Preserved Sheet Rathor Junipkill

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Aug 31, 2018
Reaction score
Basic Information (Required)

  • Full Name: Rathor Retalin Junipkil

  • Age: 30

  • Gender: Male

  • Race: Dwarf
    • Humorrin

  • Sexuality: Straight

Skill Information (Required)

Proficiency Points (30/30)

  • +15 Dwarven Axes (+10 Racial bonus from being Dwarven, +5 from Points)

  • +10 Aberration Knowledge (+10 from Points)

  • +5 Short Shield (+5 from Points)

Culture Points (30/30)

  • +50 Smithing (+20 Racial bonus from being Dwarven, +20 from Points,+10 from School of Storsmede)

  • +20 Carving (+10 from School of Storsmede, +10 from Points)

  • +10 Tailoring (+10 from School of Storsmede)

  • Dwarven Dialect
  • Common
  • Leutz-Vixe Dialect

Visual Information (Required)

  • Eye Color: Black

  • Hair Color: Blond

  • Hair Style: Close Cropped with a trimmed beard

  • Skin Color: White-slight tan

  • Clothing: Black Clothing, Grey Trimming, Blue Vest

  • Height: 4 ft.

  • Body Build: Stocky

  • Weapon of Choice: Dwarven Axe

Personality and Abilities (Required)

  • First Paragraph: Rathor is a very passionate dwarf, being very dedicated to his work and his family.. He tends to be friendly, and is always willing to chat with someone who needs an ear.. His wife considers him a very stubborn man, though he shows greater flexibility when it comes to his profession. He can often be a perfectionist and is often uncomfortable with the ways others do things. He is also considered quite blunt, and will not hesitate at all to tell someone if something is wrong or out of place.

  • Second Paragraph: Rathor is a man who has centered his life around his work, family, and religion. He considers them each to be a pillar of his life, and would be most distraught if he were to lose any of them. He is confident in himself because of his skill and he interprets the world through a lens of faith. However, he spends more time than most worrying about the well-being of his family. Rathor views Unionism as a faith that is essential to his life, with the idea of missing morning or evening service absolutely foreign to him. He clings to it very firmly, as he sees that the Alior have benefited from it far more then his ancestors ever benefited from their worship of their "ancestors" or the "old gods". Rathor doesn't always view all of Unionism literally, but keeps these quirky little thoughts to himself, and views Unionism as a whole to be a positive influence.

  • Third Paragraph: If his family described Rathor, they would agree that he is a dwarf of habit. He never misses service, is punctual to work, and enjoys the same hobbies year after year. They perceive him as a loving man, and while he may be more stubborn around those he does not know, he has a soft spot for his children, bordering on spoiling them. His wife continually chides him about this. His friends know that while he may be a perfectionist, he is much more forgiving about the work of a friend than that of a stranger. While Rathor is quite blunt when it comes to problems, his family knows that he is also more then willing to help someone fix any problem that he points out.

  • Fourth Paragraph: For reference I will say Lawful Neutral. My character is not necessarily above doing things others might recoil at if it would be to protect his family, however he also would never consider doing anything unholy, as he views it to be utterly stupid to even try. He sees absolutely no purpose in lying outside of life or death situations, and while he does not care too much what happens to Lampar, for example, he would also never let someone tortue one to death, if he could prevent it, as he hates "wasteful" actions as he would see it. Rathor considers himself to be just, and aims to treat people fairly as he would wish for, and holds others to the same standard.

Weaknesses (OPTIONAL)
  • Loves his family greatly, and will sometimes spoil his children. Is also very easily angered if someone were to, for example, threaten or somehow imply harm towards, his family

  • Can be a perfectionist, and will sometimes spend more time then is efficient or worthwhile on a project to make sure it is "just right"

  • Can be absolutely stubborn, and will be incredibly difficult to disaude from a notion or project once he has undertaken it.

  • Is utterly useless with diplomacy, as he is quite blunt about many things.

