Archived Raid Rules For Young Factions

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Mar 15, 2015
Reaction score
In another world
Alright so recently I just made a Faction and it was only a day old .I then got raided by a god armored perm who wanted to make me his slave. then it hit me. we need another raid rule for young factions.

I Believe there should be a raid rule set for the young factions. Such as a 1 week long period for the faction to build and grow before Large factions raid the young faction of everything they have.

I also believe we need this rule so the server can be more friendly to new players that want to start their own factions. It may even benefit the server if they decide to buy Perm because they were not forced to be slaves or give everything away to the attacking faction.

This would improve the atmosphere for new players that they can feel safe to take on the new world and start their own little kindom and grow with their freinds.

I would really love it if you can help out on fine toning the idea in the comments. thank you for reading this post and have a Massive Day!
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
There is already a one month war immunity rule for new factions, there doesn't really need to be another immunity. Tbh, I don't think anyone should ever be completely immune to raiding, as it ruins a large section of the server. If you really don't want to be raided, call some allies, roleplay in regalia, or just surrender. For new factions it's generally extremely cheap, as there's usually only one or two members.
There is already a one month war immunity rule for new factions, there doesn't really need to be another immunity. Tbh, I don't think anyone should ever be completely immune to raiding, as it ruins a large section of the server. If you really don't want to be raided, call some allies, roleplay in regalia, or just surrender. For new factions it's generally extremely cheap, as there's usually only one or two members.

Actually surrendering to a faction that has not declared war is insane. If Mithril raided someone and they surrendered the terms would be around 10k
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Alright so recently I just made a Faction and it was only a day old .I then got raided by a god armored perm who wanted to make me his slave. then it hit me. we need another raid rule for young factions.

I Believe there should be a raid rule set for the young factions. Such as a 1 week long period for the faction to build and grow before Large factions raid the young faction of everything they have.

I also believe we need this rule so the server can be more friendly to new players that want to start their own factions. It may even benefit the server if they decide to buy Perm because they were not forced to be slaves or give everything away to the attacking faction.

This would improve the atmosphere for new players that they can feel safe to take on the new world and start their own little kindom and grow with their freinds.

I would really love it if you can help out on fine toning the idea in the comments. thank you for reading this post and have a Massive Day!

Well, considering that the person that raided you is alone, I don't think one smuck counts as a large faction.

Personally, when starting up you should probably avoid attention, something you've had issues with in the past. Stealth is your friend.
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