Preserved Sheet Ra'jaal

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Sep 17, 2014
Reaction score
United States of America
Mithril & Kataktites
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Ra'Jaal.
  • Age: 23 years old.
  • Gender: Male.
  • Race: Rashaq.
  • Main Ambition: Expand any pride he seems to be in.
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Grass-green.
  • Hair Color: Dirty-blonde.
  • Hair Style: Slicked back.
  • Skin Color: Rusty red-brown tan.
  • Clothing: Sheep fur loincloth and sheep fur around shoulders. Sometimes he wears a red variant to signal his pillar group.
  • Height: 3 feet 10 inches.
  • Body Build: Athletic.
  • Weapon of Choice: Sharp nails, sharp teeth, daggers/short swords, and Rashaq-sized polearms.
Personality and Abilities
Personality Traits

  • Competitive: As many members of the race Ra'Jaal belongs to, he is quite competitive. When there comes a time when Ra'Jaal can compete against one another, whether it be one of his kin or another race, he is sure to take his competition down. With his energetic self, a little competition doesn't hurt. The catkin can certainly fail in competition here and there, but his perseverance strives to win and succeed.
  • Cruel: At times when someone or something seems to act abnormal from his/her/its usual behavior, he may a bit cruel towards said person despite taking in fact that they may be outgoing in expression. Emotional/mental/social behavior isn't only the certain type of cruelty that he goes towards. Physical cruelty is also something, such as towards Lampar which he preys on. No mercy is usually given, and he can go to brutal paths to take down the Lampar.
  • Hardworking: Ra'Jaal's diligence can be seen throughout his work. Being lazy isn't really a problem to the Rashaq. Ra'Jaal started this behavior when he deemed needing to help the pride(s) he has been in the past, and continues this path to personal business or towards others' work. The catkin also enjoys work, not much trouble while doing any objectives he works on.
  • Loyal: If Ra'Jaal was put into work by someone, he sure stays faithful as long as if they do not do anything too bad. Whoever Ra'Jaal seems to work for, or is apart of a group, his loyalty can be redeemed in many ways. Any commands that seem to be beneficial can allow Ra'Jaal to keep well with someone or something. If you were to somewhat "backstab" the Rashaq, beware that his loyalty and trust may fault.
  • Sporting: Despite the Rashaq being competitive here and there, he is a good sport when it deals to games, competitions, tournaments, and all things alike. Despite bragging rights available if he were to win some sort of competitive game or sport, it doesn't affect the Rash. Ra'Jaal enjoys to attempt to get others into a better spirit whenever doing an activity, as bad behavior can bring him down a bit- mentally at least. Helping others is also a favorite of Ra'Jaal, whether it can bring a mutual relationship or commensalism relationship.
  • Territorial: Once Ra'Jaal's territory is declared, or at least if he is part of someone's territory he is rather defensive about it. He does not enjoy someone slap sticking in his territory that he does not know of, but there are times when he is free to let others in said territory if he has a beneficial relationship with said person/thing. If his territory is claimed by someone/something else, he may lash out, or just take it as fair game. In each scenario he can come by that cause an event to happen to his territory, the Catkin usually takes it as the past can't be changed, but the future can resolve things.
  • Agile: Being a race that appears to be feline-like, Ra'Jaal can prove himself in speed and such. Ra'Jaal can easily scale things that seem to be elevated rather fast, or dash about the grounds of Aloria with a great amount of speed. His agility has been shown in the past whenever he'd hunt, such as hunting for Lampar or rodents.
  • Hardworking: Despite if the work Ra'Jaal is put into seems to be difficult, he still manages to complete said work. Even if any problems and obstacles seem to pop up in front of him or in far distance, the Rash will fight through any difficulties. Ra'Jaal sees labor as some sort of physical exercise, so it doesn't affect him too much to work exhaustively.
  • Easy learner: Not only does a Rashaq's learning of language comes into place, but Ra'Jaal can somewhat understand things taught to him rather quickly. The Catkin doesn't particularly get frustrated if he has trouble with anything that includes learning something he has not known about in the past, and just does his best to get used to something without fault. Despite Ra'Jaal learning in what his race's culture usually did and what Turall taught him physically, he still has a lot to learn which this strength can showcase.
  • Unempathetic: Despite Ra'Jaal being jovial at times, he is also unempathetic. It seems that he does not understand people too much if he is given to cross paths with them. Ra'Jaal may be confused when speaking to others and he seems to not care for what he says at times. He has been somewhat criticized by other pride members and fellow Rashaq for
  • Injured left ribcage: During his life on Evokai, Ra'Jaal joined his pride against raids and defenses against enemy prides that involved in combat. During one of the raids against a rival pride, Ra'Jaal was going against two other Rashaq as he was outnumbered. Due to that factor in the battle, one of the opponent Rashaq managed to slam his club into his left ribcage which threw him to the ground, sustaining a fracture to his rib as he was fortunately saved by some spearmen nearby. To date, Ra'Jaal can be left easily injured despite his left ribcage already being hit. The Rashaq being small also doesn't help, making his torso an easy target. Luckily, the Catkin can use his agility to his advantage to avoid any major hits.
  • Cruel: If someone were to mess up some ordeal that primarily dealt with Ra'Jaal, he can sure lash out rather harshly. If a rude behavior streak comes towards the Catkin, his relations with others may deem negative. Luckily for Ra'Jaal, he can somewhat stop himself from getting too aggravated to prevent him being repetitively brutal.
Life Story
Childhood & Birth:
A Rashaq was born on April 17th, 281 A.C on the lands of the Evokai Islands. Born in some village on Evokai, the child would often be watched carefully as the volcanic activities deemed the population of Rashaq threatened. Despite all the eruptions and lava flows to other villages, Ra'Jaal's village was one of the lucky ones to survive longer than the others. Growing up, the Catkin managed to do well quickly. As the race usually matured faster, he was already decent at hunting and gathering at around six years old. Despite the somewhat dangerous, yet overpowering lifestyle on the Evokai islands, it deemed a bit too risky as his own tribe seemed to catch fire. He needed to leave the current pride he had, splitting away from his current pride as his village burnt down, his parents and himself dashing away. He was eleven at this point, and they needed to contemplate the requests of the Ailors if they should go to the colonies of Regalia.
Standing in his teenager years, Ra'Jaal, though Ra'Jaal at the time was fortunately given this opportunity, the other pride allowing them to join mainly because of the news that their unfortunate village succumbed to the lava's wrath. They were somewhat lesser in the village as most huts seemed to already have residency, but they got some tiny tent they lived well in. Similar days going on and on, another unfortunate situation occurred when Ra'Jaal was after his teenage years.
It was all well as the few villages that remained on the Evokai Islands included Ra'Jaal's residency, another volcanic disaster happened. As lava spewed on the village huts and tents closest to the main location, it seemed the sleeping people there started to get burnt alive. Screams along the village happened, Ra'Jaal and his family waking up. They went outside, smelling the faint scent of ash and smoke. As the Catkins left their hut, they saw havoc. The same old flashback came to him, the family instantly running for the shore. They managed to go aboard some ship that fortunately was there to transport the dying population of Rashaq to the colonies created in Regalia. With not much trouble on board, at the archipelago of Regalia the three-member family of Ra'Jaal's went to one of the successful colonies. As the Regalians seemed to take in Rashaq here and there to Turall and such, Ra'Jaal was one of the Rashaqs that seemed to go through Turall School for Blades. A year gone, Ra'Jaal being twenty-two he came back to the Pride he was sent to before going to Turall. With his training from Turall previously seemed to also cause curiosity to the other Pride members, showcasing his skills with daggers and such. He'd venture off to the capital, bringing some Pride members with him as they'd set up in the city's park and some districts such as the Poor District and Old Gods. As Ra'Jaal seemingly resided in the park and usually took care of pests that people had trouble with, Ra'Jaal and his Pride did rather well in the city. What comes next in the Rashaq's life? May progression show.
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I am reviewing this sheet!

