome those who wish to escape their dark curses, but do not trust them until they have shown their devotion for the Great Way. Stand strong against the forces of darkness, be they demonic or mortal. Do not fear those born of the darkness, for you have the light of the Spirit to guide you. The Void and its wicked followers are the true enemy of Union, and all efforts to silence them are works of the Great Way.

The Sixth Creed: The Sixth speaks of the learned men of the Empire, who guide the penitent forwards along the Great Way. They are to serve guides and mentors, and through their works help those in Union. Curates and Reverends are there to provide spiritual well-being to the masses and serve as teachers to the populace. They should strive to lead by example, yet it must be remembered that they too are mortals, and thereby imperfect beings. All may stumble occasionally down the Great Way but a man of the cloth must pick themself up and continue along so that others may not fall.

The Seventh Creed: Just as the trees fall into slumber in the winter and rise once more in the spring stronger than before, so too should the Soul. Faith in Union does not stop when one reaches adulthood, but must be constantly strengthened time and time again. Dedication to the Spirit and the Imperial Creeds are as water and bread to the Soul. However, to grow strong, to see the completion of the Great Way, one must continually seek improvement in all aspects. Be it through forging the body through battle and combat, or developing new techniques to aid one's fellow man, one must constantly strive to do better. Whatever one's place is in the Great Way, we must all work to be the very best of it we can be.

The Eight Creed: The Great Way is the true salvation of all Aloria. When the Spirit dwells within all Souls, and the world, United as one, steps forwards into a Golden Age of Peace and Prosperity. All have a place within the Great Way; from the lowliest baker and page to the loftiest noble and general. All are welcomed with open arms into the Great Way. Ours is to find our place in the Great Way and work to further it until we may all rejoice in the salvation of Eternal Life in the Spirit.

The Ninth Creed: The divinity of the Imperial Family calls for certain laws by which Imperial decrees may be enacted without hindrance. The Dragonblood of the Imperial Line is a gift from the Spirit, and so too shall it be respected. Such as the First and the Third, the Ninth may only be changed by direct mandate from the Imperial Seat. No mere man or woman may interpret what it is to say.

The Tenth Creed: It is not our place to question the divine benevolence of the Spirit and Emperors. The mysteries of Union may be many, but faith in Eternal Life through devotion to the Great Way is the one Truth we need.
So what it all means (TL:DR):

How to be a good Unionist:

  • Completing good works that further the Empire
    • The Emperor is the one true vessel of the Spirit.
    • Following the Laws of the Empire.
    • Pride for the Empire over Pride for Oneself.
    • Help your fellow Unionist; give to those in need, support those who are facing difficulties, join those who are lonely. Remember, we are all children of the Spirit, we all should be able to rely upon one another.
    • Contributing to Society in a positive manner.
    • Obeying superiors.
    • Respecting fellow Unionists, even if non-Ailor (They're trying their best).
    • Finding your spot in the Great Way and fulfilling it the best you can.
  • All individuals have a spot in Union, it may simply take time before someone finds their niche that furthers the Great Way. Elevation in the hierarchy of Humanum comes from fulfilling one's niche to the fullest.
  • Non-violence should be the prefered method of engagement in any difficulty or conflict. Peacefully solving problems preserves more souls, though violence can not always be avoided.
  • Pray three times a day, attend Mass when able, private liturgical sessions examining the actions of the Herons and Emperors.
  • Males and Females are both necessary for Union, and are fairly equal. Both have their roles, but they should respect one another and not belittle each other.
    • Men: Military leaders, political leaders, religious leaders, providing for the family
    • Women: Medical leaders, scholarly leaders, business leaders, providing for the family
    • Both: Artists, artisans, military service (soldiers, not generals), farmers, gatherers, hunters, business ventures, cleaning, raising a family/child, etc.
  • Non-Ailor Unionists are to be accepted and encouraged to continue down the path of Union - Also helping to encourage the conversion of others.
  • Converting non-Unionists through word and discourse before military strong-arming.
    • Religions that are important to convert: Old Gods, Old Fayth (Old Ailor religions that simply need to be brought into the light)
    • Religions that need 'extra help' converting: Estellianism, Shambala, Dragon Worship, Allar philosophy, Orcish philosophy (Religions that worship aspects of the Spirit but do not realize it)
    • Religions that are just wrong: Void Worship (The Ultimate Evil)
  • Accepts Gay Marriage, so long as they foster a child at some point.
  • Accepts interracial marriage between two Unionist Non-Ailors (Ailors should only marry Ailors except in very special circumstances.)
  • Marriages should come from love, though arranged marriages are accepted.
  • Both parties of a marriage must work together and attempt to support one another in their goals/endeavours in life. One side is not greater than the other.
  • Both Females and Males can request an annulment if they feel their partner is not fully supporting them.
  • Bastard children are not heretical, so long as they are accepted into the family the same as any other child.
Definition of a Just War:
  • Defensive Wars against fellow Unionists (defending oneself is allowed.)
  • Wars against the greater Evil (Kathar, Void Worship, Vampires, enemy nations declared by the Emperor)
  • Wars declared by the Emperor (For he is guided by the Spirit)
How should Priests act:
  • Vows of celibacy are encouraged, but not required.
  • Priests should attempt to live as frugally as possible, and donate excess wealth to charity. They favor wearing simple homespun robes instead of finer materials.
  • Lead by example, do not talk down to your fellow Unionist nor live a non-pious life and tell others to live better than yourself.
How to view Magic:
  • Light magic = Yaaaaay
  • Dark magic = Booooo
  • Silven who convert to Unionism = They didn't pick their curse, but they're trying to make it better
  • Filthy Silven who remain heathens = Try to convert, otherwise they're enemies of the Great Way.
  • Witchbloods = Good, they get keep other magic users in check.
  • Dragonbloods = Blessed individuals of the Spirit
Overall, Rathunassians (or Rathuns) tend to be accepting of most groups. The underlying belief of 'All pieces are necessary for the Great Way' often draws individuals in who may have felt that their life lacked purpose or direction. Overall, Rathunassian Unionism is popular among the poor and downtrodden, as well as several groups of non-Ailor who feel they too can find a place within the Great way. The Sect's fairly lax stance towards marriage comes from Highland Ceardian traditions, and simply encourage that one's duty to Union (having a child) is enough for the Spirit. It is a defensive sect, aiming at the larger picture of furthering Unionism and the Empire. To that end, it frowns heavily on violence, and prefers civil discourse.
If you have any further questions about the Sect, feel free to leave a comment below and tag me (@Doc_Cantankerous), and I will endeavor to answer as speedily as possible.