Archived Rare/legendary Weapons/armor + Special Traits

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That one guy
Jul 10, 2013
Reaction score
Disclaimer: Quick Idea. Wrote out what came to my mind, probably not throughly balanced (or balanced at all for that matter XD ).

The idea I want to explain to you this time is adding more rare weapons/armor sets AND new specialised traits for said rare or legendary weapon/armor sets.

The items could be obtained in different ways like for example from voting (rare only, no legendarys) or from winning big events/tournaments or completing diffult quests (I mean really difficult ones, not fetch quests).
They could have special enchantments to make them unique and maybe even have special attributes to them (NBT Attribute Modifiers).

In addition to that certain rare/legendary armor sets or weapons could be further enhanced by offering special traits that only work while said rare/legendary is equiped.

Special traits would be MUCH cheaper then regular ones , since they require the user to have a specific item.
This would dethrone god armor/god weapons from the absolute top tier since cheaper/stronger traits mean a clear advantage.

Examples (probably op examples):

NOTE: These are only examples . The real application of this could be entirely different.

- Truth Blade (rare) : Gold sword , unbreakable , infinity X .

Special Trait: TruthBladeIgnoreArmor(50): 25% chance to deal 2.5 hearts of true damage when hitting with the Truth Blade.

- Hermes Boots (legendary): Leather Boots, unbreakable, infinity X, Feather fall X.

Special Trait: HermesBootsSpeed(50): Speed 2 while wearing the hermes boots.

Special Trait: HermesBootsSpeed2(100): Speed 3 AND jump boost 1 while wearing the hermes boots.

- Armor Killer: Iron Axe , unbreakable , Unbreaking X, sharpness 3.

Special Trait: ArmorKillerArmorDamage(50): 50% Chance to deal no damage and instead deal damage to the enemy armor (1 dura drain per 1 point of damage that would have been dealt, ignoring both armor and enchantmen reduction).

- Unstable Scythe (rare): Wood Hoe , sharpness 7 .

Special Trait: UnstableScytheBuffKiller(100): Each hit with the Unstable Scythe reduces its durability by 3 and breaks it if at 3 or less. 25% chance to remove all buffs from target for 15 seconds.

Note: Buffs= Positive potion effects (includes trait induced potion effects).

- Buff Banner (snapshot, totaly not stolen name from tf2; legendary) : Banner , Infinity X.

Special Trait: BannerStrenght(75): -4 maxhealth if either BannerRegeneration or BannerResistance is active (selected). Grants Faction/Ally members within 24 blocks Strenght 1, withing 6 blocks , strenght 2. Buff Banner has to be equiped for the buffs to work.

Special Trait: BannerRegeneration(75): -4 maxhealth if either BannerStrenght or BannerResistance is active (selected). Grants Faction/Ally members within 24 blocks regeneration 1, withing 6 blocks , regneration 2. Buff Banner has to be equiped for the buffs to work.

Special Trait: BannerResistance(75): -4 maxhealth if either BannerRegeneration or BannerStrenght is active (selected). Grants Faction/Ally members within 24 blocks Resistance 1, withing 6 blocks , Resistance 2. Buff Banner has to be equiped for the buffs to work.

- Adaptive Armor (rare): Set of Iron Armor with protection 4 and unbreaking X.

SpecialTrait: AdaptiveArmorAntiAxe(75): Harm I for 10 seconds on getting hit if more then 1 AdaptiveArmor skill is active. No damage taken from Axes. 50% Increased damage from Swords and Bows. Red Particle trail. Only counts as long as the full set is worn.

SpecialTrait: AdaptiveArmorAntiSword(75): Harm I for 10 seconds on getting hit if more then 1 AdaptiveArmor skill is active. No damage taken from Swords. 50% Increased damage from Axes and Bows. Yellow Particle trail. Only counts as long as the full set is worn.

SpecialTrait: AdaptiveArmorAntiBow(50): Harm I for 10 seconds on getting hit if more then 1 AdaptiveArmor skill is active. No damage taken from Bows. 25% Increased damage from Swords and Axes. Cyan Particle trail. Only counts as long as the full set is worn.

Note: The Harm 1 effect is against the user. It is there to discourage anyone from trying to use more then 1 skill.

Here are some Non combat rares:
- Crown of fancyness: Gold helm , unbreakable , Infinity 1.

Special Trait: CrownParticleAura(25): While wearing the crown you gain a particle aura (small amounts of particles spawn around you). You can change the color by rightclicking any type of dye. The particle effect lasts only as long as you are out of pvp.

Special Trait: CrownKeep(25): When you die the crown stays in your inventory regardless of pvp tags.

- InstantColor: Dye , Efficiency X.
Special Trait: InstantColorActive(10): Instantly dyes all leather armor pieces you wear in the color of the dye on right clicking the instant color. Cooldown: 5 seconds.

Special Trait: InstantColorChange(10): Swaps out your instantcolor with a different one, Cooldown 5 seconds.

Q: Kinda OP isn´t it?
A: Thats pretty much the point. Rare/Legendary items are extremely hard to come by and with specialised traits and these ability people will seek them to surpass the standart godarmor loadout.

Q; Why the low costs for these OP abilitys?
A: The abilitys ONLY work as long as the required rare´s/legendary´s are used. If you don´t have thme these traits are waste of points as they will do nothing.

Q: So instead of everyone fighting with godarmor and godweapons everyone will use op legendary/rare combos to be even more OP?
A: Nope. They are called Rare and Legendary for a reason. They will be extremely hard to obtain and will be very limited in numbers. It is very hard to stress just how rare they would be.

Note: Please post a comment for your reasonings on the votes so I can better understand the opinions of the community. I am aiming to get a better understanding so I can improve my suggestions and avoid easy mistakes.
Feel free to tell me if I forgot something important.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Awesome idea. Nuff said.
Sounds cool. I've always wanted some more difficult (actual)quests and some more ways to get good gear. The little fetch quests are too dull for my liking, and most people will inevitably sell whatever items they get from them or have them sit in a chest, due to them having no practical use.

A bit iffy on the idea of people going around with unbreaking X gear though, even if those are just unofficial examples.
I really like the idea but some of the combat items could be too OP, and if limited there was only a limited amount, would never be used. In my honest opinion, atheistic weapons and armor could be cool and possibly help the economy if there was only a limited amount. Overall seems good and like you put some effort into the idea.
Personally, I like the idea of having some weapons, armor, or even just random stuff, that is very limited in number or even unique.
Having, for example, a unique weapon from a famous smith such as Jared Silverhand or something could be an interesting addition to both RP and PVP.
Okay, a couple things to add to this,
  1. Custom enchantments: certain/special traits can be placed on armour and weapons/tools by use of enchanting table, some enchantments are negative and positive, while some are extremely rare, whereas, some are too common.
  2. Legendary items can be dropped by bosses, rare ones at that.
And, this way, we could make the sword of light.
Good idea though!