Small and territorial are racial traits, and therefore not explicit weaknesses unique to him. Remove both and add a combative/physical, and a mental weakness.

I like this character. Badass lil' turall trained greedy agile fighter. BRILLIANT. But, be sure to get in them juicy weaknesses to balance his badassery.

Colour changes in blue and tag me when you'red one

Review In-Progress!
I have changed Small and Territorial to Unempathetic and Injured left ribcage.
I am not sure if that's enough juice, but I know there is some juice in those weaknesses.
Staring Contest Record Log:
  • Staring Contest Wins:
    • Ra'Miirh (x3)
    • Ra'Vishka (x2)
    • Bol'shov Medved
    • Ra'Vican
  • Staring Contest Losses:
    • Ra'Vishka
    • Klaus Gewitter
    • Ra'Zooki
    • Ra'Kaahvu
  • Staring Contest Winning Streaks:
    • Streak 1 (3 wins):
      • Ra'Miirh
    • Streak 2 (3 wins):
      • Ra'Miirh
      • Ra'Vishka
      • Ra'Miirh
    • Streak 3 (2 wins):
    • Bol'shov Medved
    • Ra'Vican
  • Staring Contest Losing Streaks:
    • Streak 1 (2 losses):
      • Ra'Zooki
      • Bol'shov Medved
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- Removed Ra'Jaal's Weight from Visual Information
+ Added Body Build: Athletic
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