  • Smithing

  • Singing

  • Ale


  • Snakes

  • Disorganized Workstations

  • Layabouts

  • Flightiness

  • Lampar

  • Utterly despises Vampires and all forms of unholy magic
Relationships (Optional)
Rahtor is married to a wonderful Dwarven lass named Camilia Verdune, who came from an incredibly obscure but artistic clan in his homeland. He also has two children, Rumpin and Caladia, whom he loves to dote on. His wife is 28, and his children are 8, and 4 respectively.

Life Story (Required)

Rathor Rentalin Junipkil was born to Rumptkhan and Ramelia Junipkil, two proud Humorrin's who had flew the collapses of the last standing holds. This early brush with the wars of the underworld led Raumptkahn to train his son in the art of war, leading to Rathor's abilities with a Dwarven axe and the short shield. Rathor was raised in the Regalian Archipelago, in the province of Brissiaud, where he learned Dwarven, Common, and the local language over his years there.

From a young age, Rathor was fascinated with smithing, an occupation his father was happy to encourage. When he reached the age of ten, he was sent off to the School of Storsmede, where he spent the next ten years totally devoted to the craft of smithing. Rathor's time here was also a change in his religious views, as at Storsmede he first had the opportunity to hear from serious Unionists, and not the nominal ones his parents had known. He learned to make his own clothes there, as the local styles never suited him, and he picked up carving once he met a beautiful lass named Camilia, whom he would one day marry. Among other things, Camilia had been raised in a orphanage run by a Unionist church and further encouraged Rathor's growing doubts about how much his parent's "ancestor worship" truly had done for them. Rathor's carvings and metal decorations simply delighted Camilia, so Rathor renewed his efforts in each field. When he graduated at the age of 20, Rathor spent two years establishing himself back home in Brissiaud, writing Camilia many letters all the while, spending much time perfecting the finer points of written Dwarven so he could fully express his feelings toward her. It was in these letters, among other discussions they had, that Rathor finally reached the conclusion that Unionism would provide his future family far more spiritual guidance and protection than his parent' s ancestor worship every could.

Finally, at the age of 22, Rathor and Camilia were married in a unionist ceremony, to the shock of his parents and the local dwarven community. However, they had little firm response to Rathor's questions about what the worship of the "old gods" and "the ancestors" had left their people. This left Rathor's parents rather upset, but the arrival of their first grandchild kept them relatively content. Rathor spent the following years perfecting his craft, reaching a very comfortable level of respect in the Dwarven community and around for his precision in creating and ornamenting armor and weapons. When his second child came along, Rathor was very happy, and worked even harder at his craft, so he could grace the two women in his life with the very best in jewelry.

Then, at the age of 30, Rathor came home to find his family had been saved from a ravenous vampire, by none other then Marceline Broussard. Rathor was both shaken and utterly grateful. He promptly pledged himself and his descendents to the Broussard family from that day until the bitter end, and soon moved to the city of Viernesse, offering the family his services as a smith first, but also those of a warrior who had kept up his old habits, remembering his father's stories of how his ancestor's home was lost. Rathor's parents were very understanding, and Rathor is currently saving up to have them move over to his new home as well, since he considers it a far safer place then their old town. Thus, Rathor finds himself today in the service of the Broussards, an extremely grateful Dwarve who feels a great loyalty to the Broussard family.
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Hi, sunshine!
  • In your second personality paragraph, I'd like you to elaborate on how he views his religion and the importance it holds, as you mentioned that it's one of the pillars in his life.
  • A few minor typos in your life story. "whom he he would one day marry." One too many 'he's! "so rathor renewed" Just needs a capitalisation for his name.
  • Your life story is very to the point, but it lacks the mention of religion entirely. I'd like to see you add a few sentences here or there regarding his views on his religion and how it may have shaped Rathor's views on life and everything around him.
Make these changes in blue and tag me when you're done, please!
Ok @Athelois
The requestd adjustments have been made! I fixed a few other things in blue as well, to make the piece flow better, and a few adjustments the new sentences necessitated. Bleh, also had to make all the blue the same color, did not want to subject you to bad coloration.